Recently Added Authentic Autographs and Memorabilia

Items listed in the order they were added to our site - any category, authentic autographs for sale and signed memorabilia (programs, posters, playbills, etc) - starting with the latest additions at the top of this page.

All items shown below are in stock, all guaranteed authentic autograph photos and memorabilia. Items show the category in which they were listed in.


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  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3934-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1828-1907) and singer, a pupil of Friedrich von Flotow, Camille Saint-Saëns, and Frédéric Chopin. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no dates, where addresses the writer Paul de Saint-Victor (1827-1881), thanking him for his "...mots si bienvieillantes sur mon petit opéra comique et sur moi en général...". In the second letter, she mentions her performance in Lille of her Oratorio "La fille de Jaïre", Prix Rossini in 1880.   Different sizes, length, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1828-1907) and singer, a pupil of Friedrich von Flotow, Camille Saint-Saëns, and Frédéric Chopin. Set of two autograph... read more >
    French composer (1828-1907) and singer, a pupil of Friedrich von Flotow, Camille Saint-Saëns, and Frédéric Chopin. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no dates, where addresses the writer Paul de Saint-Victor (1827-1881), thanking him for his "...mots si bienvieillantes sur mon petit opéra comique et sur moi en général...". In the second letter, she mentions her performance in Lille of her Oratorio "La fille de Jaïre", Prix Rossini in 1880.   Different sizes, length, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1828-1907) and singer, a pupil of...

    $120.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3934-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1828-1907) and singer, a pupil of Friedrich von Flotow, Camille Saint-Saëns, and Frédéric Chopin. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no dates, where addresses the writer Paul de Saint-Victor (1827-1881), thanking him for his "...mots si bienvieillantes sur mon petit opéra comique et sur moi en général...". In the second letter, she mentions her performance in Lille of her Oratorio "La fille de Jaïre", Prix Rossini in 1880.   Different sizes, length, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1828-1907) and singer, a pupil of Friedrich von Flotow, Camille Saint-Saëns, and Frédéric Chopin. Set of two autograph... read more >
    French composer (1828-1907) and singer, a pupil of Friedrich von Flotow, Camille Saint-Saëns, and Frédéric Chopin. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no dates, where addresses the writer Paul de Saint-Victor (1827-1881), thanking him for his "...mots si bienvieillantes sur mon petit opéra comique et sur moi en général...". In the second letter, she mentions her performance in Lille of her Oratorio "La fille de Jaïre", Prix Rossini in 1880.   Different sizes, length, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3954-C6D) - Added on:
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated [1892 ca.]. Letters are addressed to gentlemen, and concern the music composed by Francis Thomé for his work "L’Enfant Jésus, mystère en 5 parties et en vers". We report an extract as a sample: " vous adresse une invitation poiur la répétition générale, en matinée, de ma pièce l'Enfant Jésus (...) nous vous serions obligés de vouloir bien consacrer quelques lignes à notre oeuvre après l'avoir vue...".  Different sizes and lengths, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated [1892... read more >
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated [1892 ca.]. Letters are addressed to gentlemen, and concern the music composed by Francis Thomé for his work "L’Enfant Jésus, mystère en 5 parties et en vers". We report an extract as a sample: " vous adresse une invitation poiur la répétition générale, en matinée, de ma pièce l'Enfant Jésus (...) nous vous serions obligés de vouloir bien consacrer quelques lignes à notre oeuvre après l'avoir vue...".  Different sizes and lengths, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Set of two...

    $80.00 USD

    (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3954-C6D) - Added on:
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated [1892 ca.]. Letters are addressed to gentlemen, and concern the music composed by Francis Thomé for his work "L’Enfant Jésus, mystère en 5 parties et en vers". We report an extract as a sample: " vous adresse une invitation poiur la répétition générale, en matinée, de ma pièce l'Enfant Jésus (...) nous vous serions obligés de vouloir bien consacrer quelques lignes à notre oeuvre après l'avoir vue...".  Different sizes and lengths, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated [1892... read more >
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated [1892 ca.]. Letters are addressed to gentlemen, and concern the music composed by Francis Thomé for his work "L’Enfant Jésus, mystère en 5 parties et en vers". We report an extract as a sample: " vous adresse une invitation poiur la répétition générale, en matinée, de ma pièce l'Enfant Jésus (...) nous vous serions obligés de vouloir bien consacrer quelques lignes à notre oeuvre après l'avoir vue...".  Different sizes and lengths, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in STRING AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3935-C6D) - Added on:
    Belgian violinist and composer (1802-1870), creator of a great amount of violin music, including 10 popular concertos. Fine collection of 5 autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated (but circa 1866). Letters are addressed to a friend and mainly concern upcoming concerts, music lessons arrangements and other matters. We report an extract as a sample: “…Je suis venu vous rendre visite pour vous demander si vous seriez assez aimable pour me prêter votre précieux concours à la soirée que je compte donner chez Erard le 9 Avril prochain? (…) je vous serais obligé de me donner les titres des morceaux que vous désirez chanter…”.   Different sizes and lengths, in very good condition or better.  ALSO INCLUDED is the printed cover of the “4ème Concerto pour piano” Op. 83 signed and inscribed by Beriot. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    Belgian violinist and composer (1802-1870), creator of a great amount of violin music, including 10 popular concertos. Fine collection of... read more >
    Belgian violinist and composer (1802-1870), creator of a great amount of violin music, including 10 popular concertos. Fine collection of 5 autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated (but circa 1866). Letters are addressed to a friend and mainly concern upcoming concerts, music lessons arrangements and other matters. We report an extract as a sample: “…Je suis venu vous rendre visite pour vous demander si vous seriez assez aimable pour me prêter votre précieux concours à la soirée que je compte donner chez Erard le 9 Avril prochain? (…) je vous serais obligé de me donner les titres des morceaux que vous désirez chanter…”.   Different sizes and lengths, in very good condition or better.  ALSO INCLUDED is the printed cover of the “4ème Concerto pour piano” Op. 83 signed and inscribed by Beriot. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    Belgian violinist and composer (1802-1870), creator of a...

    $350.00 USD

    (Listed in STRING AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3935-C6D) - Added on:
    Belgian violinist and composer (1802-1870), creator of a great amount of violin music, including 10 popular concertos. Fine collection of 5 autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated (but circa 1866). Letters are addressed to a friend and mainly concern upcoming concerts, music lessons arrangements and other matters. We report an extract as a sample: “…Je suis venu vous rendre visite pour vous demander si vous seriez assez aimable pour me prêter votre précieux concours à la soirée que je compte donner chez Erard le 9 Avril prochain? (…) je vous serais obligé de me donner les titres des morceaux que vous désirez chanter…”.   Different sizes and lengths, in very good condition or better.  ALSO INCLUDED is the printed cover of the “4ème Concerto pour piano” Op. 83 signed and inscribed by Beriot. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    Belgian violinist and composer (1802-1870), creator of a great amount of violin music, including 10 popular concertos. Fine collection of... read more >
    Belgian violinist and composer (1802-1870), creator of a great amount of violin music, including 10 popular concertos. Fine collection of 5 autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated (but circa 1866). Letters are addressed to a friend and mainly concern upcoming concerts, music lessons arrangements and other matters. We report an extract as a sample: “…Je suis venu vous rendre visite pour vous demander si vous seriez assez aimable pour me prêter votre précieux concours à la soirée que je compte donner chez Erard le 9 Avril prochain? (…) je vous serais obligé de me donner les titres des morceaux que vous désirez chanter…”.   Different sizes and lengths, in very good condition or better.  ALSO INCLUDED is the printed cover of the “4ème Concerto pour piano” Op. 83 signed and inscribed by Beriot. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3933-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1817-1907) and violinist. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1893. Letters are addressed to the critic Johannes Weber (1818-1902), concerning recent mourning and to the journalist Félix Jahyer (1834-1907), thanking him for the article he wrote on his "...modeste petit livre...".  Open size is 8.2 x 5.3 inches each letter, 2 written pages in one folded sheet each letter, folds, some creases, in very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY
    French composer (1817-1907) and violinist. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated... read more >
    French composer (1817-1907) and violinist. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1893. Letters are addressed to the critic Johannes Weber (1818-1902), concerning recent mourning and to the journalist Félix Jahyer (1834-1907), thanking him for the article he wrote on his "...modeste petit livre...".  Open size is 8.2 x 5.3 inches each letter, 2 written pages in one folded sheet each letter, folds, some creases, in very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY
    French composer (1817-1907) and violinist. Set of two...

    $180.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3933-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1817-1907) and violinist. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1893. Letters are addressed to the critic Johannes Weber (1818-1902), concerning recent mourning and to the journalist Félix Jahyer (1834-1907), thanking him for the article he wrote on his "...modeste petit livre...".  Open size is 8.2 x 5.3 inches each letter, 2 written pages in one folded sheet each letter, folds, some creases, in very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY
    French composer (1817-1907) and violinist. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated... read more >
    French composer (1817-1907) and violinist. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1893. Letters are addressed to the critic Johannes Weber (1818-1902), concerning recent mourning and to the journalist Félix Jahyer (1834-1907), thanking him for the article he wrote on his "...modeste petit livre...".  Open size is 8.2 x 5.3 inches each letter, 2 written pages in one folded sheet each letter, folds, some creases, in very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3925-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1843-1880) and conductor. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paramé [Saint-Malo], August 22, [1883],  where he addresses Mr. Maquet, concerning the score of Meyerbeer’s “La Marche du Prophète” for his upcoming concert of the 27th: “…J’ai mis cette marche du Prophète comme dernier morceau à mon grand Concert de Mercredi 27 courant. Concert classique à mon bénéfice (…) Nous avons un énorme succès à Paramé la saison est très très brillante, je suis absolument satisfait…”.  Size is 8.6 x 10.9 inches, 1 page, letterhead from "Bains de Mer de Paramé", overall rust tone, creases, folds, otherwise in very good condition.
    French composer (1843-1880) and conductor. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paramé [Saint-Malo], August 22, [1883], ... read more >
    French composer (1843-1880) and conductor. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paramé [Saint-Malo], August 22, [1883],  where he addresses Mr. Maquet, concerning the score of Meyerbeer’s “La Marche du Prophète” for his upcoming concert of the 27th: “…J’ai mis cette marche du Prophète comme dernier morceau à mon grand Concert de Mercredi 27 courant. Concert classique à mon bénéfice (…) Nous avons un énorme succès à Paramé la saison est très très brillante, je suis absolument satisfait…”.  Size is 8.6 x 10.9 inches, 1 page, letterhead from "Bains de Mer de Paramé", overall rust tone, creases, folds, otherwise in very good condition.
    French composer (1843-1880) and conductor. Autograph letter in...

    $60.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3925-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1843-1880) and conductor. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paramé [Saint-Malo], August 22, [1883],  where he addresses Mr. Maquet, concerning the score of Meyerbeer’s “La Marche du Prophète” for his upcoming concert of the 27th: “…J’ai mis cette marche du Prophète comme dernier morceau à mon grand Concert de Mercredi 27 courant. Concert classique à mon bénéfice (…) Nous avons un énorme succès à Paramé la saison est très très brillante, je suis absolument satisfait…”.  Size is 8.6 x 10.9 inches, 1 page, letterhead from "Bains de Mer de Paramé", overall rust tone, creases, folds, otherwise in very good condition.
    French composer (1843-1880) and conductor. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paramé [Saint-Malo], August 22, [1883], ... read more >
    French composer (1843-1880) and conductor. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paramé [Saint-Malo], August 22, [1883],  where he addresses Mr. Maquet, concerning the score of Meyerbeer’s “La Marche du Prophète” for his upcoming concert of the 27th: “…J’ai mis cette marche du Prophète comme dernier morceau à mon grand Concert de Mercredi 27 courant. Concert classique à mon bénéfice (…) Nous avons un énorme succès à Paramé la saison est très très brillante, je suis absolument satisfait…”.  Size is 8.6 x 10.9 inches, 1 page, letterhead from "Bains de Mer de Paramé", overall rust tone, creases, folds, otherwise in very good condition.
  • (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3959-C6D) - Added on:
    French writer (1841-1909), author of many librettos and music poems for composers such as Reynaldo Hahn, Georges Bizet, Ignacy Paderewski, Andre Messager, and others. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated [but circa 1890], addressed to a gentleman, recommending Mademoiselle Léonie Dupont, who is taking the entrance exam for singing at the Conservatoire.  Open size is 10.7 x 8.3 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead from "Echo de Paris", creases, in overall very good condition.
    French writer (1841-1909), author of many librettos and music poems for composers such as Reynaldo Hahn, Georges Bizet, Ignacy Paderewski,... read more >
    French writer (1841-1909), author of many librettos and music poems for composers such as Reynaldo Hahn, Georges Bizet, Ignacy Paderewski, Andre Messager, and others. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated [but circa 1890], addressed to a gentleman, recommending Mademoiselle Léonie Dupont, who is taking the entrance exam for singing at the Conservatoire.  Open size is 10.7 x 8.3 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead from "Echo de Paris", creases, in overall very good condition.
    French writer (1841-1909), author of many librettos and...

    $120.00 USD

    (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3959-C6D) - Added on:
    French writer (1841-1909), author of many librettos and music poems for composers such as Reynaldo Hahn, Georges Bizet, Ignacy Paderewski, Andre Messager, and others. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated [but circa 1890], addressed to a gentleman, recommending Mademoiselle Léonie Dupont, who is taking the entrance exam for singing at the Conservatoire.  Open size is 10.7 x 8.3 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead from "Echo de Paris", creases, in overall very good condition.
    French writer (1841-1909), author of many librettos and music poems for composers such as Reynaldo Hahn, Georges Bizet, Ignacy Paderewski,... read more >
    French writer (1841-1909), author of many librettos and music poems for composers such as Reynaldo Hahn, Georges Bizet, Ignacy Paderewski, Andre Messager, and others. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated [but circa 1890], addressed to a gentleman, recommending Mademoiselle Léonie Dupont, who is taking the entrance exam for singing at the Conservatoire.  Open size is 10.7 x 8.3 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead from "Echo de Paris", creases, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3929-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1859-1923), conductor, and Instrumental Ensemble teacher at the Conservatoire. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, February 10, 1921, to a gentleman: “…Êtant, moi-même, professeur au Conservatoire, il ne m’est pas possible, vous le comprendrez, de vous donner ma opinion sur son fonctionnement…”. Open size is 10.7 x 8.4 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead from "Association des Concerts Lamoureux", folds, few creases, in very good condition.
    French composer (1859-1923), conductor, and Instrumental Ensemble teacher at the Conservatoire. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated... read more >
    French composer (1859-1923), conductor, and Instrumental Ensemble teacher at the Conservatoire. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, February 10, 1921, to a gentleman: “…Êtant, moi-même, professeur au Conservatoire, il ne m’est pas possible, vous le comprendrez, de vous donner ma opinion sur son fonctionnement…”. Open size is 10.7 x 8.4 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead from "Association des Concerts Lamoureux", folds, few creases, in very good condition.
    French composer (1859-1923), conductor, and Instrumental Ensemble teacher...

    $80.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3929-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1859-1923), conductor, and Instrumental Ensemble teacher at the Conservatoire. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, February 10, 1921, to a gentleman: “…Êtant, moi-même, professeur au Conservatoire, il ne m’est pas possible, vous le comprendrez, de vous donner ma opinion sur son fonctionnement…”. Open size is 10.7 x 8.4 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead from "Association des Concerts Lamoureux", folds, few creases, in very good condition.
    French composer (1859-1923), conductor, and Instrumental Ensemble teacher at the Conservatoire. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated... read more >
    French composer (1859-1923), conductor, and Instrumental Ensemble teacher at the Conservatoire. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, February 10, 1921, to a gentleman: “…Êtant, moi-même, professeur au Conservatoire, il ne m’est pas possible, vous le comprendrez, de vous donner ma opinion sur son fonctionnement…”. Open size is 10.7 x 8.4 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead from "Association des Concerts Lamoureux", folds, few creases, in very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3950-C6D) - Added on:
    French musician (1839-1892) and journalist. Collection of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1873. Letters are addressed to Mr. Bertrand and the new director of the Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin Henri Larochelle (1826-1884) concerning theater evenings, books' lending, and the recommendation for a young orphan girl in Brest. Different sizes, lengths, in very good condition or better (see scans provided). SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French musician (1839-1892) and journalist. Collection of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated... read more >
    French musician (1839-1892) and journalist. Collection of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1873. Letters are addressed to Mr. Bertrand and the new director of the Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin Henri Larochelle (1826-1884) concerning theater evenings, books' lending, and the recommendation for a young orphan girl in Brest. Different sizes, lengths, in very good condition or better (see scans provided). SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French musician (1839-1892) and journalist. Collection of three...

    $120.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3950-C6D) - Added on:
    French musician (1839-1892) and journalist. Collection of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1873. Letters are addressed to Mr. Bertrand and the new director of the Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin Henri Larochelle (1826-1884) concerning theater evenings, books' lending, and the recommendation for a young orphan girl in Brest. Different sizes, lengths, in very good condition or better (see scans provided). SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French musician (1839-1892) and journalist. Collection of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated... read more >
    French musician (1839-1892) and journalist. Collection of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1873. Letters are addressed to Mr. Bertrand and the new director of the Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin Henri Larochelle (1826-1884) concerning theater evenings, books' lending, and the recommendation for a young orphan girl in Brest. Different sizes, lengths, in very good condition or better (see scans provided). SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3020-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit songs including "Le Pardon" and "Dormez" and the famous Leçon de valse du petit François (1834) sung in cabarets for over a century and two opéras. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1835, where he addresses two gentlemen, concerning an invitation to dinner and a discussion on some property rights over a house in Romainville. Open size is 10.8 x 8.2 inches each one, two written pages and one written page, folds, creases, some missing corners, in overall very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit songs including "Le Pardon" and "Dormez" and the famous Leçon de valse... read more >
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit songs including "Le Pardon" and "Dormez" and the famous Leçon de valse du petit François (1834) sung in cabarets for over a century and two opéras. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1835, where he addresses two gentlemen, concerning an invitation to dinner and a discussion on some property rights over a house in Romainville. Open size is 10.8 x 8.2 inches each one, two written pages and one written page, folds, creases, some missing corners, in overall very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit...

    $125.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3020-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit songs including "Le Pardon" and "Dormez" and the famous Leçon de valse du petit François (1834) sung in cabarets for over a century and two opéras. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1835, where he addresses two gentlemen, concerning an invitation to dinner and a discussion on some property rights over a house in Romainville. Open size is 10.8 x 8.2 inches each one, two written pages and one written page, folds, creases, some missing corners, in overall very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit songs including "Le Pardon" and "Dormez" and the famous Leçon de valse... read more >
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit songs including "Le Pardon" and "Dormez" and the famous Leçon de valse du petit François (1834) sung in cabarets for over a century and two opéras. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1835, where he addresses two gentlemen, concerning an invitation to dinner and a discussion on some property rights over a house in Romainville. Open size is 10.8 x 8.2 inches each one, two written pages and one written page, folds, creases, some missing corners, in overall very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3921-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit songs including "Le Pardon" and "Dormez" and the famous Leçon de valse du petit François (1834) sung in cabarets for over a century and two opéras. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Paris, February 7, 1878, addressed to the director of the Théâtre de l'Odéon Félix Duquesnel (1832-1915), concerning the pupil Firmin Delille: "...ancien élève de [Pierre-François] Beauvallet, désire obtenir une audition à l'Odéon...". At the fourth page, autograph note by Delille concerning de Beauplan.  Open size is 10.6 x 8.3 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead from "Ministère de L'Instruction", folds, creases, dirt stains, in overall good condition.
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit songs including "Le Pardon" and "Dormez" and the famous Leçon de valse... read more >
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit songs including "Le Pardon" and "Dormez" and the famous Leçon de valse du petit François (1834) sung in cabarets for over a century and two opéras. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Paris, February 7, 1878, addressed to the director of the Théâtre de l'Odéon Félix Duquesnel (1832-1915), concerning the pupil Firmin Delille: "...ancien élève de [Pierre-François] Beauvallet, désire obtenir une audition à l'Odéon...". At the fourth page, autograph note by Delille concerning de Beauplan.  Open size is 10.6 x 8.3 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead from "Ministère de L'Instruction", folds, creases, dirt stains, in overall good condition.
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit...

    $50.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3921-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit songs including "Le Pardon" and "Dormez" and the famous Leçon de valse du petit François (1834) sung in cabarets for over a century and two opéras. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Paris, February 7, 1878, addressed to the director of the Théâtre de l'Odéon Félix Duquesnel (1832-1915), concerning the pupil Firmin Delille: "...ancien élève de [Pierre-François] Beauvallet, désire obtenir une audition à l'Odéon...". At the fourth page, autograph note by Delille concerning de Beauplan.  Open size is 10.6 x 8.3 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead from "Ministère de L'Instruction", folds, creases, dirt stains, in overall good condition.
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit songs including "Le Pardon" and "Dormez" and the famous Leçon de valse... read more >
    French composer (1790-1853) and dramatist, author of hit songs including "Le Pardon" and "Dormez" and the famous Leçon de valse du petit François (1834) sung in cabarets for over a century and two opéras. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Paris, February 7, 1878, addressed to the director of the Théâtre de l'Odéon Félix Duquesnel (1832-1915), concerning the pupil Firmin Delille: "...ancien élève de [Pierre-François] Beauvallet, désire obtenir une audition à l'Odéon...". At the fourth page, autograph note by Delille concerning de Beauplan.  Open size is 10.6 x 8.3 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead from "Ministère de L'Instruction", folds, creases, dirt stains, in overall good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3953-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 24, no year indicated, addressed to the French conductor and composer Henri Defossé (1883-1956), conductor at the Opéra: “…Excusez ce retard à vous remercier pour le grand plaisir que vous m’avez fait, en nous donnant à ma femme et à moi l’occasion de voir et entendre ce ‘Boris Godounoff’ qui contient du génial à coté de certaines pages qui n’ont pas l’air d’être du même auteur (…) ce que je n’ai pas manqué de remarquer c’est votre façon de diriger, c’est clair, précis, souple et élégant…”  Size is 6.5 x 4.9 inches, 1 written page, folds, creases, dirt stains, jagged edges, in very good condition.
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 24, no year indicated, addressed... read more >
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 24, no year indicated, addressed to the French conductor and composer Henri Defossé (1883-1956), conductor at the Opéra: “…Excusez ce retard à vous remercier pour le grand plaisir que vous m’avez fait, en nous donnant à ma femme et à moi l’occasion de voir et entendre ce ‘Boris Godounoff’ qui contient du génial à coté de certaines pages qui n’ont pas l’air d’être du même auteur (…) ce que je n’ai pas manqué de remarquer c’est votre façon de diriger, c’est clair, précis, souple et élégant…”  Size is 6.5 x 4.9 inches, 1 written page, folds, creases, dirt stains, jagged edges, in very good condition.
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in...

    $80.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3953-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 24, no year indicated, addressed to the French conductor and composer Henri Defossé (1883-1956), conductor at the Opéra: “…Excusez ce retard à vous remercier pour le grand plaisir que vous m’avez fait, en nous donnant à ma femme et à moi l’occasion de voir et entendre ce ‘Boris Godounoff’ qui contient du génial à coté de certaines pages qui n’ont pas l’air d’être du même auteur (…) ce que je n’ai pas manqué de remarquer c’est votre façon de diriger, c’est clair, précis, souple et élégant…”  Size is 6.5 x 4.9 inches, 1 written page, folds, creases, dirt stains, jagged edges, in very good condition.
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 24, no year indicated, addressed... read more >
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 24, no year indicated, addressed to the French conductor and composer Henri Defossé (1883-1956), conductor at the Opéra: “…Excusez ce retard à vous remercier pour le grand plaisir que vous m’avez fait, en nous donnant à ma femme et à moi l’occasion de voir et entendre ce ‘Boris Godounoff’ qui contient du génial à coté de certaines pages qui n’ont pas l’air d’être du même auteur (…) ce que je n’ai pas manqué de remarquer c’est votre façon de diriger, c’est clair, précis, souple et élégant…”  Size is 6.5 x 4.9 inches, 1 written page, folds, creases, dirt stains, jagged edges, in very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3945-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, postmarked February 18, 1905, addressed to the poet and sculptor Georges Tattegrain (1845-1916), concerning a work in collaboration with the poet: “…Je travaille beaucoup notre cathédrale et je me fais un plaisir de vous annoncer que surtout depuis hier soir, je suis dans une très bonne vein de travail….si rien ne m’arrête, j’ai la confiances la plus complète dans la réussite de notre oeuvre…”. Size is 4.8 x 6.1 inches, 1 written page, folds, creases, jagged edges, in overall good condition.
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, postmarked February 18, 1905, addressed to the... read more >
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, postmarked February 18, 1905, addressed to the poet and sculptor Georges Tattegrain (1845-1916), concerning a work in collaboration with the poet: “…Je travaille beaucoup notre cathédrale et je me fais un plaisir de vous annoncer que surtout depuis hier soir, je suis dans une très bonne vein de travail….si rien ne m’arrête, j’ai la confiances la plus complète dans la réussite de notre oeuvre…”. Size is 4.8 x 6.1 inches, 1 written page, folds, creases, jagged edges, in overall good condition.
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in...

    $80.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3945-C6D) - Added on:
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, postmarked February 18, 1905, addressed to the poet and sculptor Georges Tattegrain (1845-1916), concerning a work in collaboration with the poet: “…Je travaille beaucoup notre cathédrale et je me fais un plaisir de vous annoncer que surtout depuis hier soir, je suis dans une très bonne vein de travail….si rien ne m’arrête, j’ai la confiances la plus complète dans la réussite de notre oeuvre…”. Size is 4.8 x 6.1 inches, 1 written page, folds, creases, jagged edges, in overall good condition.
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, postmarked February 18, 1905, addressed to the... read more >
    French composer (1850-1938) and organist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, postmarked February 18, 1905, addressed to the poet and sculptor Georges Tattegrain (1845-1916), concerning a work in collaboration with the poet: “…Je travaille beaucoup notre cathédrale et je me fais un plaisir de vous annoncer que surtout depuis hier soir, je suis dans une très bonne vein de travail….si rien ne m’arrête, j’ai la confiances la plus complète dans la réussite de notre oeuvre…”. Size is 4.8 x 6.1 inches, 1 written page, folds, creases, jagged edges, in overall good condition.

    (Item #: K3927-C6D) - Added on:
    Program for an all-Chopin recital by the Russian-born French pianist at Théâtre National du Palais de Chaillot, Paris, on October 17, 1952, signed by him in his photo page. Size is 7.7 x 11.5 inches, 12 pages, in excellent condition.
    Program for an all-Chopin recital by the Russian-born French pianist at Théâtre National du Palais de Chaillot, Paris, on October... read more >
    Program for an all-Chopin recital by the Russian-born French pianist at Théâtre National du Palais de Chaillot, Paris, on October 17, 1952, signed by him in his photo page. Size is 7.7 x 11.5 inches, 12 pages, in excellent condition.
    Program for an all-Chopin recital by the Russian-born...

    $180.00 USD


    (Item #: K3927-C6D) - Added on:
    Program for an all-Chopin recital by the Russian-born French pianist at Théâtre National du Palais de Chaillot, Paris, on October 17, 1952, signed by him in his photo page. Size is 7.7 x 11.5 inches, 12 pages, in excellent condition.
    Program for an all-Chopin recital by the Russian-born French pianist at Théâtre National du Palais de Chaillot, Paris, on October... read more >
    Program for an all-Chopin recital by the Russian-born French pianist at Théâtre National du Palais de Chaillot, Paris, on October 17, 1952, signed by him in his photo page. Size is 7.7 x 11.5 inches, 12 pages, in excellent condition.
  • (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3957-C6D) - Added on:
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many songs for cinema, including the movie "Tossing Ship" (1932) and "Passionnément" with music by André Messager. Typed letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, December 6, 1929, addressed to the composer and conductor Gustave Goublier (1856-1926), attaching a typed copy of a letter by the lyricist Charles-Louis Pothier (1881-1962), that caused him some astonishment. Size is 8.4 x 10.7 inches, 1 page, letterhead from Theatre des Bouffles Parisiens, folds, creases, in very good condition. We report a sample of the letter by Pothier: "...J'apprends par Benjamin Rabier que Monsieur Goublier vous aurait demandé à faire la musique de l'opérette "LES FAUCHES DE L'AMOUR". Il est malheureusement un peu trop tard. Voici pourquoi: Monsieur Goublier lut, il y a environ deux ans, le scénario des "FAUCHES DE L'AMOUR" (...) Il cessa de s'intéresser à l'affaire et dit à Rabier que cette pièce ne l'emballait plus (...) Croyant bien que l'affaire n'intéressait plus Monsieur Goublier, je proposai à un musicien qui l'accepta. Il m'est donc impossible de reprendre maintenant ce livret à un musicien envers qui je suis engagé...". 
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many songs for cinema, including the movie "Tossing Ship" (1932) and "Passionnément" with... read more >
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many songs for cinema, including the movie "Tossing Ship" (1932) and "Passionnément" with music by André Messager. Typed letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, December 6, 1929, addressed to the composer and conductor Gustave Goublier (1856-1926), attaching a typed copy of a letter by the lyricist Charles-Louis Pothier (1881-1962), that caused him some astonishment. Size is 8.4 x 10.7 inches, 1 page, letterhead from Theatre des Bouffles Parisiens, folds, creases, in very good condition. We report a sample of the letter by Pothier: "...J'apprends par Benjamin Rabier que Monsieur Goublier vous aurait demandé à faire la musique de l'opérette "LES FAUCHES DE L'AMOUR". Il est malheureusement un peu trop tard. Voici pourquoi: Monsieur Goublier lut, il y a environ deux ans, le scénario des "FAUCHES DE L'AMOUR" (...) Il cessa de s'intéresser à l'affaire et dit à Rabier que cette pièce ne l'emballait plus (...) Croyant bien que l'affaire n'intéressait plus Monsieur Goublier, je proposai à un musicien qui l'accepta. Il m'est donc impossible de reprendre maintenant ce livret à un musicien envers qui je suis engagé...". 
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many...

    $60.00 USD

    (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3957-C6D) - Added on:
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many songs for cinema, including the movie "Tossing Ship" (1932) and "Passionnément" with music by André Messager. Typed letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, December 6, 1929, addressed to the composer and conductor Gustave Goublier (1856-1926), attaching a typed copy of a letter by the lyricist Charles-Louis Pothier (1881-1962), that caused him some astonishment. Size is 8.4 x 10.7 inches, 1 page, letterhead from Theatre des Bouffles Parisiens, folds, creases, in very good condition. We report a sample of the letter by Pothier: "...J'apprends par Benjamin Rabier que Monsieur Goublier vous aurait demandé à faire la musique de l'opérette "LES FAUCHES DE L'AMOUR". Il est malheureusement un peu trop tard. Voici pourquoi: Monsieur Goublier lut, il y a environ deux ans, le scénario des "FAUCHES DE L'AMOUR" (...) Il cessa de s'intéresser à l'affaire et dit à Rabier que cette pièce ne l'emballait plus (...) Croyant bien que l'affaire n'intéressait plus Monsieur Goublier, je proposai à un musicien qui l'accepta. Il m'est donc impossible de reprendre maintenant ce livret à un musicien envers qui je suis engagé...". 
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many songs for cinema, including the movie "Tossing Ship" (1932) and "Passionnément" with... read more >
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many songs for cinema, including the movie "Tossing Ship" (1932) and "Passionnément" with music by André Messager. Typed letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, December 6, 1929, addressed to the composer and conductor Gustave Goublier (1856-1926), attaching a typed copy of a letter by the lyricist Charles-Louis Pothier (1881-1962), that caused him some astonishment. Size is 8.4 x 10.7 inches, 1 page, letterhead from Theatre des Bouffles Parisiens, folds, creases, in very good condition. We report a sample of the letter by Pothier: "...J'apprends par Benjamin Rabier que Monsieur Goublier vous aurait demandé à faire la musique de l'opérette "LES FAUCHES DE L'AMOUR". Il est malheureusement un peu trop tard. Voici pourquoi: Monsieur Goublier lut, il y a environ deux ans, le scénario des "FAUCHES DE L'AMOUR" (...) Il cessa de s'intéresser à l'affaire et dit à Rabier que cette pièce ne l'emballait plus (...) Croyant bien que l'affaire n'intéressait plus Monsieur Goublier, je proposai à un musicien qui l'accepta. Il m'est donc impossible de reprendre maintenant ce livret à un musicien envers qui je suis engagé...". 
  • (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3958-C6D) - Added on:
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many songs for cinema, including the movie "Tossing Ship" (1932) and "Passionnément" with music by André Messager. Set of three typed letters in French (untranslated) signed by him with autograph additions, both dated 1932, addressed to Alfred Bloch of the Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques concerning the Italian distribution and the sale to Paramount of his work for the movie "Passionnément". Size is 8.4 x 10.8 inches each one, different lengths, all with letterhead from "Theatre des Bouffes Parisiens" in each one,  some creases and stains, in overall very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many songs for cinema, including the movie "Tossing Ship" (1932) and "Passionnément" with... read more >
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many songs for cinema, including the movie "Tossing Ship" (1932) and "Passionnément" with music by André Messager. Set of three typed letters in French (untranslated) signed by him with autograph additions, both dated 1932, addressed to Alfred Bloch of the Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques concerning the Italian distribution and the sale to Paramount of his work for the movie "Passionnément". Size is 8.4 x 10.8 inches each one, different lengths, all with letterhead from "Theatre des Bouffes Parisiens" in each one,  some creases and stains, in overall very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many...

    $90.00 USD

    (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3958-C6D) - Added on:
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many songs for cinema, including the movie "Tossing Ship" (1932) and "Passionnément" with music by André Messager. Set of three typed letters in French (untranslated) signed by him with autograph additions, both dated 1932, addressed to Alfred Bloch of the Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques concerning the Italian distribution and the sale to Paramount of his work for the movie "Passionnément". Size is 8.4 x 10.8 inches each one, different lengths, all with letterhead from "Theatre des Bouffes Parisiens" in each one,  some creases and stains, in overall very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many songs for cinema, including the movie "Tossing Ship" (1932) and "Passionnément" with... read more >
    French librettist and lyricist (1887-1964), author of many songs for cinema, including the movie "Tossing Ship" (1932) and "Passionnément" with music by André Messager. Set of three typed letters in French (untranslated) signed by him with autograph additions, both dated 1932, addressed to Alfred Bloch of the Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques concerning the Italian distribution and the sale to Paramount of his work for the movie "Passionnément". Size is 8.4 x 10.8 inches each one, different lengths, all with letterhead from "Theatre des Bouffes Parisiens" in each one,  some creases and stains, in overall very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in STRING AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3943-C6D) - Added on:
    French violinist (1863-1916). Lot of five autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1899 and 1900. Letters are addressed to musicians such as Mademoiselle Blanchard and concern rehearsals of music pieces of Joachim Raff and Mozart, upcoming trips, and other private matters.  Different sizes, lengths, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French violinist (1863-1916). Lot of five autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1899 and 1900. Letters... read more >
    French violinist (1863-1916). Lot of five autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1899 and 1900. Letters are addressed to musicians such as Mademoiselle Blanchard and concern rehearsals of music pieces of Joachim Raff and Mozart, upcoming trips, and other private matters.  Different sizes, lengths, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French violinist (1863-1916). Lot of five autograph letters...

    $300.00 USD

    (Listed in STRING AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3943-C6D) - Added on:
    French violinist (1863-1916). Lot of five autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1899 and 1900. Letters are addressed to musicians such as Mademoiselle Blanchard and concern rehearsals of music pieces of Joachim Raff and Mozart, upcoming trips, and other private matters.  Different sizes, lengths, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French violinist (1863-1916). Lot of five autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1899 and 1900. Letters... read more >
    French violinist (1863-1916). Lot of five autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1899 and 1900. Letters are addressed to musicians such as Mademoiselle Blanchard and concern rehearsals of music pieces of Joachim Raff and Mozart, upcoming trips, and other private matters.  Different sizes, lengths, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in STRING AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3937-C6D) - Added on:
    French violinist (1827-1904) and painter. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, December 26, 1895, addressed to the bibliophile and collector Victor Déséglise, accepting an invitation. Size is 4.6 x 7 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), original envelope included, in overall very good condition.  ALSO INCLUDED is an autograph typed letter signed, dated Paris le 13 Mai 1903, below a typed letter by Robert Desmarres (1869-1946), nephew of the painter Tony-Robert Fleury, addressed to Déséglise for a “Concert au bénéfice d’un artiste musicien”. Desmarres adds at the end of the typed letter: “…En qualité d’ami personnel de Monsieur Achille Dien permettez moi, Monsieur, de dévoiler l’annonce de cette lettre…”. Original envelope and a visiting card with autograph lines by Desmarres ARE INCLUDED as well. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French violinist (1827-1904) and painter. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, December 26, 1895, addressed... read more >
    French violinist (1827-1904) and painter. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, December 26, 1895, addressed to the bibliophile and collector Victor Déséglise, accepting an invitation. Size is 4.6 x 7 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), original envelope included, in overall very good condition.  ALSO INCLUDED is an autograph typed letter signed, dated Paris le 13 Mai 1903, below a typed letter by Robert Desmarres (1869-1946), nephew of the painter Tony-Robert Fleury, addressed to Déséglise for a “Concert au bénéfice d’un artiste musicien”. Desmarres adds at the end of the typed letter: “…En qualité d’ami personnel de Monsieur Achille Dien permettez moi, Monsieur, de dévoiler l’annonce de cette lettre…”. Original envelope and a visiting card with autograph lines by Desmarres ARE INCLUDED as well. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French violinist (1827-1904) and painter. Autograph letter in...

    $90.00 USD

    (Listed in STRING AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3937-C6D) - Added on:
    French violinist (1827-1904) and painter. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, December 26, 1895, addressed to the bibliophile and collector Victor Déséglise, accepting an invitation. Size is 4.6 x 7 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), original envelope included, in overall very good condition.  ALSO INCLUDED is an autograph typed letter signed, dated Paris le 13 Mai 1903, below a typed letter by Robert Desmarres (1869-1946), nephew of the painter Tony-Robert Fleury, addressed to Déséglise for a “Concert au bénéfice d’un artiste musicien”. Desmarres adds at the end of the typed letter: “…En qualité d’ami personnel de Monsieur Achille Dien permettez moi, Monsieur, de dévoiler l’annonce de cette lettre…”. Original envelope and a visiting card with autograph lines by Desmarres ARE INCLUDED as well. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French violinist (1827-1904) and painter. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, December 26, 1895, addressed... read more >
    French violinist (1827-1904) and painter. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, December 26, 1895, addressed to the bibliophile and collector Victor Déséglise, accepting an invitation. Size is 4.6 x 7 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), original envelope included, in overall very good condition.  ALSO INCLUDED is an autograph typed letter signed, dated Paris le 13 Mai 1903, below a typed letter by Robert Desmarres (1869-1946), nephew of the painter Tony-Robert Fleury, addressed to Déséglise for a “Concert au bénéfice d’un artiste musicien”. Desmarres adds at the end of the typed letter: “…En qualité d’ami personnel de Monsieur Achille Dien permettez moi, Monsieur, de dévoiler l’annonce de cette lettre…”. Original envelope and a visiting card with autograph lines by Desmarres ARE INCLUDED as well. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3889-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Beautiful autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Boffres, August 31, 1917, addressed to the Belgian violinist Armand Parent (1863-1934), concerning common mistakes in the dates of Beethoven’s music works, sending him a chronology: “…D’abord, il ne faut jamais se fier, pour fixer la date d’une composition, surtout chez Beethoven, au N° d’oeuvre, mis n’importe comment par un éditeur. Ainsi pour la sonate de piano, l’op. 49 est de 1792, très antérieur à l’op. 2 qui est de 1796; de même la sonate Appassionata qui porte le N° 57, est antérieure comme composition à l’op 53, connue sous le nom de L’Aurore….”. At the end of the letter, d’Indy evokes the work he is attending to: “…Je viens de terminer ma IIIe symphonie, l’esquisse s’entend… et je commence l’instrumentation qui m’amuse énormément, mais je ne pourrai achever celle-ci cette année, ce sera pour les vacances prochaines…”. Open size is 8.8 x 7 inches, 4 written pages in one folded sheet, some folds, few creases, in overall very good condition.
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still... read more >
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Beautiful autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Boffres, August 31, 1917, addressed to the Belgian violinist Armand Parent (1863-1934), concerning common mistakes in the dates of Beethoven’s music works, sending him a chronology: “…D’abord, il ne faut jamais se fier, pour fixer la date d’une composition, surtout chez Beethoven, au N° d’oeuvre, mis n’importe comment par un éditeur. Ainsi pour la sonate de piano, l’op. 49 est de 1792, très antérieur à l’op. 2 qui est de 1796; de même la sonate Appassionata qui porte le N° 57, est antérieure comme composition à l’op 53, connue sous le nom de L’Aurore….”. At the end of the letter, d’Indy evokes the work he is attending to: “…Je viens de terminer ma IIIe symphonie, l’esquisse s’entend… et je commence l’instrumentation qui m’amuse énormément, mais je ne pourrai achever celle-ci cette année, ce sera pour les vacances prochaines…”. Open size is 8.8 x 7 inches, 4 written pages in one folded sheet, some folds, few creases, in overall very good condition.
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the...

    $400.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3889-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Beautiful autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Boffres, August 31, 1917, addressed to the Belgian violinist Armand Parent (1863-1934), concerning common mistakes in the dates of Beethoven’s music works, sending him a chronology: “…D’abord, il ne faut jamais se fier, pour fixer la date d’une composition, surtout chez Beethoven, au N° d’oeuvre, mis n’importe comment par un éditeur. Ainsi pour la sonate de piano, l’op. 49 est de 1792, très antérieur à l’op. 2 qui est de 1796; de même la sonate Appassionata qui porte le N° 57, est antérieure comme composition à l’op 53, connue sous le nom de L’Aurore….”. At the end of the letter, d’Indy evokes the work he is attending to: “…Je viens de terminer ma IIIe symphonie, l’esquisse s’entend… et je commence l’instrumentation qui m’amuse énormément, mais je ne pourrai achever celle-ci cette année, ce sera pour les vacances prochaines…”. Open size is 8.8 x 7 inches, 4 written pages in one folded sheet, some folds, few creases, in overall very good condition.
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still... read more >
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Beautiful autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Boffres, August 31, 1917, addressed to the Belgian violinist Armand Parent (1863-1934), concerning common mistakes in the dates of Beethoven’s music works, sending him a chronology: “…D’abord, il ne faut jamais se fier, pour fixer la date d’une composition, surtout chez Beethoven, au N° d’oeuvre, mis n’importe comment par un éditeur. Ainsi pour la sonate de piano, l’op. 49 est de 1792, très antérieur à l’op. 2 qui est de 1796; de même la sonate Appassionata qui porte le N° 57, est antérieure comme composition à l’op 53, connue sous le nom de L’Aurore….”. At the end of the letter, d’Indy evokes the work he is attending to: “…Je viens de terminer ma IIIe symphonie, l’esquisse s’entend… et je commence l’instrumentation qui m’amuse énormément, mais je ne pourrai achever celle-ci cette année, ce sera pour les vacances prochaines…”. Open size is 8.8 x 7 inches, 4 written pages in one folded sheet, some folds, few creases, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3908-C6C) - Added on:
    German composer and conductor (1869-1930), son of Richard Wagner, and artistic director of the Bayreuth Festival from 1908 to 1930. Autograph note in French (untranslated) on a postcard signed by him depicting Wahnfried Villa in Bayreuth, dated in [Bayreuth], December 27, 1927, addressed to the composer and organist Amedée de Montrichard (1872-1949):  “…Une British American Theatre Agency , rue d. l. Madeleine m’engage pour deux concerts à Paris. Connaissez-vous cette agence? Est-elle bonne? One ne sait jamais dans nos temps de charlatans…”. Size is 3.6 x 5.6 inches, some smudges over the ink writing, otherwise in excellent condition.
    German composer and conductor (1869-1930), son of Richard Wagner, and artistic director of the Bayreuth Festival from 1908 to 1930.... read more >
    German composer and conductor (1869-1930), son of Richard Wagner, and artistic director of the Bayreuth Festival from 1908 to 1930. Autograph note in French (untranslated) on a postcard signed by him depicting Wahnfried Villa in Bayreuth, dated in [Bayreuth], December 27, 1927, addressed to the composer and organist Amedée de Montrichard (1872-1949):  “…Une British American Theatre Agency , rue d. l. Madeleine m’engage pour deux concerts à Paris. Connaissez-vous cette agence? Est-elle bonne? One ne sait jamais dans nos temps de charlatans…”. Size is 3.6 x 5.6 inches, some smudges over the ink writing, otherwise in excellent condition.
    German composer and conductor (1869-1930), son of Richard...

    $200.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3908-C6C) - Added on:
    German composer and conductor (1869-1930), son of Richard Wagner, and artistic director of the Bayreuth Festival from 1908 to 1930. Autograph note in French (untranslated) on a postcard signed by him depicting Wahnfried Villa in Bayreuth, dated in [Bayreuth], December 27, 1927, addressed to the composer and organist Amedée de Montrichard (1872-1949):  “…Une British American Theatre Agency , rue d. l. Madeleine m’engage pour deux concerts à Paris. Connaissez-vous cette agence? Est-elle bonne? One ne sait jamais dans nos temps de charlatans…”. Size is 3.6 x 5.6 inches, some smudges over the ink writing, otherwise in excellent condition.
    German composer and conductor (1869-1930), son of Richard Wagner, and artistic director of the Bayreuth Festival from 1908 to 1930.... read more >
    German composer and conductor (1869-1930), son of Richard Wagner, and artistic director of the Bayreuth Festival from 1908 to 1930. Autograph note in French (untranslated) on a postcard signed by him depicting Wahnfried Villa in Bayreuth, dated in [Bayreuth], December 27, 1927, addressed to the composer and organist Amedée de Montrichard (1872-1949):  “…Une British American Theatre Agency , rue d. l. Madeleine m’engage pour deux concerts à Paris. Connaissez-vous cette agence? Est-elle bonne? One ne sait jamais dans nos temps de charlatans…”. Size is 3.6 x 5.6 inches, some smudges over the ink writing, otherwise in excellent condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3880-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1791-1873). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no year indicated, addressed the composer and harpist Léon Gatayes (1805-1877): “…j’ignore encore au moment où je vous écris, à quelle heure on exécutera mes compositions et j’ignore même si l’audition projetée aura lieu (demain pour mon sextuor) car on parle d’une répétition à l’opéra…”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.1 inches, 1 written page, folds, in overall excellent condition.
    French composer (1791-1873). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no year indicated, addressed the composer and harpist Léon... read more >
    French composer (1791-1873). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no year indicated, addressed the composer and harpist Léon Gatayes (1805-1877): “…j’ignore encore au moment où je vous écris, à quelle heure on exécutera mes compositions et j’ignore même si l’audition projetée aura lieu (demain pour mon sextuor) car on parle d’une répétition à l’opéra…”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.1 inches, 1 written page, folds, in overall excellent condition.
    French composer (1791-1873). Autograph letter in French (untranslated)...

    $70.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3880-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1791-1873). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no year indicated, addressed the composer and harpist Léon Gatayes (1805-1877): “…j’ignore encore au moment où je vous écris, à quelle heure on exécutera mes compositions et j’ignore même si l’audition projetée aura lieu (demain pour mon sextuor) car on parle d’une répétition à l’opéra…”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.1 inches, 1 written page, folds, in overall excellent condition.
    French composer (1791-1873). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no year indicated, addressed the composer and harpist Léon... read more >
    French composer (1791-1873). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no year indicated, addressed the composer and harpist Léon Gatayes (1805-1877): “…j’ignore encore au moment où je vous écris, à quelle heure on exécutera mes compositions et j’ignore même si l’audition projetée aura lieu (demain pour mon sextuor) car on parle d’une répétition à l’opéra…”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.1 inches, 1 written page, folds, in overall excellent condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3903-C6C) - Added on:
    Austrian composer (1864-1916), known as the king of the slow waltz, whose works were performed at the Opéra Comique, the cafe-concert, and the saloon. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 17, 1883, addressed to Mademoiselle Germaine Schwob: “…Ton épitre à [Victor] Koning est d’une délicatesse de sentiment épatante par ces jours de mangément de nez confraternel. Mais Koning est sans ouïe,oh, sois en sûr. S’il était fin, il s… le Gymnase avec Hermine retapée. Car je la retaperai. J’ai ou, je sais, je tiens les loups “tenes lupum auribus” (J. Janin)…”. Size is 4 x 6.2 inches, 1 page, spotted rust and dirt stains, folds, creases, in overall good condition. The original envelope is ALSO INCLUDED (not shown).
    Austrian composer (1864-1916), known as the king of the slow waltz, whose works were performed at the Opéra Comique, the... read more >
    Austrian composer (1864-1916), known as the king of the slow waltz, whose works were performed at the Opéra Comique, the cafe-concert, and the saloon. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 17, 1883, addressed to Mademoiselle Germaine Schwob: “…Ton épitre à [Victor] Koning est d’une délicatesse de sentiment épatante par ces jours de mangément de nez confraternel. Mais Koning est sans ouïe,oh, sois en sûr. S’il était fin, il s… le Gymnase avec Hermine retapée. Car je la retaperai. J’ai ou, je sais, je tiens les loups “tenes lupum auribus” (J. Janin)…”. Size is 4 x 6.2 inches, 1 page, spotted rust and dirt stains, folds, creases, in overall good condition. The original envelope is ALSO INCLUDED (not shown).
    Austrian composer (1864-1916), known as the king of...

    $70.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3903-C6C) - Added on:
    Austrian composer (1864-1916), known as the king of the slow waltz, whose works were performed at the Opéra Comique, the cafe-concert, and the saloon. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 17, 1883, addressed to Mademoiselle Germaine Schwob: “…Ton épitre à [Victor] Koning est d’une délicatesse de sentiment épatante par ces jours de mangément de nez confraternel. Mais Koning est sans ouïe,oh, sois en sûr. S’il était fin, il s… le Gymnase avec Hermine retapée. Car je la retaperai. J’ai ou, je sais, je tiens les loups “tenes lupum auribus” (J. Janin)…”. Size is 4 x 6.2 inches, 1 page, spotted rust and dirt stains, folds, creases, in overall good condition. The original envelope is ALSO INCLUDED (not shown).
    Austrian composer (1864-1916), known as the king of the slow waltz, whose works were performed at the Opéra Comique, the... read more >
    Austrian composer (1864-1916), known as the king of the slow waltz, whose works were performed at the Opéra Comique, the cafe-concert, and the saloon. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 17, 1883, addressed to Mademoiselle Germaine Schwob: “…Ton épitre à [Victor] Koning est d’une délicatesse de sentiment épatante par ces jours de mangément de nez confraternel. Mais Koning est sans ouïe,oh, sois en sûr. S’il était fin, il s… le Gymnase avec Hermine retapée. Car je la retaperai. J’ai ou, je sais, je tiens les loups “tenes lupum auribus” (J. Janin)…”. Size is 4 x 6.2 inches, 1 page, spotted rust and dirt stains, folds, creases, in overall good condition. The original envelope is ALSO INCLUDED (not shown).

    (Item #: K3878-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1861-1949) and music critic, pupil of Théodore Dubois, and a close friend to César Franck. Short autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him on a card, no date, to Mr. Henri, thanking him for the “charmant souvenir” he left for him. Size is 4.6 x 3.4 inches, in very good condition.
    French composer (1861-1949) and music critic, pupil of Théodore Dubois, and a close friend to César Franck. Short autograph note... read more >
    French composer (1861-1949) and music critic, pupil of Théodore Dubois, and a close friend to César Franck. Short autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him on a card, no date, to Mr. Henri, thanking him for the “charmant souvenir” he left for him. Size is 4.6 x 3.4 inches, in very good condition.
    French composer (1861-1949) and music critic, pupil of...

    $40.00 USD


    (Item #: K3878-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1861-1949) and music critic, pupil of Théodore Dubois, and a close friend to César Franck. Short autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him on a card, no date, to Mr. Henri, thanking him for the “charmant souvenir” he left for him. Size is 4.6 x 3.4 inches, in very good condition.
    French composer (1861-1949) and music critic, pupil of Théodore Dubois, and a close friend to César Franck. Short autograph note... read more >
    French composer (1861-1949) and music critic, pupil of Théodore Dubois, and a close friend to César Franck. Short autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him on a card, no date, to Mr. Henri, thanking him for the “charmant souvenir” he left for him. Size is 4.6 x 3.4 inches, in very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3887-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1852-1933) and pianist, brother of Lucien. Nice autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, to a lady: “…Voulez-vous bien accepter ces deux anguilles que j’ai moi-même pêchés hier dans l’Oise?…”. Size is 3.9 x 6.2 inches, 1 page, folds, rust stains, in overall very good condition.
    French composer (1852-1933) and pianist, brother of Lucien. Nice autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, to... read more >
    French composer (1852-1933) and pianist, brother of Lucien. Nice autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, to a lady: “…Voulez-vous bien accepter ces deux anguilles que j’ai moi-même pêchés hier dans l’Oise?…”. Size is 3.9 x 6.2 inches, 1 page, folds, rust stains, in overall very good condition.
    French composer (1852-1933) and pianist, brother of Lucien....

    $60.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3887-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1852-1933) and pianist, brother of Lucien. Nice autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, to a lady: “…Voulez-vous bien accepter ces deux anguilles que j’ai moi-même pêchés hier dans l’Oise?…”. Size is 3.9 x 6.2 inches, 1 page, folds, rust stains, in overall very good condition.
    French composer (1852-1933) and pianist, brother of Lucien. Nice autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, to... read more >
    French composer (1852-1933) and pianist, brother of Lucien. Nice autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, to a lady: “…Voulez-vous bien accepter ces deux anguilles que j’ai moi-même pêchés hier dans l’Oise?…”. Size is 3.9 x 6.2 inches, 1 page, folds, rust stains, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3891-C6C) - Added on:
    French marquis and composer (1829-1903). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1884 and 1892, as follows: One letter is addressed to the composer Léo Delibes (1836-1891) recommending the composer Maurice Emmanuel (1862-1938): “…depuis deux ans élève d’harmonie à la classe de M. Th. Dubois, M. Emmanuel ambitionne de suivre votre Cours…”. The second letter is addressed to a gentleman, concerning a performance of Wagner’s “Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg” he has attended: “…je viens d’aller entendre à Lyon les délicieux Maître-Chanteurs, Bonne exécution; – les choeurs excellents, et dire que la presse de chefs d’orchestre parisiens recule devant cet ouvrage…”. Different sizes and lengths, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French marquis and composer (1829-1903). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1884 and 1892,... read more >
    French marquis and composer (1829-1903). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1884 and 1892, as follows: One letter is addressed to the composer Léo Delibes (1836-1891) recommending the composer Maurice Emmanuel (1862-1938): “…depuis deux ans élève d’harmonie à la classe de M. Th. Dubois, M. Emmanuel ambitionne de suivre votre Cours…”. The second letter is addressed to a gentleman, concerning a performance of Wagner’s “Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg” he has attended: “…je viens d’aller entendre à Lyon les délicieux Maître-Chanteurs, Bonne exécution; – les choeurs excellents, et dire que la presse de chefs d’orchestre parisiens recule devant cet ouvrage…”. Different sizes and lengths, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French marquis and composer (1829-1903). Set of two...

    $250.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3891-C6C) - Added on:
    French marquis and composer (1829-1903). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1884 and 1892, as follows: One letter is addressed to the composer Léo Delibes (1836-1891) recommending the composer Maurice Emmanuel (1862-1938): “…depuis deux ans élève d’harmonie à la classe de M. Th. Dubois, M. Emmanuel ambitionne de suivre votre Cours…”. The second letter is addressed to a gentleman, concerning a performance of Wagner’s “Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg” he has attended: “…je viens d’aller entendre à Lyon les délicieux Maître-Chanteurs, Bonne exécution; – les choeurs excellents, et dire que la presse de chefs d’orchestre parisiens recule devant cet ouvrage…”. Different sizes and lengths, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French marquis and composer (1829-1903). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1884 and 1892,... read more >
    French marquis and composer (1829-1903). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1884 and 1892, as follows: One letter is addressed to the composer Léo Delibes (1836-1891) recommending the composer Maurice Emmanuel (1862-1938): “…depuis deux ans élève d’harmonie à la classe de M. Th. Dubois, M. Emmanuel ambitionne de suivre votre Cours…”. The second letter is addressed to a gentleman, concerning a performance of Wagner’s “Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg” he has attended: “…je viens d’aller entendre à Lyon les délicieux Maître-Chanteurs, Bonne exécution; – les choeurs excellents, et dire que la presse de chefs d’orchestre parisiens recule devant cet ouvrage…”. Different sizes and lengths, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3883-C6C) - Added on:
    Romanian-born French composer and conductor (1925-2004), pupil of Messiaen, Boulanger, and Honnegger at the Conservatoire. Nice autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris January 6, 1993, to the organist and writer Jean Leduc (1933-2012), concerning the recordings of “3 portraits” for cello and piano.  Size is 8.2 x 11.6 inches, folds, few creases, irregularly cut top border, in overall excellent condition.
    Romanian-born French composer and conductor (1925-2004), pupil of Messiaen, Boulanger, and Honnegger at the Conservatoire. Nice autograph note in French... read more >
    Romanian-born French composer and conductor (1925-2004), pupil of Messiaen, Boulanger, and Honnegger at the Conservatoire. Nice autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris January 6, 1993, to the organist and writer Jean Leduc (1933-2012), concerning the recordings of “3 portraits” for cello and piano.  Size is 8.2 x 11.6 inches, folds, few creases, irregularly cut top border, in overall excellent condition.
    Romanian-born French composer and conductor (1925-2004), pupil of...

    $80.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3883-C6C) - Added on:
    Romanian-born French composer and conductor (1925-2004), pupil of Messiaen, Boulanger, and Honnegger at the Conservatoire. Nice autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris January 6, 1993, to the organist and writer Jean Leduc (1933-2012), concerning the recordings of “3 portraits” for cello and piano.  Size is 8.2 x 11.6 inches, folds, few creases, irregularly cut top border, in overall excellent condition.
    Romanian-born French composer and conductor (1925-2004), pupil of Messiaen, Boulanger, and Honnegger at the Conservatoire. Nice autograph note in French... read more >
    Romanian-born French composer and conductor (1925-2004), pupil of Messiaen, Boulanger, and Honnegger at the Conservatoire. Nice autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris January 6, 1993, to the organist and writer Jean Leduc (1933-2012), concerning the recordings of “3 portraits” for cello and piano.  Size is 8.2 x 11.6 inches, folds, few creases, irregularly cut top border, in overall excellent condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3914-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1882-1955), organist and conductor, pupil of Charles Lenepveu. Fine set of 9 interesting autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1931 and 1953. Letters are addressed to the librettist Albert Willemetz (1887-1964) concerning informal meetings and music matters. We report two extracts as a sample: “…Je serais par [Jacques] Ibert que vas terminer “Les petit Cardinal” et si je ne m’apprête à applaudir…” ; “…Phi Phi est un ouvrage présente de la vieillesse par l’essence la “parisine”…”.   One letter is addressed to Paul Hillemacher’s wife on the occasion of the composer’s death: “…Ce parfait artiste, ce grand honnête homme laissera dans votre coeur brisé, dans la mémoire de tous les musiciens le souvenir inaltérable de sa très haute conscience…”. Different sizes, lengths, and conditions, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1882-1955), organist and conductor, pupil of Charles Lenepveu. Fine set of 9 interesting autograph letters in French (untranslated)... read more >
    French composer (1882-1955), organist and conductor, pupil of Charles Lenepveu. Fine set of 9 interesting autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1931 and 1953. Letters are addressed to the librettist Albert Willemetz (1887-1964) concerning informal meetings and music matters. We report two extracts as a sample: “…Je serais par [Jacques] Ibert que vas terminer “Les petit Cardinal” et si je ne m’apprête à applaudir…” ; “…Phi Phi est un ouvrage présente de la vieillesse par l’essence la “parisine”…”.   One letter is addressed to Paul Hillemacher’s wife on the occasion of the composer’s death: “…Ce parfait artiste, ce grand honnête homme laissera dans votre coeur brisé, dans la mémoire de tous les musiciens le souvenir inaltérable de sa très haute conscience…”. Different sizes, lengths, and conditions, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1882-1955), organist and conductor, pupil of...

    $450.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3914-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1882-1955), organist and conductor, pupil of Charles Lenepveu. Fine set of 9 interesting autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1931 and 1953. Letters are addressed to the librettist Albert Willemetz (1887-1964) concerning informal meetings and music matters. We report two extracts as a sample: “…Je serais par [Jacques] Ibert que vas terminer “Les petit Cardinal” et si je ne m’apprête à applaudir…” ; “…Phi Phi est un ouvrage présente de la vieillesse par l’essence la “parisine”…”.   One letter is addressed to Paul Hillemacher’s wife on the occasion of the composer’s death: “…Ce parfait artiste, ce grand honnête homme laissera dans votre coeur brisé, dans la mémoire de tous les musiciens le souvenir inaltérable de sa très haute conscience…”. Different sizes, lengths, and conditions, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1882-1955), organist and conductor, pupil of Charles Lenepveu. Fine set of 9 interesting autograph letters in French (untranslated)... read more >
    French composer (1882-1955), organist and conductor, pupil of Charles Lenepveu. Fine set of 9 interesting autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1931 and 1953. Letters are addressed to the librettist Albert Willemetz (1887-1964) concerning informal meetings and music matters. We report two extracts as a sample: “…Je serais par [Jacques] Ibert que vas terminer “Les petit Cardinal” et si je ne m’apprête à applaudir…” ; “…Phi Phi est un ouvrage présente de la vieillesse par l’essence la “parisine”…”.   One letter is addressed to Paul Hillemacher’s wife on the occasion of the composer’s death: “…Ce parfait artiste, ce grand honnête homme laissera dans votre coeur brisé, dans la mémoire de tous les musiciens le souvenir inaltérable de sa très haute conscience…”. Different sizes, lengths, and conditions, in very good condition or better. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3905-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1906-1991), dramatist, and winner of Prix de l'Institut de France and Prix Léo Délibes. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him and to the journalist Louis Merlin (1901-1976), as follows: A. Paris, February 6, 1967. “…C’est avec le plus vif intérêt que j’ai pris connaissance de votre lumineuse synthèse touchant projets et solutions au service de la culture…”. 2 pp. In-4. B. February 13, 1967. “…Auriez vous la grande aimaibilité de me renvoyer deux exemplaires de votre excellente brochure touchant votre projet de diffusion pour télévision en couleurs?…”. 2 pp. In-8. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1906-1991), dramatist, and winner of Prix de l'Institut de France and Prix Léo Délibes. Set of two autograph... read more >
    French composer (1906-1991), dramatist, and winner of Prix de l'Institut de France and Prix Léo Délibes. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him and to the journalist Louis Merlin (1901-1976), as follows: A. Paris, February 6, 1967. “…C’est avec le plus vif intérêt que j’ai pris connaissance de votre lumineuse synthèse touchant projets et solutions au service de la culture…”. 2 pp. In-4. B. February 13, 1967. “…Auriez vous la grande aimaibilité de me renvoyer deux exemplaires de votre excellente brochure touchant votre projet de diffusion pour télévision en couleurs?…”. 2 pp. In-8. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1906-1991), dramatist, and winner of Prix...

    $150.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3905-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1906-1991), dramatist, and winner of Prix de l'Institut de France and Prix Léo Délibes. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him and to the journalist Louis Merlin (1901-1976), as follows: A. Paris, February 6, 1967. “…C’est avec le plus vif intérêt que j’ai pris connaissance de votre lumineuse synthèse touchant projets et solutions au service de la culture…”. 2 pp. In-4. B. February 13, 1967. “…Auriez vous la grande aimaibilité de me renvoyer deux exemplaires de votre excellente brochure touchant votre projet de diffusion pour télévision en couleurs?…”. 2 pp. In-8. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1906-1991), dramatist, and winner of Prix de l'Institut de France and Prix Léo Délibes. Set of two autograph... read more >
    French composer (1906-1991), dramatist, and winner of Prix de l'Institut de France and Prix Léo Délibes. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him and to the journalist Louis Merlin (1901-1976), as follows: A. Paris, February 6, 1967. “…C’est avec le plus vif intérêt que j’ai pris connaissance de votre lumineuse synthèse touchant projets et solutions au service de la culture…”. 2 pp. In-4. B. February 13, 1967. “…Auriez vous la grande aimaibilité de me renvoyer deux exemplaires de votre excellente brochure touchant votre projet de diffusion pour télévision en couleurs?…”. 2 pp. In-8. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3888-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1860-1909), brother of pianist Paul, pupil of Émile Durand and Jules Massenet. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, February 22, 1907, to a gentleman about music matters: “…Pierné était en voyage! Il repart même aujourd’hui pour une absence de dix jour: cela t’explique pourquoi tu n’as pas reçu réponse de lui.– (…) Hélas! mon pauvre vieux, tu n’as pas un piano de marque, et tu auras le plus grand mal à le vendre…”.  Size is 7.8 x 6.1 inches, two written pages in one sheet (front and back), folds, creases, some dirt stains, in overall very good condition.
    French composer (1860-1909), brother of pianist Paul, pupil of Émile Durand and Jules Massenet. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed... read more >
    French composer (1860-1909), brother of pianist Paul, pupil of Émile Durand and Jules Massenet. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, February 22, 1907, to a gentleman about music matters: “…Pierné était en voyage! Il repart même aujourd’hui pour une absence de dix jour: cela t’explique pourquoi tu n’as pas reçu réponse de lui.– (…) Hélas! mon pauvre vieux, tu n’as pas un piano de marque, et tu auras le plus grand mal à le vendre…”.  Size is 7.8 x 6.1 inches, two written pages in one sheet (front and back), folds, creases, some dirt stains, in overall very good condition.
    French composer (1860-1909), brother of pianist Paul, pupil...

    $90.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3888-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1860-1909), brother of pianist Paul, pupil of Émile Durand and Jules Massenet. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, February 22, 1907, to a gentleman about music matters: “…Pierné était en voyage! Il repart même aujourd’hui pour une absence de dix jour: cela t’explique pourquoi tu n’as pas reçu réponse de lui.– (…) Hélas! mon pauvre vieux, tu n’as pas un piano de marque, et tu auras le plus grand mal à le vendre…”.  Size is 7.8 x 6.1 inches, two written pages in one sheet (front and back), folds, creases, some dirt stains, in overall very good condition.
    French composer (1860-1909), brother of pianist Paul, pupil of Émile Durand and Jules Massenet. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed... read more >
    French composer (1860-1909), brother of pianist Paul, pupil of Émile Durand and Jules Massenet. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, February 22, 1907, to a gentleman about music matters: “…Pierné était en voyage! Il repart même aujourd’hui pour une absence de dix jour: cela t’explique pourquoi tu n’as pas reçu réponse de lui.– (…) Hélas! mon pauvre vieux, tu n’as pas un piano de marque, et tu auras le plus grand mal à le vendre…”.  Size is 7.8 x 6.1 inches, two written pages in one sheet (front and back), folds, creases, some dirt stains, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3906-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1895-1953). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1939 and 1943. Letters are addressed to the mezzo-soprano Madeleine Greslé and to the physician René Dusmenil (1879-1967), concerning mostly social obligations.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1895-1953). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1939 and 1943. Letters are... read more >
    French composer (1895-1953). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1939 and 1943. Letters are addressed to the mezzo-soprano Madeleine Greslé and to the physician René Dusmenil (1879-1967), concerning mostly social obligations.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1895-1953). Set of two autograph letters...

    $180.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3906-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1895-1953). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1939 and 1943. Letters are addressed to the mezzo-soprano Madeleine Greslé and to the physician René Dusmenil (1879-1967), concerning mostly social obligations.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1895-1953). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1939 and 1943. Letters are... read more >
    French composer (1895-1953). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1939 and 1943. Letters are addressed to the mezzo-soprano Madeleine Greslé and to the physician René Dusmenil (1879-1967), concerning mostly social obligations.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3897-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer of German origins (1856-1930). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, June 8, 1915, to the poet Guy de Montgaillard, thanking him for the material he sent: “…que j’ai déjà parcouru et que je me propose d’approfondir davantage ces jours prochains au point de vue musical. Si, comme je l’espère, j’y trouve matière à mélodies, voire même suite de mélodies à recueil, je me mettrais en rapport avec vous…”. Size is 5.4 x 7.2 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), folds, creases, some rust and dirt stains, in overall very good condition.  
    French composer of German origins (1856-1930). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, June 8, 1915,... read more >
    French composer of German origins (1856-1930). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, June 8, 1915, to the poet Guy de Montgaillard, thanking him for the material he sent: “…que j’ai déjà parcouru et que je me propose d’approfondir davantage ces jours prochains au point de vue musical. Si, comme je l’espère, j’y trouve matière à mélodies, voire même suite de mélodies à recueil, je me mettrais en rapport avec vous…”. Size is 5.4 x 7.2 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), folds, creases, some rust and dirt stains, in overall very good condition.  
    French composer of German origins (1856-1930). Autograph letter...

    $80.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3897-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer of German origins (1856-1930). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, June 8, 1915, to the poet Guy de Montgaillard, thanking him for the material he sent: “…que j’ai déjà parcouru et que je me propose d’approfondir davantage ces jours prochains au point de vue musical. Si, comme je l’espère, j’y trouve matière à mélodies, voire même suite de mélodies à recueil, je me mettrais en rapport avec vous…”. Size is 5.4 x 7.2 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), folds, creases, some rust and dirt stains, in overall very good condition.  
    French composer of German origins (1856-1930). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, June 8, 1915,... read more >
    French composer of German origins (1856-1930). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, June 8, 1915, to the poet Guy de Montgaillard, thanking him for the material he sent: “…que j’ai déjà parcouru et que je me propose d’approfondir davantage ces jours prochains au point de vue musical. Si, comme je l’espère, j’y trouve matière à mélodies, voire même suite de mélodies à recueil, je me mettrais en rapport avec vous…”. Size is 5.4 x 7.2 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), folds, creases, some rust and dirt stains, in overall very good condition.  
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3902-C6C) - Added on:
    German composer (1804-1885) and conductor, pupil of von Weber. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated April 22, 1871,addressed to the music publisher Léon Escudier: “…Vous aurez peut être appris par les journaux ou Mr. Michaells, l’éditeur de Paul et Virginie que mon Opéra “Le Lys de Killarney” a de nouveau gagné les suffrages du public anglais au Théatre de Sa Majesté et l’Adelphi. Y aurait-il moyen de transplanter cet ouvrage sous vos auspices à Paris?…”.  Size is 4.6 x 7.1 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, in very good condition.
    German composer (1804-1885) and conductor, pupil of von Weber. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated April 22,... read more >
    German composer (1804-1885) and conductor, pupil of von Weber. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated April 22, 1871,addressed to the music publisher Léon Escudier: “…Vous aurez peut être appris par les journaux ou Mr. Michaells, l’éditeur de Paul et Virginie que mon Opéra “Le Lys de Killarney” a de nouveau gagné les suffrages du public anglais au Théatre de Sa Majesté et l’Adelphi. Y aurait-il moyen de transplanter cet ouvrage sous vos auspices à Paris?…”.  Size is 4.6 x 7.1 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, in very good condition.
    German composer (1804-1885) and conductor, pupil of von...

    $200.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3902-C6C) - Added on:
    German composer (1804-1885) and conductor, pupil of von Weber. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated April 22, 1871,addressed to the music publisher Léon Escudier: “…Vous aurez peut être appris par les journaux ou Mr. Michaells, l’éditeur de Paul et Virginie que mon Opéra “Le Lys de Killarney” a de nouveau gagné les suffrages du public anglais au Théatre de Sa Majesté et l’Adelphi. Y aurait-il moyen de transplanter cet ouvrage sous vos auspices à Paris?…”.  Size is 4.6 x 7.1 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, in very good condition.
    German composer (1804-1885) and conductor, pupil of von Weber. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated April 22,... read more >
    German composer (1804-1885) and conductor, pupil of von Weber. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated April 22, 1871,addressed to the music publisher Léon Escudier: “…Vous aurez peut être appris par les journaux ou Mr. Michaells, l’éditeur de Paul et Virginie que mon Opéra “Le Lys de Killarney” a de nouveau gagné les suffrages du public anglais au Théatre de Sa Majesté et l’Adelphi. Y aurait-il moyen de transplanter cet ouvrage sous vos auspices à Paris?…”.  Size is 4.6 x 7.1 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, in very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3910-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1821-1910) and music publisher. Lot of four autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one dated 1860. Letters are addressed to journalists and musicians. We report two extracts as a sample: “…On n’est pas bon, indulgent et aimable comme vous. Je viens vous remercier avec effusion. Vous avez analysé mon oeuvre non seulement en musicien, mais en poète…” ; “…La répétition générale aura lieu mercredi jour du concert (19) à midi…”.  For a total of 4 pp. In-8. ALSO INCLUDED is an autograph letter signed by the playwright Édouard Fournier (1819-1880) to Weckerlin: “…L’adresse de Madame Ugalde est hélas! Lors Paris (…) Je tiens le renseignement de son dernier directeur celui de l’Eldorado. Il soit donc être très exact. Voyez-là. On la dit engagée au lyrique. Sachez-le, et dans le cas où il faudrait consentement de votre ennemi intime Carvalho, je m’en chargerais…”. 2 pp. In-8.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1821-1910) and music publisher. Lot of four autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one dated 1860.... read more >
    French composer (1821-1910) and music publisher. Lot of four autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one dated 1860. Letters are addressed to journalists and musicians. We report two extracts as a sample: “…On n’est pas bon, indulgent et aimable comme vous. Je viens vous remercier avec effusion. Vous avez analysé mon oeuvre non seulement en musicien, mais en poète…” ; “…La répétition générale aura lieu mercredi jour du concert (19) à midi…”.  For a total of 4 pp. In-8. ALSO INCLUDED is an autograph letter signed by the playwright Édouard Fournier (1819-1880) to Weckerlin: “…L’adresse de Madame Ugalde est hélas! Lors Paris (…) Je tiens le renseignement de son dernier directeur celui de l’Eldorado. Il soit donc être très exact. Voyez-là. On la dit engagée au lyrique. Sachez-le, et dans le cas où il faudrait consentement de votre ennemi intime Carvalho, je m’en chargerais…”. 2 pp. In-8.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1821-1910) and music publisher. Lot of...

    $240.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3910-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1821-1910) and music publisher. Lot of four autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one dated 1860. Letters are addressed to journalists and musicians. We report two extracts as a sample: “…On n’est pas bon, indulgent et aimable comme vous. Je viens vous remercier avec effusion. Vous avez analysé mon oeuvre non seulement en musicien, mais en poète…” ; “…La répétition générale aura lieu mercredi jour du concert (19) à midi…”.  For a total of 4 pp. In-8. ALSO INCLUDED is an autograph letter signed by the playwright Édouard Fournier (1819-1880) to Weckerlin: “…L’adresse de Madame Ugalde est hélas! Lors Paris (…) Je tiens le renseignement de son dernier directeur celui de l’Eldorado. Il soit donc être très exact. Voyez-là. On la dit engagée au lyrique. Sachez-le, et dans le cas où il faudrait consentement de votre ennemi intime Carvalho, je m’en chargerais…”. 2 pp. In-8.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1821-1910) and music publisher. Lot of four autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one dated 1860.... read more >
    French composer (1821-1910) and music publisher. Lot of four autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one dated 1860. Letters are addressed to journalists and musicians. We report two extracts as a sample: “…On n’est pas bon, indulgent et aimable comme vous. Je viens vous remercier avec effusion. Vous avez analysé mon oeuvre non seulement en musicien, mais en poète…” ; “…La répétition générale aura lieu mercredi jour du concert (19) à midi…”.  For a total of 4 pp. In-8. ALSO INCLUDED is an autograph letter signed by the playwright Édouard Fournier (1819-1880) to Weckerlin: “…L’adresse de Madame Ugalde est hélas! Lors Paris (…) Je tiens le renseignement de son dernier directeur celui de l’Eldorado. Il soit donc être très exact. Voyez-là. On la dit engagée au lyrique. Sachez-le, et dans le cas où il faudrait consentement de votre ennemi intime Carvalho, je m’en chargerais…”. 2 pp. In-8.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3886-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1794-1880), brother of Henri Herz. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them is dated 1856.  Letters concerns a rescheduled lesson and the acquaintance of the musicians Frantz Louis Matz and Madame Matz for the Londoner publish Chappel. We report an extract as a sample: “….j’ai joué et fait entendre à quelques notabilités de Boulogne le dernier instrument que vous avez envoyé à Mr. Matz, Madame Matz, que j’ai vu ce matin…”. 3 pp. In-8. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1794-1880), brother of Henri Herz. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of... read more >
    French composer (1794-1880), brother of Henri Herz. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them is dated 1856.  Letters concerns a rescheduled lesson and the acquaintance of the musicians Frantz Louis Matz and Madame Matz for the Londoner publish Chappel. We report an extract as a sample: “….j’ai joué et fait entendre à quelques notabilités de Boulogne le dernier instrument que vous avez envoyé à Mr. Matz, Madame Matz, que j’ai vu ce matin…”. 3 pp. In-8. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1794-1880), brother of Henri Herz. Set...

    $200.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3886-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1794-1880), brother of Henri Herz. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them is dated 1856.  Letters concerns a rescheduled lesson and the acquaintance of the musicians Frantz Louis Matz and Madame Matz for the Londoner publish Chappel. We report an extract as a sample: “….j’ai joué et fait entendre à quelques notabilités de Boulogne le dernier instrument que vous avez envoyé à Mr. Matz, Madame Matz, que j’ai vu ce matin…”. 3 pp. In-8. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1794-1880), brother of Henri Herz. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of... read more >
    French composer (1794-1880), brother of Henri Herz. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them is dated 1856.  Letters concerns a rescheduled lesson and the acquaintance of the musicians Frantz Louis Matz and Madame Matz for the Londoner publish Chappel. We report an extract as a sample: “….j’ai joué et fait entendre à quelques notabilités de Boulogne le dernier instrument que vous avez envoyé à Mr. Matz, Madame Matz, que j’ai vu ce matin…”. 3 pp. In-8. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3885-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1825-1892), singer, and librettist, considered as the father of the genre of operetta in Paris. Set of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1879 and 1891. Letters are addressed to gentlemen, concerning the sending of a letter to the composer Alexandre Artus (1821-1911), funerals of a child he cannot attend to, and theater seats. For a total of 3 pp. In-8 and in-16. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1825-1892), singer, and librettist, considered as the father of the genre of operetta in Paris. Set of three... read more >
    French composer (1825-1892), singer, and librettist, considered as the father of the genre of operetta in Paris. Set of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1879 and 1891. Letters are addressed to gentlemen, concerning the sending of a letter to the composer Alexandre Artus (1821-1911), funerals of a child he cannot attend to, and theater seats. For a total of 3 pp. In-8 and in-16. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1825-1892), singer, and librettist, considered as...

    $180.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3885-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1825-1892), singer, and librettist, considered as the father of the genre of operetta in Paris. Set of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1879 and 1891. Letters are addressed to gentlemen, concerning the sending of a letter to the composer Alexandre Artus (1821-1911), funerals of a child he cannot attend to, and theater seats. For a total of 3 pp. In-8 and in-16. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1825-1892), singer, and librettist, considered as the father of the genre of operetta in Paris. Set of three... read more >
    French composer (1825-1892), singer, and librettist, considered as the father of the genre of operetta in Paris. Set of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated between 1879 and 1891. Letters are addressed to gentlemen, concerning the sending of a letter to the composer Alexandre Artus (1821-1911), funerals of a child he cannot attend to, and theater seats. For a total of 3 pp. In-8 and in-16. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3915-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1901-1989). Lot of 4 autograph documents signed by him: two autograph letters and two signed and inscribed cards with short sentiments.  A. 9.12.1950. To a gentleman, concerning his “Chanson de l’oiseleur”: “…nous verrons à l’effet qu’on m’a produit ‘l’oiseleur’ sur ceux auxquels vous le destinez…”. 1 p. In-4. B. Paris, 5.11.65. To the writer Philippe Erlanger, concerning a book he sent him on Louis XIV: “…je vais vous retrouver en Louis XIV. Je sais que vous m’y plairez fort, car j’ai ouï-dire que votre livre est un chef-d’oeuvre…”. He then adds that he won’t be present at: “…la réunion du Conseil d’Administration de l’A.F.A.A. du 9…”. 2 pp. In-4.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1901-1989). Lot of 4 autograph documents signed by him: two autograph letters and two signed and inscribed cards... read more >
    French composer (1901-1989). Lot of 4 autograph documents signed by him: two autograph letters and two signed and inscribed cards with short sentiments.  A. 9.12.1950. To a gentleman, concerning his “Chanson de l’oiseleur”: “…nous verrons à l’effet qu’on m’a produit ‘l’oiseleur’ sur ceux auxquels vous le destinez…”. 1 p. In-4. B. Paris, 5.11.65. To the writer Philippe Erlanger, concerning a book he sent him on Louis XIV: “…je vais vous retrouver en Louis XIV. Je sais que vous m’y plairez fort, car j’ai ouï-dire que votre livre est un chef-d’oeuvre…”. He then adds that he won’t be present at: “…la réunion du Conseil d’Administration de l’A.F.A.A. du 9…”. 2 pp. In-4.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1901-1989). Lot of 4 autograph documents...

    $400.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3915-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1901-1989). Lot of 4 autograph documents signed by him: two autograph letters and two signed and inscribed cards with short sentiments.  A. 9.12.1950. To a gentleman, concerning his “Chanson de l’oiseleur”: “…nous verrons à l’effet qu’on m’a produit ‘l’oiseleur’ sur ceux auxquels vous le destinez…”. 1 p. In-4. B. Paris, 5.11.65. To the writer Philippe Erlanger, concerning a book he sent him on Louis XIV: “…je vais vous retrouver en Louis XIV. Je sais que vous m’y plairez fort, car j’ai ouï-dire que votre livre est un chef-d’oeuvre…”. He then adds that he won’t be present at: “…la réunion du Conseil d’Administration de l’A.F.A.A. du 9…”. 2 pp. In-4.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1901-1989). Lot of 4 autograph documents signed by him: two autograph letters and two signed and inscribed cards... read more >
    French composer (1901-1989). Lot of 4 autograph documents signed by him: two autograph letters and two signed and inscribed cards with short sentiments.  A. 9.12.1950. To a gentleman, concerning his “Chanson de l’oiseleur”: “…nous verrons à l’effet qu’on m’a produit ‘l’oiseleur’ sur ceux auxquels vous le destinez…”. 1 p. In-4. B. Paris, 5.11.65. To the writer Philippe Erlanger, concerning a book he sent him on Louis XIV: “…je vais vous retrouver en Louis XIV. Je sais que vous m’y plairez fort, car j’ai ouï-dire que votre livre est un chef-d’oeuvre…”. He then adds that he won’t be present at: “…la réunion du Conseil d’Administration de l’A.F.A.A. du 9…”. 2 pp. In-4.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3896-C6C) - Added on:
    French virtuoso pianist (1818-1862), composer, and teacher. Lot of four autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, only one is dated 1862. Letters are addressed to friends, to the music publisher Adolphe Catelin (1837-1866) and to the secretary of the Conservatoire Impériale Alfred de Beauchesne (1803-1876). We report two extracts as a sample: “….Notre illustrissime la Signora Térésa Miliano, vient lundi en compagnie de quelques amis passer la soirée chez moi…”; “Quoi de neuf mon cher Beauchesne, l’illustre Maître a-t-il prononcé et mon désir est-il satisfait?…”.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.  
    French virtuoso pianist (1818-1862), composer, and teacher. Lot of four autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, only one... read more >
    French virtuoso pianist (1818-1862), composer, and teacher. Lot of four autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, only one is dated 1862. Letters are addressed to friends, to the music publisher Adolphe Catelin (1837-1866) and to the secretary of the Conservatoire Impériale Alfred de Beauchesne (1803-1876). We report two extracts as a sample: “….Notre illustrissime la Signora Térésa Miliano, vient lundi en compagnie de quelques amis passer la soirée chez moi…”; “Quoi de neuf mon cher Beauchesne, l’illustre Maître a-t-il prononcé et mon désir est-il satisfait?…”.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.  
    French virtuoso pianist (1818-1862), composer, and teacher. Lot...

    $400.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3896-C6C) - Added on:
    French virtuoso pianist (1818-1862), composer, and teacher. Lot of four autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, only one is dated 1862. Letters are addressed to friends, to the music publisher Adolphe Catelin (1837-1866) and to the secretary of the Conservatoire Impériale Alfred de Beauchesne (1803-1876). We report two extracts as a sample: “….Notre illustrissime la Signora Térésa Miliano, vient lundi en compagnie de quelques amis passer la soirée chez moi…”; “Quoi de neuf mon cher Beauchesne, l’illustre Maître a-t-il prononcé et mon désir est-il satisfait?…”.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.  
    French virtuoso pianist (1818-1862), composer, and teacher. Lot of four autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, only one... read more >
    French virtuoso pianist (1818-1862), composer, and teacher. Lot of four autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, only one is dated 1862. Letters are addressed to friends, to the music publisher Adolphe Catelin (1837-1866) and to the secretary of the Conservatoire Impériale Alfred de Beauchesne (1803-1876). We report two extracts as a sample: “….Notre illustrissime la Signora Térésa Miliano, vient lundi en compagnie de quelques amis passer la soirée chez moi…”; “Quoi de neuf mon cher Beauchesne, l’illustre Maître a-t-il prononcé et mon désir est-il satisfait?…”.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.  
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3895-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for his vocal and opera works, including his opera Marouf (1914). Lot of five autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him (one typed), dated between 1922 and 1946 by the French composer. Letters are addressed to several official figures, the typed letter is addressed to the librettist Albert Willemetz (1887-1964), to the baritone André Baugé (1893-1966), recommending pupils and other music matters. We report an extract of the letter to Baugé, concerning Rabaud’s opera Mârouf, savetier du Caire (1914): “…j’aurais vraiment bien mauvaise grâce à refuser le concours d’un artiste de votre talent pour interpréter Mârouf. Et je vous donne le plus volontiers du monde l’autorisation que vous voulez bien me demander…”.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for his vocal and opera works, including his opera Marouf (1914). Lot of... read more >
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for his vocal and opera works, including his opera Marouf (1914). Lot of five autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him (one typed), dated between 1922 and 1946 by the French composer. Letters are addressed to several official figures, the typed letter is addressed to the librettist Albert Willemetz (1887-1964), to the baritone André Baugé (1893-1966), recommending pupils and other music matters. We report an extract of the letter to Baugé, concerning Rabaud’s opera Mârouf, savetier du Caire (1914): “…j’aurais vraiment bien mauvaise grâce à refuser le concours d’un artiste de votre talent pour interpréter Mârouf. Et je vous donne le plus volontiers du monde l’autorisation que vous voulez bien me demander…”.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for...

    $400.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3895-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for his vocal and opera works, including his opera Marouf (1914). Lot of five autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him (one typed), dated between 1922 and 1946 by the French composer. Letters are addressed to several official figures, the typed letter is addressed to the librettist Albert Willemetz (1887-1964), to the baritone André Baugé (1893-1966), recommending pupils and other music matters. We report an extract of the letter to Baugé, concerning Rabaud’s opera Mârouf, savetier du Caire (1914): “…j’aurais vraiment bien mauvaise grâce à refuser le concours d’un artiste de votre talent pour interpréter Mârouf. Et je vous donne le plus volontiers du monde l’autorisation que vous voulez bien me demander…”.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for his vocal and opera works, including his opera Marouf (1914). Lot of... read more >
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for his vocal and opera works, including his opera Marouf (1914). Lot of five autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him (one typed), dated between 1922 and 1946 by the French composer. Letters are addressed to several official figures, the typed letter is addressed to the librettist Albert Willemetz (1887-1964), to the baritone André Baugé (1893-1966), recommending pupils and other music matters. We report an extract of the letter to Baugé, concerning Rabaud’s opera Mârouf, savetier du Caire (1914): “…j’aurais vraiment bien mauvaise grâce à refuser le concours d’un artiste de votre talent pour interpréter Mârouf. Et je vous donne le plus volontiers du monde l’autorisation que vous voulez bien me demander…”.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3894-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for his vocal and opera works, including his opera Marouf (1914). Beautiful autograph of Rabaud signed by the painter Claude Bils (1884-1968) mounted on black cardboard matted together with his visiting card with some autograph lines and Rabaud's signature. Total is 7.2 x 11 inches, in very good condition.
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for his vocal and opera works, including his opera Marouf (1914). Beautiful autograph... read more >
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for his vocal and opera works, including his opera Marouf (1914). Beautiful autograph of Rabaud signed by the painter Claude Bils (1884-1968) mounted on black cardboard matted together with his visiting card with some autograph lines and Rabaud's signature. Total is 7.2 x 11 inches, in very good condition.
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for...

    $300.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3894-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for his vocal and opera works, including his opera Marouf (1914). Beautiful autograph of Rabaud signed by the painter Claude Bils (1884-1968) mounted on black cardboard matted together with his visiting card with some autograph lines and Rabaud's signature. Total is 7.2 x 11 inches, in very good condition.
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for his vocal and opera works, including his opera Marouf (1914). Beautiful autograph... read more >
    French composer and conductor (1873-1949), best known for his vocal and opera works, including his opera Marouf (1914). Beautiful autograph of Rabaud signed by the painter Claude Bils (1884-1968) mounted on black cardboard matted together with his visiting card with some autograph lines and Rabaud's signature. Total is 7.2 x 11 inches, in very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3900-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, as follows: A. May 23, 1943, to the music critict Bernard Gavoty (1908-1981): “…Je vous remercie de m’avoir envoyé votre si vivante évocation de l’artiste d’élite que fut Louis Vierne….”. 2 pp. In-16. B. January 3, 1952, to Roger Commault, thanking him for having sent his “…discographie de Mahler (…) ne m’oubliez pas quand vous publierez celles de Strauss et de Wagner…”. 1 p. In-8 obl. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, as follows:... read more >
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, as follows: A. May 23, 1943, to the music critict Bernard Gavoty (1908-1981): “…Je vous remercie de m’avoir envoyé votre si vivante évocation de l’artiste d’élite que fut Louis Vierne….”. 2 pp. In-16. B. January 3, 1952, to Roger Commault, thanking him for having sent his “…discographie de Mahler (…) ne m’oubliez pas quand vous publierez celles de Strauss et de Wagner…”. 1 p. In-8 obl. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Set...

    $120.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3900-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, as follows: A. May 23, 1943, to the music critict Bernard Gavoty (1908-1981): “…Je vous remercie de m’avoir envoyé votre si vivante évocation de l’artiste d’élite que fut Louis Vierne….”. 2 pp. In-16. B. January 3, 1952, to Roger Commault, thanking him for having sent his “…discographie de Mahler (…) ne m’oubliez pas quand vous publierez celles de Strauss et de Wagner…”. 1 p. In-8 obl. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, as follows:... read more >
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, as follows: A. May 23, 1943, to the music critict Bernard Gavoty (1908-1981): “…Je vous remercie de m’avoir envoyé votre si vivante évocation de l’artiste d’élite que fut Louis Vierne….”. 2 pp. In-16. B. January 3, 1952, to Roger Commault, thanking him for having sent his “…discographie de Mahler (…) ne m’oubliez pas quand vous publierez celles de Strauss et de Wagner…”. 1 p. In-8 obl. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3899-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Interesting autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1950, to Roger Commault, concerning Richard Strauss: “…Lié depuis ma jeunesse avec Richard Strauss, ainsi que vous le verrez par les “Souvenirs” que je viens de lui consacrer dans la Revue de deux mondes du 1er janvier 1950, j’aurais besoin, pour un travail qui m’est demandé, de savoir ce qui est enregistré actuellement de son oeuvre considérable…”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.3 inches, 1 page, tape residues over the left borders, creases and folds, in overall very good condition.
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Interesting autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1950, to Roger... read more >
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Interesting autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1950, to Roger Commault, concerning Richard Strauss: “…Lié depuis ma jeunesse avec Richard Strauss, ainsi que vous le verrez par les “Souvenirs” que je viens de lui consacrer dans la Revue de deux mondes du 1er janvier 1950, j’aurais besoin, pour un travail qui m’est demandé, de savoir ce qui est enregistré actuellement de son oeuvre considérable…”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.3 inches, 1 page, tape residues over the left borders, creases and folds, in overall very good condition.
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Interesting...

    $70.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3899-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Interesting autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1950, to Roger Commault, concerning Richard Strauss: “…Lié depuis ma jeunesse avec Richard Strauss, ainsi que vous le verrez par les “Souvenirs” que je viens de lui consacrer dans la Revue de deux mondes du 1er janvier 1950, j’aurais besoin, pour un travail qui m’est demandé, de savoir ce qui est enregistré actuellement de son oeuvre considérable…”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.3 inches, 1 page, tape residues over the left borders, creases and folds, in overall very good condition.
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Interesting autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1950, to Roger... read more >
    French composer (1877-1967) and writer on music. Interesting autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1950, to Roger Commault, concerning Richard Strauss: “…Lié depuis ma jeunesse avec Richard Strauss, ainsi que vous le verrez par les “Souvenirs” que je viens de lui consacrer dans la Revue de deux mondes du 1er janvier 1950, j’aurais besoin, pour un travail qui m’est demandé, de savoir ce qui est enregistré actuellement de son oeuvre considérable…”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.3 inches, 1 page, tape residues over the left borders, creases and folds, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3877-C6C) - Added on:
    Italian composer (1829-1907) and cellist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, to Madame Rhoné: “…hier j’ai diné chez Mr. Arthur Rhoné où j’ai eu le plaisir d’être à coté de Mme votre fille. Je l’ai priée de venir vous raconter une historiette fâcheuse qui m’est arrivée. Et je vous suis très reconnaissant si vous pouvez m’éclairer des démarches à faire!…”. Size is 7.1 x 4.5 inches, 2 written pages, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    Italian composer (1829-1907) and cellist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, to Madame Rhoné: “…hier j’ai... read more >
    Italian composer (1829-1907) and cellist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, to Madame Rhoné: “…hier j’ai diné chez Mr. Arthur Rhoné où j’ai eu le plaisir d’être à coté de Mme votre fille. Je l’ai priée de venir vous raconter une historiette fâcheuse qui m’est arrivée. Et je vous suis très reconnaissant si vous pouvez m’éclairer des démarches à faire!…”. Size is 7.1 x 4.5 inches, 2 written pages, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    Italian composer (1829-1907) and cellist. Autograph letter in...

    $200.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3877-C6C) - Added on:
    Italian composer (1829-1907) and cellist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, to Madame Rhoné: “…hier j’ai diné chez Mr. Arthur Rhoné où j’ai eu le plaisir d’être à coté de Mme votre fille. Je l’ai priée de venir vous raconter une historiette fâcheuse qui m’est arrivée. Et je vous suis très reconnaissant si vous pouvez m’éclairer des démarches à faire!…”. Size is 7.1 x 4.5 inches, 2 written pages, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    Italian composer (1829-1907) and cellist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, to Madame Rhoné: “…hier j’ai... read more >
    Italian composer (1829-1907) and cellist. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, to Madame Rhoné: “…hier j’ai diné chez Mr. Arthur Rhoné où j’ai eu le plaisir d’être à coté de Mme votre fille. Je l’ai priée de venir vous raconter une historiette fâcheuse qui m’est arrivée. Et je vous suis très reconnaissant si vous pouvez m’éclairer des démarches à faire!…”. Size is 7.1 x 4.5 inches, 2 written pages, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3898-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1845-1926) member of the “Enfants d’Apollon”. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, addressed to the pianist Albert Hu, concerning music performances. We report an extract as a sample: “…je me trouve avoir jeudi prochain 13 février, chez Mlle [Ivan] Kireïevski (…) une matinée où l’on interprètera plusieurs morceaux de chant de moi. L’idée me vient que ce serait une occasion de faire entendre devant un public toujours nombreux et attentif ma romance pour violon et ma Sérénade executé par Mr. Albert Hû…”.   Sizes is 5.1 x 6.4 inches, 1 page; and 3.8 x 4.8 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet; both in very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.  
    French composer (1845-1926) member of the “Enfants d’Apollon”. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no... read more >
    French composer (1845-1926) member of the “Enfants d’Apollon”. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, addressed to the pianist Albert Hu, concerning music performances. We report an extract as a sample: “…je me trouve avoir jeudi prochain 13 février, chez Mlle [Ivan] Kireïevski (…) une matinée où l’on interprètera plusieurs morceaux de chant de moi. L’idée me vient que ce serait une occasion de faire entendre devant un public toujours nombreux et attentif ma romance pour violon et ma Sérénade executé par Mr. Albert Hû…”.   Sizes is 5.1 x 6.4 inches, 1 page; and 3.8 x 4.8 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet; both in very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.  
    French composer (1845-1926) member of the “Enfants d’Apollon”....

    $150.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3898-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1845-1926) member of the “Enfants d’Apollon”. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, addressed to the pianist Albert Hu, concerning music performances. We report an extract as a sample: “…je me trouve avoir jeudi prochain 13 février, chez Mlle [Ivan] Kireïevski (…) une matinée où l’on interprètera plusieurs morceaux de chant de moi. L’idée me vient que ce serait une occasion de faire entendre devant un public toujours nombreux et attentif ma romance pour violon et ma Sérénade executé par Mr. Albert Hû…”.   Sizes is 5.1 x 6.4 inches, 1 page; and 3.8 x 4.8 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet; both in very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.  
    French composer (1845-1926) member of the “Enfants d’Apollon”. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no... read more >
    French composer (1845-1926) member of the “Enfants d’Apollon”. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, addressed to the pianist Albert Hu, concerning music performances. We report an extract as a sample: “…je me trouve avoir jeudi prochain 13 février, chez Mlle [Ivan] Kireïevski (…) une matinée où l’on interprètera plusieurs morceaux de chant de moi. L’idée me vient que ce serait une occasion de faire entendre devant un public toujours nombreux et attentif ma romance pour violon et ma Sérénade executé par Mr. Albert Hû…”.   Sizes is 5.1 x 6.4 inches, 1 page; and 3.8 x 4.8 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet; both in very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.  
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3911-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1870-1958), part of the group "Les Apaches", including Maurice Ravel, Ricardo Viñes, and Michel-Dimitri Calvocoressi. Beautiful autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 18, no year, where he points to its correspondent  about the scores of a  series of songs: “…Si pour une raison ou une autre cela ne vous parvenait pas, peut-être serait-il bon que vous demandiez à M. Ledoux de passer avant son départ chez Philippo…et de lui demander les matériels… au vas où vous ne les auriez pas avec vous – des 3 Petites Filles ou Fleurs décloses…”.  Size is 8.2 x 9.5 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), folds, creases, dirt and rust stains, in overall very good condition.
    French composer (1870-1958), part of the group "Les Apaches", including Maurice Ravel, Ricardo Viñes, and Michel-Dimitri Calvocoressi. Beautiful autograph letter... read more >
    French composer (1870-1958), part of the group "Les Apaches", including Maurice Ravel, Ricardo Viñes, and Michel-Dimitri Calvocoressi. Beautiful autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 18, no year, where he points to its correspondent  about the scores of a  series of songs: “…Si pour une raison ou une autre cela ne vous parvenait pas, peut-être serait-il bon que vous demandiez à M. Ledoux de passer avant son départ chez Philippo…et de lui demander les matériels… au vas où vous ne les auriez pas avec vous – des 3 Petites Filles ou Fleurs décloses…”.  Size is 8.2 x 9.5 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), folds, creases, dirt and rust stains, in overall very good condition.
    French composer (1870-1958), part of the group "Les...

    $400.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3911-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1870-1958), part of the group "Les Apaches", including Maurice Ravel, Ricardo Viñes, and Michel-Dimitri Calvocoressi. Beautiful autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 18, no year, where he points to its correspondent  about the scores of a  series of songs: “…Si pour une raison ou une autre cela ne vous parvenait pas, peut-être serait-il bon que vous demandiez à M. Ledoux de passer avant son départ chez Philippo…et de lui demander les matériels… au vas où vous ne les auriez pas avec vous – des 3 Petites Filles ou Fleurs décloses…”.  Size is 8.2 x 9.5 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), folds, creases, dirt and rust stains, in overall very good condition.
    French composer (1870-1958), part of the group "Les Apaches", including Maurice Ravel, Ricardo Viñes, and Michel-Dimitri Calvocoressi. Beautiful autograph letter... read more >
    French composer (1870-1958), part of the group "Les Apaches", including Maurice Ravel, Ricardo Viñes, and Michel-Dimitri Calvocoressi. Beautiful autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated August 18, no year, where he points to its correspondent  about the scores of a  series of songs: “…Si pour une raison ou une autre cela ne vous parvenait pas, peut-être serait-il bon que vous demandiez à M. Ledoux de passer avant son départ chez Philippo…et de lui demander les matériels… au vas où vous ne les auriez pas avec vous – des 3 Petites Filles ou Fleurs décloses…”.  Size is 8.2 x 9.5 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), folds, creases, dirt and rust stains, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3892-C6C) - Added on:
    Swiss composer (1865-1950) and music educator who developed Dalcroze eurhythmics. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Genève, December 4, 1897, addressed to Arthur Cognard, concerning his vocal work Sancho (1896): “…la première de ma comédie musicale Sancho a lieu à Genève le lundi 13 Décembre prochain (…) j’ai très peur de l’indifference de la presse et du public locaux – nul n’est prophète chez lui…”.  Open size is 11.2 x 8.6 inches, two written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, letterhead from "Gazette Musicale Geneve", in very good condition.  
    Swiss composer (1865-1950) and music educator who developed Dalcroze eurhythmics. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in... read more >
    Swiss composer (1865-1950) and music educator who developed Dalcroze eurhythmics. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Genève, December 4, 1897, addressed to Arthur Cognard, concerning his vocal work Sancho (1896): “…la première de ma comédie musicale Sancho a lieu à Genève le lundi 13 Décembre prochain (…) j’ai très peur de l’indifference de la presse et du public locaux – nul n’est prophète chez lui…”.  Open size is 11.2 x 8.6 inches, two written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, letterhead from "Gazette Musicale Geneve", in very good condition.  
    Swiss composer (1865-1950) and music educator who developed...

    $200.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3892-C6C) - Added on:
    Swiss composer (1865-1950) and music educator who developed Dalcroze eurhythmics. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Genève, December 4, 1897, addressed to Arthur Cognard, concerning his vocal work Sancho (1896): “…la première de ma comédie musicale Sancho a lieu à Genève le lundi 13 Décembre prochain (…) j’ai très peur de l’indifference de la presse et du public locaux – nul n’est prophète chez lui…”.  Open size is 11.2 x 8.6 inches, two written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, letterhead from "Gazette Musicale Geneve", in very good condition.  
    Swiss composer (1865-1950) and music educator who developed Dalcroze eurhythmics. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in... read more >
    Swiss composer (1865-1950) and music educator who developed Dalcroze eurhythmics. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Genève, December 4, 1897, addressed to Arthur Cognard, concerning his vocal work Sancho (1896): “…la première de ma comédie musicale Sancho a lieu à Genève le lundi 13 Décembre prochain (…) j’ai très peur de l’indifference de la presse et du public locaux – nul n’est prophète chez lui…”.  Open size is 11.2 x 8.6 inches, two written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, letterhead from "Gazette Musicale Geneve", in very good condition.  
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3875-C6C) - Added on:
    French operatic composer (1837-1904). Two autograph letters in French signed by him: one dated in Compiègne, November 8, 1858, and the other one from 1880 ca. Letters concern music publishing and acquaintances, one letter is addressed to the director of the Théâtre des Folies-Dramatiques in Paris Victor Blandin (1824-1898). We report two extracts as a sample: “…je vous envoi les dédicaces qui seront demain sur les trois partitions de Sophie Frandin et [Noémie]Vernon - Il est très important que ces trois dédicaces paraissent dans le courrier de Prével…”. ; “…Quelqu’un de mes amis qui a parlé de moi à M. Offenbach me previent qu’il est tout disposé à entendre mon opéra et à l’examiner avec moi…”.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French operatic composer (1837-1904). Two autograph letters in French signed by him: one dated in Compiègne, November 8, 1858, and... read more >
    French operatic composer (1837-1904). Two autograph letters in French signed by him: one dated in Compiègne, November 8, 1858, and the other one from 1880 ca. Letters concern music publishing and acquaintances, one letter is addressed to the director of the Théâtre des Folies-Dramatiques in Paris Victor Blandin (1824-1898). We report two extracts as a sample: “…je vous envoi les dédicaces qui seront demain sur les trois partitions de Sophie Frandin et [Noémie]Vernon - Il est très important que ces trois dédicaces paraissent dans le courrier de Prével…”. ; “…Quelqu’un de mes amis qui a parlé de moi à M. Offenbach me previent qu’il est tout disposé à entendre mon opéra et à l’examiner avec moi…”.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French operatic composer (1837-1904). Two autograph letters in...

    $90.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3875-C6C) - Added on:
    French operatic composer (1837-1904). Two autograph letters in French signed by him: one dated in Compiègne, November 8, 1858, and the other one from 1880 ca. Letters concern music publishing and acquaintances, one letter is addressed to the director of the Théâtre des Folies-Dramatiques in Paris Victor Blandin (1824-1898). We report two extracts as a sample: “…je vous envoi les dédicaces qui seront demain sur les trois partitions de Sophie Frandin et [Noémie]Vernon - Il est très important que ces trois dédicaces paraissent dans le courrier de Prével…”. ; “…Quelqu’un de mes amis qui a parlé de moi à M. Offenbach me previent qu’il est tout disposé à entendre mon opéra et à l’examiner avec moi…”.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French operatic composer (1837-1904). Two autograph letters in French signed by him: one dated in Compiègne, November 8, 1858, and... read more >
    French operatic composer (1837-1904). Two autograph letters in French signed by him: one dated in Compiègne, November 8, 1858, and the other one from 1880 ca. Letters concern music publishing and acquaintances, one letter is addressed to the director of the Théâtre des Folies-Dramatiques in Paris Victor Blandin (1824-1898). We report two extracts as a sample: “…je vous envoi les dédicaces qui seront demain sur les trois partitions de Sophie Frandin et [Noémie]Vernon - Il est très important que ces trois dédicaces paraissent dans le courrier de Prével…”. ; “…Quelqu’un de mes amis qui a parlé de moi à M. Offenbach me previent qu’il est tout disposé à entendre mon opéra et à l’examiner avec moi…”.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3882-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist, chiefly known for her graceful and romantic piano music and songs. 3-bar autograph music quote from his op. 50 "L'Enjôleuse" signed by her and dated in Bussang, August 18, 1893, mounted on cardboard. Size is 9.9 x 8.5 inches, in excellent condition. ALSO INCLUDED is an unsigned printed portrait of the composer.
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist, chiefly known for her graceful and romantic piano music and songs. 3-bar... read more >
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist, chiefly known for her graceful and romantic piano music and songs. 3-bar autograph music quote from his op. 50 "L'Enjôleuse" signed by her and dated in Bussang, August 18, 1893, mounted on cardboard. Size is 9.9 x 8.5 inches, in excellent condition. ALSO INCLUDED is an unsigned printed portrait of the composer.
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist,...

    $300.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3882-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist, chiefly known for her graceful and romantic piano music and songs. 3-bar autograph music quote from his op. 50 "L'Enjôleuse" signed by her and dated in Bussang, August 18, 1893, mounted on cardboard. Size is 9.9 x 8.5 inches, in excellent condition. ALSO INCLUDED is an unsigned printed portrait of the composer.
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist, chiefly known for her graceful and romantic piano music and songs. 3-bar... read more >
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist, chiefly known for her graceful and romantic piano music and songs. 3-bar autograph music quote from his op. 50 "L'Enjôleuse" signed by her and dated in Bussang, August 18, 1893, mounted on cardboard. Size is 9.9 x 8.5 inches, in excellent condition. ALSO INCLUDED is an unsigned printed portrait of the composer.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3881-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist, chiefly known for her graceful and romantic piano music and songs. Fine autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her mounted on cardboard, dated in La Seyne, March 2, 1916, to a gentleman:  “…Je suis encore surmenée à cette maison militaire où je suis présidente et ouù je me suis  oubliée pour fair chanter les hymnes nationaux à nos pauvres mutilés…”. Open size is 10.7 x 8.3 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, printed letterhead, in overall very good condition.  
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist, chiefly known for her graceful and romantic piano music and songs. Fine... read more >
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist, chiefly known for her graceful and romantic piano music and songs. Fine autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her mounted on cardboard, dated in La Seyne, March 2, 1916, to a gentleman:  “…Je suis encore surmenée à cette maison militaire où je suis présidente et ouù je me suis  oubliée pour fair chanter les hymnes nationaux à nos pauvres mutilés…”. Open size is 10.7 x 8.3 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, printed letterhead, in overall very good condition.  
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist,...

    $300.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3881-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist, chiefly known for her graceful and romantic piano music and songs. Fine autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her mounted on cardboard, dated in La Seyne, March 2, 1916, to a gentleman:  “…Je suis encore surmenée à cette maison militaire où je suis présidente et ouù je me suis  oubliée pour fair chanter les hymnes nationaux à nos pauvres mutilés…”. Open size is 10.7 x 8.3 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, printed letterhead, in overall very good condition.  
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist, chiefly known for her graceful and romantic piano music and songs. Fine... read more >
    French composer (1857-1944) and a popular concert pianist, chiefly known for her graceful and romantic piano music and songs. Fine autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her mounted on cardboard, dated in La Seyne, March 2, 1916, to a gentleman:  “…Je suis encore surmenée à cette maison militaire où je suis présidente et ouù je me suis  oubliée pour fair chanter les hymnes nationaux à nos pauvres mutilés…”. Open size is 10.7 x 8.3 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, printed letterhead, in overall very good condition.  
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3893-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1874-1956). Interesting and lengthy autograph letter in French signed by him, with a brief autograph musical quotation signed by him, dated in Gironde par St. Genest d’Ambière from the 15th to the 20th of July, 1945.  As a diary, Lucas writes to her correspondent  throughout the days and gets lost in aesthetic, personal reflections and on music: “…En voilà un qui a de la chair et du sang que Stravinsky a mis en valeur admirablement, avec son rythme qui saisit tout le corps! Mais il ne sert pas être de lui. Ce doit être au thème populaire, forcement russe. Pour la danse, à part le ballet, je ne l’aime pas…”.  Open size is 11.1 x 7.4 inches, four written pages in one folded sheet, folds, in overall excellent condition.
    French composer (1874-1956). Interesting and lengthy autograph letter in French signed by him, with a brief autograph musical quotation signed... read more >
    French composer (1874-1956). Interesting and lengthy autograph letter in French signed by him, with a brief autograph musical quotation signed by him, dated in Gironde par St. Genest d’Ambière from the 15th to the 20th of July, 1945.  As a diary, Lucas writes to her correspondent  throughout the days and gets lost in aesthetic, personal reflections and on music: “…En voilà un qui a de la chair et du sang que Stravinsky a mis en valeur admirablement, avec son rythme qui saisit tout le corps! Mais il ne sert pas être de lui. Ce doit être au thème populaire, forcement russe. Pour la danse, à part le ballet, je ne l’aime pas…”.  Open size is 11.1 x 7.4 inches, four written pages in one folded sheet, folds, in overall excellent condition.
    French composer (1874-1956). Interesting and lengthy autograph letter...

    $400.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3893-C6C) - Added on:
    French composer (1874-1956). Interesting and lengthy autograph letter in French signed by him, with a brief autograph musical quotation signed by him, dated in Gironde par St. Genest d’Ambière from the 15th to the 20th of July, 1945.  As a diary, Lucas writes to her correspondent  throughout the days and gets lost in aesthetic, personal reflections and on music: “…En voilà un qui a de la chair et du sang que Stravinsky a mis en valeur admirablement, avec son rythme qui saisit tout le corps! Mais il ne sert pas être de lui. Ce doit être au thème populaire, forcement russe. Pour la danse, à part le ballet, je ne l’aime pas…”.  Open size is 11.1 x 7.4 inches, four written pages in one folded sheet, folds, in overall excellent condition.
    French composer (1874-1956). Interesting and lengthy autograph letter in French signed by him, with a brief autograph musical quotation signed... read more >
    French composer (1874-1956). Interesting and lengthy autograph letter in French signed by him, with a brief autograph musical quotation signed by him, dated in Gironde par St. Genest d’Ambière from the 15th to the 20th of July, 1945.  As a diary, Lucas writes to her correspondent  throughout the days and gets lost in aesthetic, personal reflections and on music: “…En voilà un qui a de la chair et du sang que Stravinsky a mis en valeur admirablement, avec son rythme qui saisit tout le corps! Mais il ne sert pas être de lui. Ce doit être au thème populaire, forcement russe. Pour la danse, à part le ballet, je ne l’aime pas…”.  Open size is 11.1 x 7.4 inches, four written pages in one folded sheet, folds, in overall excellent condition.
Showing items 1-48 of 584.


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