Recently Added Authentic Autographs and Memorabilia

Items listed in the order they were added to our site - any category, historic autographs for sale and modern signed memorabilia (photos, programs, posters, playbills, etc) - starting with the NEWEST additions in authentic autographs at the top of this page.

All items shown below are in stock, all guaranteed authentic autograph photos and memorabilia. Items show the category in which they were listed in.



  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3863-C6B) - Added on:
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Printed music score with signature and date 1928 by the French composer and music teacher. Booklet “Folk dances of the world” by Oxford University Press, 1926, that includes the piano work “Bourrée en Rondeau” signed by D'Indy.  Size is 8.3 x 11.6 inches, 2 pages, in excellent condition.
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still... read more >
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Printed music score with signature and date 1928 by the French composer and music teacher. Booklet “Folk dances of the world” by Oxford University Press, 1926, that includes the piano work “Bourrée en Rondeau” signed by D'Indy.  Size is 8.3 x 11.6 inches, 2 pages, in excellent condition.
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the...

    $150.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3863-C6B) - Added on:
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Printed music score with signature and date 1928 by the French composer and music teacher. Booklet “Folk dances of the world” by Oxford University Press, 1926, that includes the piano work “Bourrée en Rondeau” signed by D'Indy.  Size is 8.3 x 11.6 inches, 2 pages, in excellent condition.
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still... read more >
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Printed music score with signature and date 1928 by the French composer and music teacher. Booklet “Folk dances of the world” by Oxford University Press, 1926, that includes the piano work “Bourrée en Rondeau” signed by D'Indy.  Size is 8.3 x 11.6 inches, 2 pages, in excellent condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3861-C6B) - Added on:
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated on December 10, 1918, to a gentleman: “…C’est bien convenu pour le 24 décembre soir, le concert avec [Jules] Boucherit pour lequel M. de Launay m’a écrit, mais j’avais compris que c’était à la salle Gaveau ?? Voulez vous m’éclairer sur ce point en même temps convenu avec Boucherit pour une répetition preâlable qui ne pourrait guère avoir lieu que le samedi 21 a 5 ½ à la Schola…”. Size is, 1 written page, folds, creases, dirt stains, restored in some parts, in overall very good condition.
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still... read more >
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated on December 10, 1918, to a gentleman: “…C’est bien convenu pour le 24 décembre soir, le concert avec [Jules] Boucherit pour lequel M. de Launay m’a écrit, mais j’avais compris que c’était à la salle Gaveau ?? Voulez vous m’éclairer sur ce point en même temps convenu avec Boucherit pour une répetition preâlable qui ne pourrait guère avoir lieu que le samedi 21 a 5 ½ à la Schola…”. Size is, 1 written page, folds, creases, dirt stains, restored in some parts, in overall very good condition.
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the...

    $200.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3861-C6B) - Added on:
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated on December 10, 1918, to a gentleman: “…C’est bien convenu pour le 24 décembre soir, le concert avec [Jules] Boucherit pour lequel M. de Launay m’a écrit, mais j’avais compris que c’était à la salle Gaveau ?? Voulez vous m’éclairer sur ce point en même temps convenu avec Boucherit pour une répetition preâlable qui ne pourrait guère avoir lieu que le samedi 21 a 5 ½ à la Schola…”. Size is, 1 written page, folds, creases, dirt stains, restored in some parts, in overall very good condition.
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still... read more >
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated on December 10, 1918, to a gentleman: “…C’est bien convenu pour le 24 décembre soir, le concert avec [Jules] Boucherit pour lequel M. de Launay m’a écrit, mais j’avais compris que c’était à la salle Gaveau ?? Voulez vous m’éclairer sur ce point en même temps convenu avec Boucherit pour une répetition preâlable qui ne pourrait guère avoir lieu que le samedi 21 a 5 ½ à la Schola…”. Size is, 1 written page, folds, creases, dirt stains, restored in some parts, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3862-C6B) - Added on:
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Fine autograph letter in French signed by him, dated October 29, 1891, discussing with a gentleman  (the La Havre theatre Director) the concert program for a concert in January 1892: “…Je dois aussi vous dire que je suis éminement pauvre quant au repertoire chanteur. J’ai bien pour [Léon] Melchissédech une machine qui lui irait parfaitement et produit toujours un certain effet de public, c’est la Chevauchée du Cid, mais c’est avec choeur mixte, obligato, obligatissimo!!!!…”. On January 17, 1892, the orchestral suite "Tableaux de Voyage" (op. 33) in 6 parts was premiered in Le Havre.  Open size is 9.1 x 7 inches, 4 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, dirt stains, in overall very good condition.
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still... read more >
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Fine autograph letter in French signed by him, dated October 29, 1891, discussing with a gentleman  (the La Havre theatre Director) the concert program for a concert in January 1892: “…Je dois aussi vous dire que je suis éminement pauvre quant au repertoire chanteur. J’ai bien pour [Léon] Melchissédech une machine qui lui irait parfaitement et produit toujours un certain effet de public, c’est la Chevauchée du Cid, mais c’est avec choeur mixte, obligato, obligatissimo!!!!…”. On January 17, 1892, the orchestral suite "Tableaux de Voyage" (op. 33) in 6 parts was premiered in Le Havre.  Open size is 9.1 x 7 inches, 4 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, dirt stains, in overall very good condition.
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the...

    $400.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3862-C6B) - Added on:
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Fine autograph letter in French signed by him, dated October 29, 1891, discussing with a gentleman  (the La Havre theatre Director) the concert program for a concert in January 1892: “…Je dois aussi vous dire que je suis éminement pauvre quant au repertoire chanteur. J’ai bien pour [Léon] Melchissédech une machine qui lui irait parfaitement et produit toujours un certain effet de public, c’est la Chevauchée du Cid, mais c’est avec choeur mixte, obligato, obligatissimo!!!!…”. On January 17, 1892, the orchestral suite "Tableaux de Voyage" (op. 33) in 6 parts was premiered in Le Havre.  Open size is 9.1 x 7 inches, 4 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, dirt stains, in overall very good condition.
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still... read more >
    French composer and teacher (1851-1931), one of the leading composers of his time in France, and his works are still worldwide performed today. Fine autograph letter in French signed by him, dated October 29, 1891, discussing with a gentleman  (the La Havre theatre Director) the concert program for a concert in January 1892: “…Je dois aussi vous dire que je suis éminement pauvre quant au repertoire chanteur. J’ai bien pour [Léon] Melchissédech une machine qui lui irait parfaitement et produit toujours un certain effet de public, c’est la Chevauchée du Cid, mais c’est avec choeur mixte, obligato, obligatissimo!!!!…”. On January 17, 1892, the orchestral suite "Tableaux de Voyage" (op. 33) in 6 parts was premiered in Le Havre.  Open size is 9.1 x 7 inches, 4 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, dirt stains, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3855-C6B) - Added on:
    Belgian tenor (1834-1906), particularly known for his portrayal of Wagner and Meyerbeer heroes.  Set of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him: two of them dated 1859. Letters are addressed to gentlemen regarding performances and theater lodges.  We report an extract as a sample: “…je joue demain le Songe d’une nuit d’été; l’intérêt que vous me portez me fait penser qu’il vous serait agréable de me voir ce qui fait que malgré les embarras d’un mauvais rhume je mets deux places à votre disposition…”. Each one's is 1 page long, two are 5.5 x 8.3 inches, one is 5.2 x 8.2, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    Belgian tenor (1834-1906), particularly known for his portrayal of Wagner and Meyerbeer heroes.  Set of three autograph letters in French... read more >
    Belgian tenor (1834-1906), particularly known for his portrayal of Wagner and Meyerbeer heroes.  Set of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him: two of them dated 1859. Letters are addressed to gentlemen regarding performances and theater lodges.  We report an extract as a sample: “…je joue demain le Songe d’une nuit d’été; l’intérêt que vous me portez me fait penser qu’il vous serait agréable de me voir ce qui fait que malgré les embarras d’un mauvais rhume je mets deux places à votre disposition…”. Each one's is 1 page long, two are 5.5 x 8.3 inches, one is 5.2 x 8.2, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    Belgian tenor (1834-1906), particularly known for his portrayal...

    $150.00 USD

    (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3855-C6B) - Added on:
    Belgian tenor (1834-1906), particularly known for his portrayal of Wagner and Meyerbeer heroes.  Set of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him: two of them dated 1859. Letters are addressed to gentlemen regarding performances and theater lodges.  We report an extract as a sample: “…je joue demain le Songe d’une nuit d’été; l’intérêt que vous me portez me fait penser qu’il vous serait agréable de me voir ce qui fait que malgré les embarras d’un mauvais rhume je mets deux places à votre disposition…”. Each one's is 1 page long, two are 5.5 x 8.3 inches, one is 5.2 x 8.2, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    Belgian tenor (1834-1906), particularly known for his portrayal of Wagner and Meyerbeer heroes.  Set of three autograph letters in French... read more >
    Belgian tenor (1834-1906), particularly known for his portrayal of Wagner and Meyerbeer heroes.  Set of three autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him: two of them dated 1859. Letters are addressed to gentlemen regarding performances and theater lodges.  We report an extract as a sample: “…je joue demain le Songe d’une nuit d’été; l’intérêt que vous me portez me fait penser qu’il vous serait agréable de me voir ce qui fait que malgré les embarras d’un mauvais rhume je mets deux places à votre disposition…”. Each one's is 1 page long, two are 5.5 x 8.3 inches, one is 5.2 x 8.2, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.

    (Item #: K3870-C6B) - Added on:
    French organist and composer (1861-1947). Signed personal card, inscribed with a short sentiment. Size is 3.5 x 2 inches, in excellent condition.
    French organist and composer (1861-1947). Signed personal card, inscribed with a short sentiment. Size is 3.5 x 2 inches, in... read more >
    French organist and composer (1861-1947). Signed personal card, inscribed with a short sentiment. Size is 3.5 x 2 inches, in excellent condition.
    French organist and composer (1861-1947). Signed personal card,...

    $45.00 USD


    (Item #: K3870-C6B) - Added on:
    French organist and composer (1861-1947). Signed personal card, inscribed with a short sentiment. Size is 3.5 x 2 inches, in excellent condition.
    French organist and composer (1861-1947). Signed personal card, inscribed with a short sentiment. Size is 3.5 x 2 inches, in... read more >
    French organist and composer (1861-1947). Signed personal card, inscribed with a short sentiment. Size is 3.5 x 2 inches, in excellent condition.

    (Item #: K3840-C6B) - Added on:
    French theater actress (1848-1941). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated Sept 29th, 1893, addressed to the French violinist and composer Albert Vizentini (1841-1906): “…Le souvenir que j’ai gardé de mon très court séjour à Gassin n’est m’est que agréable. Cela ne m’empêche pas de m’associer de coeur aux manifestations faites par les français et le très sympathique peuple mais je désir m’en tenir les bien convaincu pour mon très humble concours…”. Size is 9.1 x 7.2 inches, three written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, spotted rust stains, in overall very good condition.
    French theater actress (1848-1941). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated Sept 29th, 1893, addressed to the French... read more >
    French theater actress (1848-1941). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated Sept 29th, 1893, addressed to the French violinist and composer Albert Vizentini (1841-1906): “…Le souvenir que j’ai gardé de mon très court séjour à Gassin n’est m’est que agréable. Cela ne m’empêche pas de m’associer de coeur aux manifestations faites par les français et le très sympathique peuple mais je désir m’en tenir les bien convaincu pour mon très humble concours…”. Size is 9.1 x 7.2 inches, three written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, spotted rust stains, in overall very good condition.
    French theater actress (1848-1941). Autograph letter in French...

    $60.00 USD


    (Item #: K3840-C6B) - Added on:
    French theater actress (1848-1941). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated Sept 29th, 1893, addressed to the French violinist and composer Albert Vizentini (1841-1906): “…Le souvenir que j’ai gardé de mon très court séjour à Gassin n’est m’est que agréable. Cela ne m’empêche pas de m’associer de coeur aux manifestations faites par les français et le très sympathique peuple mais je désir m’en tenir les bien convaincu pour mon très humble concours…”. Size is 9.1 x 7.2 inches, three written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, spotted rust stains, in overall very good condition.
    French theater actress (1848-1941). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated Sept 29th, 1893, addressed to the French... read more >
    French theater actress (1848-1941). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated Sept 29th, 1893, addressed to the French violinist and composer Albert Vizentini (1841-1906): “…Le souvenir que j’ai gardé de mon très court séjour à Gassin n’est m’est que agréable. Cela ne m’empêche pas de m’associer de coeur aux manifestations faites par les français et le très sympathique peuple mais je désir m’en tenir les bien convaincu pour mon très humble concours…”. Size is 9.1 x 7.2 inches, three written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, spotted rust stains, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in STRING AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3868-C6B) - Added on:
    French violinist and teacher (1850?-1925?). Set of two autograph items: one signed autograph letter and a signed autograph note on a card, no date. Items concern upcoming musical engagements, one letter is addressed to the poet Charles Grandmougin (1850-1930).  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French violinist and teacher (1850?-1925?). Set of two autograph items: one signed autograph letter and a signed autograph note on... read more >
    French violinist and teacher (1850?-1925?). Set of two autograph items: one signed autograph letter and a signed autograph note on a card, no date. Items concern upcoming musical engagements, one letter is addressed to the poet Charles Grandmougin (1850-1930).  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French violinist and teacher (1850?-1925?). Set of two...

    $90.00 USD

    (Listed in STRING AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3868-C6B) - Added on:
    French violinist and teacher (1850?-1925?). Set of two autograph items: one signed autograph letter and a signed autograph note on a card, no date. Items concern upcoming musical engagements, one letter is addressed to the poet Charles Grandmougin (1850-1930).  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French violinist and teacher (1850?-1925?). Set of two autograph items: one signed autograph letter and a signed autograph note on... read more >
    French violinist and teacher (1850?-1925?). Set of two autograph items: one signed autograph letter and a signed autograph note on a card, no date. Items concern upcoming musical engagements, one letter is addressed to the poet Charles Grandmougin (1850-1930).  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.

    (Item #: K3858-C6B) - Added on:
    French actor (1837-1920), and creator of a large number of roles in plays by Labiche and operettas by Offenbach. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated May 3, 1876, addressed to the dramatist William Busnach (1832-1907): “….Selon la promesse que vous m’avez faite, je viens vous demander l’autorisation de jouer ‘Mon mari est à Versaille’ dans tous les départements…”. Size is 4.2 x 5.4 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), letterhead from "Théatre des Variétés", folds, creases, rust stains, in very good condition. ALSO INCLUDED is a caricature portrait drawn by Grandval depicting Baron.  Size is 7 x 9 inches, in excellent condition.
    French actor (1837-1920), and creator of a large number of roles in plays by Labiche and operettas by Offenbach. Autograph... read more >
    French actor (1837-1920), and creator of a large number of roles in plays by Labiche and operettas by Offenbach. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated May 3, 1876, addressed to the dramatist William Busnach (1832-1907): “….Selon la promesse que vous m’avez faite, je viens vous demander l’autorisation de jouer ‘Mon mari est à Versaille’ dans tous les départements…”. Size is 4.2 x 5.4 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), letterhead from "Théatre des Variétés", folds, creases, rust stains, in very good condition. ALSO INCLUDED is a caricature portrait drawn by Grandval depicting Baron.  Size is 7 x 9 inches, in excellent condition.
    French actor (1837-1920), and creator of a large...

    $150.00 USD


    (Item #: K3858-C6B) - Added on:
    French actor (1837-1920), and creator of a large number of roles in plays by Labiche and operettas by Offenbach. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated May 3, 1876, addressed to the dramatist William Busnach (1832-1907): “….Selon la promesse que vous m’avez faite, je viens vous demander l’autorisation de jouer ‘Mon mari est à Versaille’ dans tous les départements…”. Size is 4.2 x 5.4 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), letterhead from "Théatre des Variétés", folds, creases, rust stains, in very good condition. ALSO INCLUDED is a caricature portrait drawn by Grandval depicting Baron.  Size is 7 x 9 inches, in excellent condition.
    French actor (1837-1920), and creator of a large number of roles in plays by Labiche and operettas by Offenbach. Autograph... read more >
    French actor (1837-1920), and creator of a large number of roles in plays by Labiche and operettas by Offenbach. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated May 3, 1876, addressed to the dramatist William Busnach (1832-1907): “….Selon la promesse que vous m’avez faite, je viens vous demander l’autorisation de jouer ‘Mon mari est à Versaille’ dans tous les départements…”. Size is 4.2 x 5.4 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), letterhead from "Théatre des Variétés", folds, creases, rust stains, in very good condition. ALSO INCLUDED is a caricature portrait drawn by Grandval depicting Baron.  Size is 7 x 9 inches, in excellent condition.
  • (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3846-C6B) - Added on:
    French journalist (1867-1944) and children's author. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date (but circa 1890). One letter is addressed to Mr. Levy regarding the music drafts and meetings.  Each one's size is 5.4 x 8.3 inches each, 1 written page each, both in very good condition.
    French journalist (1867-1944) and children's author. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date (but... read more >
    French journalist (1867-1944) and children's author. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date (but circa 1890). One letter is addressed to Mr. Levy regarding the music drafts and meetings.  Each one's size is 5.4 x 8.3 inches each, 1 written page each, both in very good condition.
    French journalist (1867-1944) and children's author. Set of...

    $60.00 USD

    (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3846-C6B) - Added on:
    French journalist (1867-1944) and children's author. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date (but circa 1890). One letter is addressed to Mr. Levy regarding the music drafts and meetings.  Each one's size is 5.4 x 8.3 inches each, 1 written page each, both in very good condition.
    French journalist (1867-1944) and children's author. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date (but... read more >
    French journalist (1867-1944) and children's author. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date (but circa 1890). One letter is addressed to Mr. Levy regarding the music drafts and meetings.  Each one's size is 5.4 x 8.3 inches each, 1 written page each, both in very good condition.

    (Item #: K3847-C6B) - Added on:
    French music critic (1834-1880), journalist, and music historian. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, September 1, 1872, addressed to a gentleman: “…Vous devez avoir connaissance de la correspondances universelle (autographiée) publié depuis une douzaine de jours par M. de Poggenpohl…”. Open size 11.3 x 8.6 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, creases, folds, tape residues, in overall very good condition.
    French music critic (1834-1880), journalist, and music historian. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, September... read more >
    French music critic (1834-1880), journalist, and music historian. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, September 1, 1872, addressed to a gentleman: “…Vous devez avoir connaissance de la correspondances universelle (autographiée) publié depuis une douzaine de jours par M. de Poggenpohl…”. Open size 11.3 x 8.6 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, creases, folds, tape residues, in overall very good condition.
    French music critic (1834-1880), journalist, and music historian....

    $70.00 USD


    (Item #: K3847-C6B) - Added on:
    French music critic (1834-1880), journalist, and music historian. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, September 1, 1872, addressed to a gentleman: “…Vous devez avoir connaissance de la correspondances universelle (autographiée) publié depuis une douzaine de jours par M. de Poggenpohl…”. Open size 11.3 x 8.6 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, creases, folds, tape residues, in overall very good condition.
    French music critic (1834-1880), journalist, and music historian. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, September... read more >
    French music critic (1834-1880), journalist, and music historian. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, September 1, 1872, addressed to a gentleman: “…Vous devez avoir connaissance de la correspondances universelle (autographiée) publié depuis une douzaine de jours par M. de Poggenpohl…”. Open size 11.3 x 8.6 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, creases, folds, tape residues, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3856-C6B) - Added on:
    French tenor (1916-1995). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1960, addressed to the journalist and musicologist Bernard Gavoty (1908-1981) and concern a radio broadcast dedicated to “…les grands interprètes…”.  Each one's size is 5.5 x 8.4 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet each (front and back), creases, folds, in overall very good condition.
    French tenor (1916-1995). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1960, addressed... read more >
    French tenor (1916-1995). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1960, addressed to the journalist and musicologist Bernard Gavoty (1908-1981) and concern a radio broadcast dedicated to “…les grands interprètes…”.  Each one's size is 5.5 x 8.4 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet each (front and back), creases, folds, in overall very good condition.
    French tenor (1916-1995). Set of two autograph letters...

    $150.00 USD

    (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3856-C6B) - Added on:
    French tenor (1916-1995). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1960, addressed to the journalist and musicologist Bernard Gavoty (1908-1981) and concern a radio broadcast dedicated to “…les grands interprètes…”.  Each one's size is 5.5 x 8.4 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet each (front and back), creases, folds, in overall very good condition.
    French tenor (1916-1995). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1960, addressed... read more >
    French tenor (1916-1995). Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, one of them dated 1960, addressed to the journalist and musicologist Bernard Gavoty (1908-1981) and concern a radio broadcast dedicated to “…les grands interprètes…”.  Each one's size is 5.5 x 8.4 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet each (front and back), creases, folds, in overall very good condition.

    (Item #: K3860-C4B) - Added on:
    English mezzo-soprano (b.1940). Fine black-and-white photograph signed by her, shown as Amneris in Verdi's Aida. Size is 7.75 x 9.25 inches, in excellent condition.
    English mezzo-soprano (b.1940). Fine black-and-white photograph signed by her, shown as Amneris in Verdi's Aida. Size is 7.75 x 9.25... read more >
    English mezzo-soprano (b.1940). Fine black-and-white photograph signed by her, shown as Amneris in Verdi's Aida. Size is 7.75 x 9.25 inches, in excellent condition.
    English mezzo-soprano (b.1940). Fine black-and-white photograph signed by...

    $40.00 USD


    (Item #: K3860-C4B) - Added on:
    English mezzo-soprano (b.1940). Fine black-and-white photograph signed by her, shown as Amneris in Verdi's Aida. Size is 7.75 x 9.25 inches, in excellent condition.
    English mezzo-soprano (b.1940). Fine black-and-white photograph signed by her, shown as Amneris in Verdi's Aida. Size is 7.75 x 9.25... read more >
    English mezzo-soprano (b.1940). Fine black-and-white photograph signed by her, shown as Amneris in Verdi's Aida. Size is 7.75 x 9.25 inches, in excellent condition.

    (Item #: K3845-C6B) - Added on:
    French journalist (1864-1938), agent, theater manager, theatrical impresario, and playwright whose career connects many of the best-known incidents and personalities of Belle Epoque Paris. Autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, February 2, 1921, addressed to a gentleman concerning fees for conductors. Size is 5.3 x 6.8 inches, 1 page, folds, overall rust tone, in very good condition.
    French journalist (1864-1938), agent, theater manager, theatrical impresario, and playwright whose career connects many of the best-known incidents and personalities... read more >
    French journalist (1864-1938), agent, theater manager, theatrical impresario, and playwright whose career connects many of the best-known incidents and personalities of Belle Epoque Paris. Autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, February 2, 1921, addressed to a gentleman concerning fees for conductors. Size is 5.3 x 6.8 inches, 1 page, folds, overall rust tone, in very good condition.
    French journalist (1864-1938), agent, theater manager, theatrical impresario,...

    $80.00 USD


    (Item #: K3845-C6B) - Added on:
    French journalist (1864-1938), agent, theater manager, theatrical impresario, and playwright whose career connects many of the best-known incidents and personalities of Belle Epoque Paris. Autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, February 2, 1921, addressed to a gentleman concerning fees for conductors. Size is 5.3 x 6.8 inches, 1 page, folds, overall rust tone, in very good condition.
    French journalist (1864-1938), agent, theater manager, theatrical impresario, and playwright whose career connects many of the best-known incidents and personalities... read more >
    French journalist (1864-1938), agent, theater manager, theatrical impresario, and playwright whose career connects many of the best-known incidents and personalities of Belle Epoque Paris. Autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, February 2, 1921, addressed to a gentleman concerning fees for conductors. Size is 5.3 x 6.8 inches, 1 page, folds, overall rust tone, in very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3865-C6B) - Added on:
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and musicologist, whose output was mostly vocal music. Lot of five autograph documents, four signed autograph letters plus one signed autograph dedication, dated between 1862 and 1899 by the Belgian composer. Letters are addressed to the composer and cellist Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880), requesting theater seats, arranging meetings, and recommending a girl.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and musicologist, whose output was mostly vocal music. Lot of five autograph documents, four signed autograph letters... read more >
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and musicologist, whose output was mostly vocal music. Lot of five autograph documents, four signed autograph letters plus one signed autograph dedication, dated between 1862 and 1899 by the Belgian composer. Letters are addressed to the composer and cellist Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880), requesting theater seats, arranging meetings, and recommending a girl.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and musicologist, whose output was...

    $500.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3865-C6B) - Added on:
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and musicologist, whose output was mostly vocal music. Lot of five autograph documents, four signed autograph letters plus one signed autograph dedication, dated between 1862 and 1899 by the Belgian composer. Letters are addressed to the composer and cellist Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880), requesting theater seats, arranging meetings, and recommending a girl.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and musicologist, whose output was mostly vocal music. Lot of five autograph documents, four signed autograph letters... read more >
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and musicologist, whose output was mostly vocal music. Lot of five autograph documents, four signed autograph letters plus one signed autograph dedication, dated between 1862 and 1899 by the Belgian composer. Letters are addressed to the composer and cellist Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880), requesting theater seats, arranging meetings, and recommending a girl.  SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.

    (Item #: K3848-C6B) - Added on:
    French impresario, writer, and journalist (1851-1932), was the Secretary General of the Conservatoire National de Musique in Paris. Lot of three autograph letters and one note on his card signed by him in French (untranslated), dated between 1888 and 1897. Letters are addressed to the literate and writer Émile Aucante (1822-1908) and concern fees to be paid, concert tickets, and other matters.  The autograph letters are 5.5 x 8.5 inches each, 1 written page each; card is 3.9 x 2.3 inches, punched. All in very good condition. One original envelope is INCLUDED.  
    French impresario, writer, and journalist (1851-1932), was the Secretary General of the Conservatoire National de Musique in Paris. Lot of... read more >
    French impresario, writer, and journalist (1851-1932), was the Secretary General of the Conservatoire National de Musique in Paris. Lot of three autograph letters and one note on his card signed by him in French (untranslated), dated between 1888 and 1897. Letters are addressed to the literate and writer Émile Aucante (1822-1908) and concern fees to be paid, concert tickets, and other matters.  The autograph letters are 5.5 x 8.5 inches each, 1 written page each; card is 3.9 x 2.3 inches, punched. All in very good condition. One original envelope is INCLUDED.  
    French impresario, writer, and journalist (1851-1932), was the...

    $120.00 USD


    (Item #: K3848-C6B) - Added on:
    French impresario, writer, and journalist (1851-1932), was the Secretary General of the Conservatoire National de Musique in Paris. Lot of three autograph letters and one note on his card signed by him in French (untranslated), dated between 1888 and 1897. Letters are addressed to the literate and writer Émile Aucante (1822-1908) and concern fees to be paid, concert tickets, and other matters.  The autograph letters are 5.5 x 8.5 inches each, 1 written page each; card is 3.9 x 2.3 inches, punched. All in very good condition. One original envelope is INCLUDED.  
    French impresario, writer, and journalist (1851-1932), was the Secretary General of the Conservatoire National de Musique in Paris. Lot of... read more >
    French impresario, writer, and journalist (1851-1932), was the Secretary General of the Conservatoire National de Musique in Paris. Lot of three autograph letters and one note on his card signed by him in French (untranslated), dated between 1888 and 1897. Letters are addressed to the literate and writer Émile Aucante (1822-1908) and concern fees to be paid, concert tickets, and other matters.  The autograph letters are 5.5 x 8.5 inches each, 1 written page each; card is 3.9 x 2.3 inches, punched. All in very good condition. One original envelope is INCLUDED.  

    (Item #: K3851-C6B) - Added on:
    French collector (1836-1918), industrialist, founder of the Guimet Museum. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated April 27, 1900, addressed to Mr. Daudelais, sending his greetings and rejecting again a proposition. Size is 5.5 x 8.1 inches, 1 page, in very good condition. The original envelope is ALSO INCLUDED.  
    French collector (1836-1918), industrialist, founder of the Guimet Museum. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated April 27,... read more >
    French collector (1836-1918), industrialist, founder of the Guimet Museum. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated April 27, 1900, addressed to Mr. Daudelais, sending his greetings and rejecting again a proposition. Size is 5.5 x 8.1 inches, 1 page, in very good condition. The original envelope is ALSO INCLUDED.  
    French collector (1836-1918), industrialist, founder of the Guimet...

    $80.00 USD


    (Item #: K3851-C6B) - Added on:
    French collector (1836-1918), industrialist, founder of the Guimet Museum. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated April 27, 1900, addressed to Mr. Daudelais, sending his greetings and rejecting again a proposition. Size is 5.5 x 8.1 inches, 1 page, in very good condition. The original envelope is ALSO INCLUDED.  
    French collector (1836-1918), industrialist, founder of the Guimet Museum. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated April 27,... read more >
    French collector (1836-1918), industrialist, founder of the Guimet Museum. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated April 27, 1900, addressed to Mr. Daudelais, sending his greetings and rejecting again a proposition. Size is 5.5 x 8.1 inches, 1 page, in very good condition. The original envelope is ALSO INCLUDED.  
  • (Listed in CONDUCTOR AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3872-C6B) - Added on:
    Dutch conductor (1825-1909) whose career developed mostly in France. Set of two letters signed (one autograph), both dated 1852 by the Dutch composer and conductor.  Letters are addressed to a gentlemen and concern a meeting and an upcoming performance: “…je prends la liberté de vous offrir ci-joint quelques invitations pour la soirée musicale que je donnerai le jeudi 29 Avril dans la Salle Herz pour l’audition de mes compositions…”.  Sizes are 8.2 x 5.1 (open size), 3 written pages in one folded sheet; and 5.2 x 8 inches, 1 page; both in very good condition.
    Dutch conductor (1825-1909) whose career developed mostly in France. Set of two letters signed (one autograph), both dated 1852 by... read more >
    Dutch conductor (1825-1909) whose career developed mostly in France. Set of two letters signed (one autograph), both dated 1852 by the Dutch composer and conductor.  Letters are addressed to a gentlemen and concern a meeting and an upcoming performance: “…je prends la liberté de vous offrir ci-joint quelques invitations pour la soirée musicale que je donnerai le jeudi 29 Avril dans la Salle Herz pour l’audition de mes compositions…”.  Sizes are 8.2 x 5.1 (open size), 3 written pages in one folded sheet; and 5.2 x 8 inches, 1 page; both in very good condition.
    Dutch conductor (1825-1909) whose career developed mostly in...

    $150.00 USD

    (Listed in CONDUCTOR AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3872-C6B) - Added on:
    Dutch conductor (1825-1909) whose career developed mostly in France. Set of two letters signed (one autograph), both dated 1852 by the Dutch composer and conductor.  Letters are addressed to a gentlemen and concern a meeting and an upcoming performance: “…je prends la liberté de vous offrir ci-joint quelques invitations pour la soirée musicale que je donnerai le jeudi 29 Avril dans la Salle Herz pour l’audition de mes compositions…”.  Sizes are 8.2 x 5.1 (open size), 3 written pages in one folded sheet; and 5.2 x 8 inches, 1 page; both in very good condition.
    Dutch conductor (1825-1909) whose career developed mostly in France. Set of two letters signed (one autograph), both dated 1852 by... read more >
    Dutch conductor (1825-1909) whose career developed mostly in France. Set of two letters signed (one autograph), both dated 1852 by the Dutch composer and conductor.  Letters are addressed to a gentlemen and concern a meeting and an upcoming performance: “…je prends la liberté de vous offrir ci-joint quelques invitations pour la soirée musicale que je donnerai le jeudi 29 Avril dans la Salle Herz pour l’audition de mes compositions…”.  Sizes are 8.2 x 5.1 (open size), 3 written pages in one folded sheet; and 5.2 x 8 inches, 1 page; both in very good condition.

    (Item #: K3871-C6B) - Added on:
    French soprano (ca.1910-?) of operettas and cinema actress, who performed at the Opéra-Comique (1943) and La Monnaie. Fine black-and-white promo photo postcard signed by her with a short sentiment. Size is 3.5 x 5.4 inches, in excellent condition.
    French soprano (ca.1910-?) of operettas and cinema actress, who performed at the Opéra-Comique (1943) and La Monnaie. Fine black-and-white promo... read more >
    French soprano (ca.1910-?) of operettas and cinema actress, who performed at the Opéra-Comique (1943) and La Monnaie. Fine black-and-white promo photo postcard signed by her with a short sentiment. Size is 3.5 x 5.4 inches, in excellent condition.
    French soprano (ca.1910-?) of operettas and cinema actress,...

    $55.00 USD


    (Item #: K3871-C6B) - Added on:
    French soprano (ca.1910-?) of operettas and cinema actress, who performed at the Opéra-Comique (1943) and La Monnaie. Fine black-and-white promo photo postcard signed by her with a short sentiment. Size is 3.5 x 5.4 inches, in excellent condition.
    French soprano (ca.1910-?) of operettas and cinema actress, who performed at the Opéra-Comique (1943) and La Monnaie. Fine black-and-white promo... read more >
    French soprano (ca.1910-?) of operettas and cinema actress, who performed at the Opéra-Comique (1943) and La Monnaie. Fine black-and-white promo photo postcard signed by her with a short sentiment. Size is 3.5 x 5.4 inches, in excellent condition.
  • (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3843-C6B) - Added on:
    French poet (1807-1882), who often collaborated with composers such as Bellini, Rossini, Niedermeyer, and others. Rare autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, October 25, 1837, addressed to his music publisher: “….je tiens toujours à votre disposition un recueil de plusieurs … de poesies lyriques en tout genre – romances, nocturnes, scènes historiques, tt, à votre choix (…) Connaissant à fond plusieurs instruments et notamment la guitare depuis 15 ans – permettez mois, cher Monsieur, de vous offrir un service pour les accompagnements dont vous pourriez avoir besoin – soit romances, album ou partitions entières…”.  Open size is 8.1 x 6.2 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, creases, folds, dirt, ink, and rust stains, in overall good condition.
    French poet (1807-1882), who often collaborated with composers such as Bellini, Rossini, Niedermeyer, and others. Rare autograph letter in French... read more >
    French poet (1807-1882), who often collaborated with composers such as Bellini, Rossini, Niedermeyer, and others. Rare autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, October 25, 1837, addressed to his music publisher: “….je tiens toujours à votre disposition un recueil de plusieurs … de poesies lyriques en tout genre – romances, nocturnes, scènes historiques, tt, à votre choix (…) Connaissant à fond plusieurs instruments et notamment la guitare depuis 15 ans – permettez mois, cher Monsieur, de vous offrir un service pour les accompagnements dont vous pourriez avoir besoin – soit romances, album ou partitions entières…”.  Open size is 8.1 x 6.2 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, creases, folds, dirt, ink, and rust stains, in overall good condition.
    French poet (1807-1882), who often collaborated with composers...

    $150.00 USD

    (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3843-C6B) - Added on:
    French poet (1807-1882), who often collaborated with composers such as Bellini, Rossini, Niedermeyer, and others. Rare autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, October 25, 1837, addressed to his music publisher: “….je tiens toujours à votre disposition un recueil de plusieurs … de poesies lyriques en tout genre – romances, nocturnes, scènes historiques, tt, à votre choix (…) Connaissant à fond plusieurs instruments et notamment la guitare depuis 15 ans – permettez mois, cher Monsieur, de vous offrir un service pour les accompagnements dont vous pourriez avoir besoin – soit romances, album ou partitions entières…”.  Open size is 8.1 x 6.2 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, creases, folds, dirt, ink, and rust stains, in overall good condition.
    French poet (1807-1882), who often collaborated with composers such as Bellini, Rossini, Niedermeyer, and others. Rare autograph letter in French... read more >
    French poet (1807-1882), who often collaborated with composers such as Bellini, Rossini, Niedermeyer, and others. Rare autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, October 25, 1837, addressed to his music publisher: “….je tiens toujours à votre disposition un recueil de plusieurs … de poesies lyriques en tout genre – romances, nocturnes, scènes historiques, tt, à votre choix (…) Connaissant à fond plusieurs instruments et notamment la guitare depuis 15 ans – permettez mois, cher Monsieur, de vous offrir un service pour les accompagnements dont vous pourriez avoir besoin – soit romances, album ou partitions entières…”.  Open size is 8.1 x 6.2 inches, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, creases, folds, dirt, ink, and rust stains, in overall good condition.
  • (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS (0 - $50))

    (Item #: K3850-C6B) - Added on:
    French writer (1821-1885), journalist, and librettist of comic operas. Autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, and addressed to a gentleman, concerning a meeting. Open size is 8.1 x 5.2 inches, 1 written page in one folded sheet, rust and dirt stains, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    French writer (1821-1885), journalist, and librettist of comic operas. Autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, and... read more >
    French writer (1821-1885), journalist, and librettist of comic operas. Autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, and addressed to a gentleman, concerning a meeting. Open size is 8.1 x 5.2 inches, 1 written page in one folded sheet, rust and dirt stains, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    French writer (1821-1885), journalist, and librettist of comic...

    $40.00 USD

    (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS (0 - $50))

    (Item #: K3850-C6B) - Added on:
    French writer (1821-1885), journalist, and librettist of comic operas. Autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, and addressed to a gentleman, concerning a meeting. Open size is 8.1 x 5.2 inches, 1 written page in one folded sheet, rust and dirt stains, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    French writer (1821-1885), journalist, and librettist of comic operas. Autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, and... read more >
    French writer (1821-1885), journalist, and librettist of comic operas. Autograph note in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date, and addressed to a gentleman, concerning a meeting. Open size is 8.1 x 5.2 inches, 1 written page in one folded sheet, rust and dirt stains, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3852-C6B) - Added on:
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Autograph note in French (untranslated) on a card signed by him, postmarked [1887], addressed to Carl von Hock: “Reçois le mot, mille régrets. Empêché ce soir par les dernières représentation…”. Size is 5.2 x 3.1 inches, creases, in overall good condition.
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Autograph note in French (untranslated) on a card signed by him, postmarked [1887], addressed to... read more >
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Autograph note in French (untranslated) on a card signed by him, postmarked [1887], addressed to Carl von Hock: “Reçois le mot, mille régrets. Empêché ce soir par les dernières représentation…”. Size is 5.2 x 3.1 inches, creases, in overall good condition.
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Autograph note in...

    $60.00 USD

    (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3852-C6B) - Added on:
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Autograph note in French (untranslated) on a card signed by him, postmarked [1887], addressed to Carl von Hock: “Reçois le mot, mille régrets. Empêché ce soir par les dernières représentation…”. Size is 5.2 x 3.1 inches, creases, in overall good condition.
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Autograph note in French (untranslated) on a card signed by him, postmarked [1887], addressed to... read more >
    French poet and dramatist (1850-1930). Autograph note in French (untranslated) on a card signed by him, postmarked [1887], addressed to Carl von Hock: “Reçois le mot, mille régrets. Empêché ce soir par les dernières représentation…”. Size is 5.2 x 3.1 inches, creases, in overall good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3864-C6A) - Added on:
    French opera composer (1863-1919) who won the Prix de Rome in 1888 for his cantata "Velléde"; his most famous opera "Le Juif Polonais" premiered at the Opéra-Comique in 1900. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1897, addressed to the composer Vincent d’Indy, concerning the latter’s work “Fervaal” (1897): “…Je vous serai bien obligé de me faire envoyer la partition de “Fervaal” au plus vite – Envoyez moi aussi, sans faute, les notes très detaillés sur votre oeuvre…”  Open size Size is 9 x 6.9 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    French opera composer (1863-1919) who won the Prix de Rome in 1888 for his cantata "Velléde"; his most famous opera... read more >
    French opera composer (1863-1919) who won the Prix de Rome in 1888 for his cantata "Velléde"; his most famous opera "Le Juif Polonais" premiered at the Opéra-Comique in 1900. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1897, addressed to the composer Vincent d’Indy, concerning the latter’s work “Fervaal” (1897): “…Je vous serai bien obligé de me faire envoyer la partition de “Fervaal” au plus vite – Envoyez moi aussi, sans faute, les notes très detaillés sur votre oeuvre…”  Open size Size is 9 x 6.9 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    French opera composer (1863-1919) who won the Prix...

    $180.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K3864-C6A) - Added on:
    French opera composer (1863-1919) who won the Prix de Rome in 1888 for his cantata "Velléde"; his most famous opera "Le Juif Polonais" premiered at the Opéra-Comique in 1900. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1897, addressed to the composer Vincent d’Indy, concerning the latter’s work “Fervaal” (1897): “…Je vous serai bien obligé de me faire envoyer la partition de “Fervaal” au plus vite – Envoyez moi aussi, sans faute, les notes très detaillés sur votre oeuvre…”  Open size Size is 9 x 6.9 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    French opera composer (1863-1919) who won the Prix de Rome in 1888 for his cantata "Velléde"; his most famous opera... read more >
    French opera composer (1863-1919) who won the Prix de Rome in 1888 for his cantata "Velléde"; his most famous opera "Le Juif Polonais" premiered at the Opéra-Comique in 1900. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1897, addressed to the composer Vincent d’Indy, concerning the latter’s work “Fervaal” (1897): “…Je vous serai bien obligé de me faire envoyer la partition de “Fervaal” au plus vite – Envoyez moi aussi, sans faute, les notes très detaillés sur votre oeuvre…”  Open size Size is 9 x 6.9 inches, 2 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.

    (Item #: K3866-C6B) - Added on:
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for his opera "Jocelyn", 5 symphonies, and other works. Lot of fourteen documents: thirteen signed autograph letters and one autograph dedication signed by the French composer and violinist. We report an extract as a sample: “…vous m’aviez très amicalement demandé de chanter mes villanelles à la trompette et j’aurais été heureux de vous les accompagner, mais, d’après la note placée au bas du programme de samedi prochain, vous avez dû voir que je ne faisais plus partie de ces séances…”. The lot has a total of 24 pp. In-8. Included: portrait of the composer engraved by the painter Paul Mathey. In-4. ; two autograph letters signed by A. Roussel (MP) and the poet Charles Grandmougin (1850-1930) addressed to Godard concerning arrangements on meetings. 2 pp. In-8. Shown here are some scans of this lot, NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IS SHOWN.
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for his opera "Jocelyn", 5 symphonies, and other works. Lot of fourteen documents:... read more >
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for his opera "Jocelyn", 5 symphonies, and other works. Lot of fourteen documents: thirteen signed autograph letters and one autograph dedication signed by the French composer and violinist. We report an extract as a sample: “…vous m’aviez très amicalement demandé de chanter mes villanelles à la trompette et j’aurais été heureux de vous les accompagner, mais, d’après la note placée au bas du programme de samedi prochain, vous avez dû voir que je ne faisais plus partie de ces séances…”. The lot has a total of 24 pp. In-8. Included: portrait of the composer engraved by the painter Paul Mathey. In-4. ; two autograph letters signed by A. Roussel (MP) and the poet Charles Grandmougin (1850-1930) addressed to Godard concerning arrangements on meetings. 2 pp. In-8. Shown here are some scans of this lot, NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IS SHOWN.
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for...

    $1,000.00 USD


    (Item #: K3866-C6B) - Added on:
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for his opera "Jocelyn", 5 symphonies, and other works. Lot of fourteen documents: thirteen signed autograph letters and one autograph dedication signed by the French composer and violinist. We report an extract as a sample: “…vous m’aviez très amicalement demandé de chanter mes villanelles à la trompette et j’aurais été heureux de vous les accompagner, mais, d’après la note placée au bas du programme de samedi prochain, vous avez dû voir que je ne faisais plus partie de ces séances…”. The lot has a total of 24 pp. In-8. Included: portrait of the composer engraved by the painter Paul Mathey. In-4. ; two autograph letters signed by A. Roussel (MP) and the poet Charles Grandmougin (1850-1930) addressed to Godard concerning arrangements on meetings. 2 pp. In-8. Shown here are some scans of this lot, NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IS SHOWN.
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for his opera "Jocelyn", 5 symphonies, and other works. Lot of fourteen documents:... read more >
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for his opera "Jocelyn", 5 symphonies, and other works. Lot of fourteen documents: thirteen signed autograph letters and one autograph dedication signed by the French composer and violinist. We report an extract as a sample: “…vous m’aviez très amicalement demandé de chanter mes villanelles à la trompette et j’aurais été heureux de vous les accompagner, mais, d’après la note placée au bas du programme de samedi prochain, vous avez dû voir que je ne faisais plus partie de ces séances…”. The lot has a total of 24 pp. In-8. Included: portrait of the composer engraved by the painter Paul Mathey. In-4. ; two autograph letters signed by A. Roussel (MP) and the poet Charles Grandmougin (1850-1930) addressed to Godard concerning arrangements on meetings. 2 pp. In-8. Shown here are some scans of this lot, NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IS SHOWN.
  • (Listed in STRING AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3867-C6B) - Added on:
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for his opera "Jocelyn", 5 symphonies, and other works. Two important biographical autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, both from 1880, addressed to his future wife Madame Godard. We report an extract as a sample. 25/7 1880: “…j’ai été charmé de la bonne journée que j’ai passée avec vous et votre aimable famille; je vous remercie de votre cordiale réception. Je vous envoie par le même courrier trois morceaux pour le piano (…) Pourrai-je me permettre sur le titre du morceau de mettre à mon élève Feydeau ?…”.  Each one has 3 written pages in one folded sheet, open size is 10.5 x 8.2 inches each letter, folds, creases, dirt stains, in overall very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for his opera "Jocelyn", 5 symphonies, and other works. Two important biographical autograph... read more >
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for his opera "Jocelyn", 5 symphonies, and other works. Two important biographical autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, both from 1880, addressed to his future wife Madame Godard. We report an extract as a sample. 25/7 1880: “…j’ai été charmé de la bonne journée que j’ai passée avec vous et votre aimable famille; je vous remercie de votre cordiale réception. Je vous envoie par le même courrier trois morceaux pour le piano (…) Pourrai-je me permettre sur le titre du morceau de mettre à mon élève Feydeau ?…”.  Each one has 3 written pages in one folded sheet, open size is 10.5 x 8.2 inches each letter, folds, creases, dirt stains, in overall very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for...

    $400.00 USD

    (Listed in STRING AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($250 - $500))

    (Item #: K3867-C6B) - Added on:
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for his opera "Jocelyn", 5 symphonies, and other works. Two important biographical autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, both from 1880, addressed to his future wife Madame Godard. We report an extract as a sample. 25/7 1880: “…j’ai été charmé de la bonne journée que j’ai passée avec vous et votre aimable famille; je vous remercie de votre cordiale réception. Je vous envoie par le même courrier trois morceaux pour le piano (…) Pourrai-je me permettre sur le titre du morceau de mettre à mon élève Feydeau ?…”.  Each one has 3 written pages in one folded sheet, open size is 10.5 x 8.2 inches each letter, folds, creases, dirt stains, in overall very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for his opera "Jocelyn", 5 symphonies, and other works. Two important biographical autograph... read more >
    French violinist (1849-1895) and composer, best known for his opera "Jocelyn", 5 symphonies, and other works. Two important biographical autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, both from 1880, addressed to his future wife Madame Godard. We report an extract as a sample. 25/7 1880: “…j’ai été charmé de la bonne journée que j’ai passée avec vous et votre aimable famille; je vous remercie de votre cordiale réception. Je vous envoie par le même courrier trois morceaux pour le piano (…) Pourrai-je me permettre sur le titre du morceau de mettre à mon élève Feydeau ?…”.  Each one has 3 written pages in one folded sheet, open size is 10.5 x 8.2 inches each letter, folds, creases, dirt stains, in overall very good condition. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.

    (Item #: K3857-C6B) - Added on:
    Brazilian-born mezzo-soprano (b.1950). Fine black-and-white photograph signed and inscribed by her, here shown in Verdi's Nabucco at Teatro Regio in Turin. Size is 4.75 x 6.25 inches, pinholes in upper corners, in very good condition.
    Brazilian-born mezzo-soprano (b.1950). Fine black-and-white photograph signed and inscribed by her, here shown in Verdi's Nabucco at Teatro Regio in... read more >
    Brazilian-born mezzo-soprano (b.1950). Fine black-and-white photograph signed and inscribed by her, here shown in Verdi's Nabucco at Teatro Regio in Turin. Size is 4.75 x 6.25 inches, pinholes in upper corners, in very good condition.
    Brazilian-born mezzo-soprano (b.1950). Fine black-and-white photograph signed and...

    $40.00 USD


    (Item #: K3857-C6B) - Added on:
    Brazilian-born mezzo-soprano (b.1950). Fine black-and-white photograph signed and inscribed by her, here shown in Verdi's Nabucco at Teatro Regio in Turin. Size is 4.75 x 6.25 inches, pinholes in upper corners, in very good condition.
    Brazilian-born mezzo-soprano (b.1950). Fine black-and-white photograph signed and inscribed by her, here shown in Verdi's Nabucco at Teatro Regio in... read more >
    Brazilian-born mezzo-soprano (b.1950). Fine black-and-white photograph signed and inscribed by her, here shown in Verdi's Nabucco at Teatro Regio in Turin. Size is 4.75 x 6.25 inches, pinholes in upper corners, in very good condition.
  • (Listed in POLITICS & MILITARY AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3849-C6B) - Added on:
    French deputy (1816-1897). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, January 19, 1864, addressed to the Prefect, asking for two invitations for a Bal at the Hôtel de Ville for “…Madame et Mademoiselle de Bruillard…”.  Size is 7.7 x 9.9 inches, 1 page, letterhead "Corps Legislatif", folds, some creases, in overall very good condition.
    French deputy (1816-1897). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, January 19, 1864, addressed to the... read more >
    French deputy (1816-1897). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, January 19, 1864, addressed to the Prefect, asking for two invitations for a Bal at the Hôtel de Ville for “…Madame et Mademoiselle de Bruillard…”.  Size is 7.7 x 9.9 inches, 1 page, letterhead "Corps Legislatif", folds, some creases, in overall very good condition.
    French deputy (1816-1897). Autograph letter in French (untranslated)...

    $50.00 USD

    (Listed in POLITICS & MILITARY AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K3849-C6B) - Added on:
    French deputy (1816-1897). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, January 19, 1864, addressed to the Prefect, asking for two invitations for a Bal at the Hôtel de Ville for “…Madame et Mademoiselle de Bruillard…”.  Size is 7.7 x 9.9 inches, 1 page, letterhead "Corps Legislatif", folds, some creases, in overall very good condition.
    French deputy (1816-1897). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, January 19, 1864, addressed to the... read more >
    French deputy (1816-1897). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, January 19, 1864, addressed to the Prefect, asking for two invitations for a Bal at the Hôtel de Ville for “…Madame et Mademoiselle de Bruillard…”.  Size is 7.7 x 9.9 inches, 1 page, letterhead "Corps Legislatif", folds, some creases, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2657-C6A) - Added on:
    French singer (1801-1868), teacher and writer, cantor of the music chapel of Charles X, he was much appreciated by Luigi Cherubini and Carl Maria von Weber. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated, addressed to a Maître, concerning the visit of the journalist Louis Esnault: “…vous ne pouvez pas douter du plaisir que nous aurons à faire la connaissance performelle d’un homme dont nous aimons le beau talent depuis long-temps…”. Size is 5.3 x 8.45 inches, 1 page, letterhead of "L'Univers Musical", folds, creases, in overall good condition.
    French singer (1801-1868), teacher and writer, cantor of the music chapel of Charles X, he was much appreciated by Luigi... read more >
    French singer (1801-1868), teacher and writer, cantor of the music chapel of Charles X, he was much appreciated by Luigi Cherubini and Carl Maria von Weber. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated, addressed to a Maître, concerning the visit of the journalist Louis Esnault: “…vous ne pouvez pas douter du plaisir que nous aurons à faire la connaissance performelle d’un homme dont nous aimons le beau talent depuis long-temps…”. Size is 5.3 x 8.45 inches, 1 page, letterhead of "L'Univers Musical", folds, creases, in overall good condition.
    French singer (1801-1868), teacher and writer, cantor of...

    $80.00 USD

    (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2657-C6A) - Added on:
    French singer (1801-1868), teacher and writer, cantor of the music chapel of Charles X, he was much appreciated by Luigi Cherubini and Carl Maria von Weber. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated, addressed to a Maître, concerning the visit of the journalist Louis Esnault: “…vous ne pouvez pas douter du plaisir que nous aurons à faire la connaissance performelle d’un homme dont nous aimons le beau talent depuis long-temps…”. Size is 5.3 x 8.45 inches, 1 page, letterhead of "L'Univers Musical", folds, creases, in overall good condition.
    French singer (1801-1868), teacher and writer, cantor of the music chapel of Charles X, he was much appreciated by Luigi... read more >
    French singer (1801-1868), teacher and writer, cantor of the music chapel of Charles X, he was much appreciated by Luigi Cherubini and Carl Maria von Weber. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, no date indicated, addressed to a Maître, concerning the visit of the journalist Louis Esnault: “…vous ne pouvez pas douter du plaisir que nous aurons à faire la connaissance performelle d’un homme dont nous aimons le beau talent depuis long-temps…”. Size is 5.3 x 8.45 inches, 1 page, letterhead of "L'Univers Musical", folds, creases, in overall good condition.
  • (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2650a-C6A) - Added on:
    French mezzo-soprano (1855-1901). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Paris, May 26, no year, addressed to a gentleman, concerning his recent debut as Odette in Halevy's opera “Charles VI”, explaining her lack of confidence pretending to be a foreigner: “…j’ose éspérer toute votre indulgence pour la pauvre américaine qui essaie pour la première fois d’aborder la scène française (…) j’ai chanté du jour au lendemain, sans répétition aucune; vous le savez Monsieur, les Américains sont audacieux, et les américaines aussi…”.  Size is 8.8 x 6.9 inches, four written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, dirt stains, light cracks over borders, in overall good condition.
    French mezzo-soprano (1855-1901). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Paris, May 26, no year, addressed to... read more >
    French mezzo-soprano (1855-1901). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Paris, May 26, no year, addressed to a gentleman, concerning his recent debut as Odette in Halevy's opera “Charles VI”, explaining her lack of confidence pretending to be a foreigner: “…j’ose éspérer toute votre indulgence pour la pauvre américaine qui essaie pour la première fois d’aborder la scène française (…) j’ai chanté du jour au lendemain, sans répétition aucune; vous le savez Monsieur, les Américains sont audacieux, et les américaines aussi…”.  Size is 8.8 x 6.9 inches, four written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, dirt stains, light cracks over borders, in overall good condition.
    French mezzo-soprano (1855-1901). Autograph letter in French (untranslated)...

    $70.00 USD

    (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2650a-C6A) - Added on:
    French mezzo-soprano (1855-1901). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Paris, May 26, no year, addressed to a gentleman, concerning his recent debut as Odette in Halevy's opera “Charles VI”, explaining her lack of confidence pretending to be a foreigner: “…j’ose éspérer toute votre indulgence pour la pauvre américaine qui essaie pour la première fois d’aborder la scène française (…) j’ai chanté du jour au lendemain, sans répétition aucune; vous le savez Monsieur, les Américains sont audacieux, et les américaines aussi…”.  Size is 8.8 x 6.9 inches, four written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, dirt stains, light cracks over borders, in overall good condition.
    French mezzo-soprano (1855-1901). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Paris, May 26, no year, addressed to... read more >
    French mezzo-soprano (1855-1901). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Paris, May 26, no year, addressed to a gentleman, concerning his recent debut as Odette in Halevy's opera “Charles VI”, explaining her lack of confidence pretending to be a foreigner: “…j’ose éspérer toute votre indulgence pour la pauvre américaine qui essaie pour la première fois d’aborder la scène française (…) j’ai chanté du jour au lendemain, sans répétition aucune; vous le savez Monsieur, les Américains sont audacieux, et les américaines aussi…”.  Size is 8.8 x 6.9 inches, four written pages in one folded sheet, folds, creases, dirt stains, light cracks over borders, in overall good condition.
  • (Listed in OPERA SINGER CDVS & CABINET PHOTOS ($100 - 250))

    (Item #: K2665-C6A) - Added on:
    Star Australian soprano (1861-1931), who became one of the most famous singers of the late Victorian Era and the 20th century for her beautiful voice and technique. Fine cabinet photographic portrait of the acclaimed Australian coloratura soprano, by photographer Benque & Co. Size is 4.75 x 8 inches, in very good condition.
    Star Australian soprano (1861-1931), who became one of the most famous singers of the late Victorian Era and the 20th... read more >
    Star Australian soprano (1861-1931), who became one of the most famous singers of the late Victorian Era and the 20th century for her beautiful voice and technique. Fine cabinet photographic portrait of the acclaimed Australian coloratura soprano, by photographer Benque & Co. Size is 4.75 x 8 inches, in very good condition.
    Star Australian soprano (1861-1931), who became one of...

    $150.00 USD

    (Listed in OPERA SINGER CDVS & CABINET PHOTOS ($100 - 250))

    (Item #: K2665-C6A) - Added on:
    Star Australian soprano (1861-1931), who became one of the most famous singers of the late Victorian Era and the 20th century for her beautiful voice and technique. Fine cabinet photographic portrait of the acclaimed Australian coloratura soprano, by photographer Benque & Co. Size is 4.75 x 8 inches, in very good condition.
    Star Australian soprano (1861-1931), who became one of the most famous singers of the late Victorian Era and the 20th... read more >
    Star Australian soprano (1861-1931), who became one of the most famous singers of the late Victorian Era and the 20th century for her beautiful voice and technique. Fine cabinet photographic portrait of the acclaimed Australian coloratura soprano, by photographer Benque & Co. Size is 4.75 x 8 inches, in very good condition.
  • (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2656-C6A) - Added on:
    French dramatist (1854-1916) and composer, who often collaborated with other playwrights, composers, and musicians, for a large number of operettas, opéra-bouffes, comedies, and vaudevilles. Autograph letter in Frnch (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, October 19, 1897, to a gentleman composer, concerning a manuscript he cannot find: “…Il me semble vous l’avoir remis en vous disant: ‘gardez tout le commencement du second acte et modifiez surtout la fin qui couchait la pièce’…”.  Size is 4.6 x 7 inches each page, three written pages in one folded sheet, irregular borders, creases, folds, dirt stains, in good condition.
    French dramatist (1854-1916) and composer, who often collaborated with other playwrights, composers, and musicians, for a large number of operettas,... read more >
    French dramatist (1854-1916) and composer, who often collaborated with other playwrights, composers, and musicians, for a large number of operettas, opéra-bouffes, comedies, and vaudevilles. Autograph letter in Frnch (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, October 19, 1897, to a gentleman composer, concerning a manuscript he cannot find: “…Il me semble vous l’avoir remis en vous disant: ‘gardez tout le commencement du second acte et modifiez surtout la fin qui couchait la pièce’…”.  Size is 4.6 x 7 inches each page, three written pages in one folded sheet, irregular borders, creases, folds, dirt stains, in good condition.
    French dramatist (1854-1916) and composer, who often collaborated...

    $80.00 USD

    (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2656-C6A) - Added on:
    French dramatist (1854-1916) and composer, who often collaborated with other playwrights, composers, and musicians, for a large number of operettas, opéra-bouffes, comedies, and vaudevilles. Autograph letter in Frnch (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, October 19, 1897, to a gentleman composer, concerning a manuscript he cannot find: “…Il me semble vous l’avoir remis en vous disant: ‘gardez tout le commencement du second acte et modifiez surtout la fin qui couchait la pièce’…”.  Size is 4.6 x 7 inches each page, three written pages in one folded sheet, irregular borders, creases, folds, dirt stains, in good condition.
    French dramatist (1854-1916) and composer, who often collaborated with other playwrights, composers, and musicians, for a large number of operettas,... read more >
    French dramatist (1854-1916) and composer, who often collaborated with other playwrights, composers, and musicians, for a large number of operettas, opéra-bouffes, comedies, and vaudevilles. Autograph letter in Frnch (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, October 19, 1897, to a gentleman composer, concerning a manuscript he cannot find: “…Il me semble vous l’avoir remis en vous disant: ‘gardez tout le commencement du second acte et modifiez surtout la fin qui couchait la pièce’…”.  Size is 4.6 x 7 inches each page, three written pages in one folded sheet, irregular borders, creases, folds, dirt stains, in good condition.
  • (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2654-C6A) - Added on:
    French dramatist (1834-1897) who published several novels and contributed to various newspapers, in special “La Lanterne” as a theater critic. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, March 10, 1879, addressed to the French actor Derval (1801-1885), asking for theater seats for that evening. Size is 5 x 8 inches, 1 page, folds, in overall very good condition.
    French dramatist (1834-1897) who published several novels and contributed to various newspapers, in special “La Lanterne” as a theater critic.... read more >
    French dramatist (1834-1897) who published several novels and contributed to various newspapers, in special “La Lanterne” as a theater critic. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, March 10, 1879, addressed to the French actor Derval (1801-1885), asking for theater seats for that evening. Size is 5 x 8 inches, 1 page, folds, in overall very good condition.
    French dramatist (1834-1897) who published several novels and...

    $50.00 USD

    (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2654-C6A) - Added on:
    French dramatist (1834-1897) who published several novels and contributed to various newspapers, in special “La Lanterne” as a theater critic. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, March 10, 1879, addressed to the French actor Derval (1801-1885), asking for theater seats for that evening. Size is 5 x 8 inches, 1 page, folds, in overall very good condition.
    French dramatist (1834-1897) who published several novels and contributed to various newspapers, in special “La Lanterne” as a theater critic.... read more >
    French dramatist (1834-1897) who published several novels and contributed to various newspapers, in special “La Lanterne” as a theater critic. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, March 10, 1879, addressed to the French actor Derval (1801-1885), asking for theater seats for that evening. Size is 5 x 8 inches, 1 page, folds, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2642-C6A) - Added on:
    Belgian composer (1784-1851) and horn player, Director of music at the Paris Opera between 1867 and 1870. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated June 17, 1842, addressed to the Belgian composer Joseph Daussoigne-Méhul (1790-1875), concerning a music work: “…pour le coup je ne sais ce que ton silence signifie, si ce que nous t’avons envoyé n’est pas bien, tu devrais nous le dire. J’ai vu ici cahou, il attend lui même ce qu’il doit graver; ses presses, ses ouvriers, tout cela attend, il ne sait a quoi attribuer tout ce grand retard…”. Size is 7 x 9.1 inches, 1 written page, folds, creases, with letter head of "Conservatoire de Musique de Gand", missing piece of paper over the left margin, in overall good condition.
    Belgian composer (1784-1851) and horn player, Director of music at the Paris Opera between 1867 and 1870. Autograph letter in... read more >
    Belgian composer (1784-1851) and horn player, Director of music at the Paris Opera between 1867 and 1870. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated June 17, 1842, addressed to the Belgian composer Joseph Daussoigne-Méhul (1790-1875), concerning a music work: “…pour le coup je ne sais ce que ton silence signifie, si ce que nous t’avons envoyé n’est pas bien, tu devrais nous le dire. J’ai vu ici cahou, il attend lui même ce qu’il doit graver; ses presses, ses ouvriers, tout cela attend, il ne sait a quoi attribuer tout ce grand retard…”. Size is 7 x 9.1 inches, 1 written page, folds, creases, with letter head of "Conservatoire de Musique de Gand", missing piece of paper over the left margin, in overall good condition.
    Belgian composer (1784-1851) and horn player, Director of...

    $100.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2642-C6A) - Added on:
    Belgian composer (1784-1851) and horn player, Director of music at the Paris Opera between 1867 and 1870. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated June 17, 1842, addressed to the Belgian composer Joseph Daussoigne-Méhul (1790-1875), concerning a music work: “…pour le coup je ne sais ce que ton silence signifie, si ce que nous t’avons envoyé n’est pas bien, tu devrais nous le dire. J’ai vu ici cahou, il attend lui même ce qu’il doit graver; ses presses, ses ouvriers, tout cela attend, il ne sait a quoi attribuer tout ce grand retard…”. Size is 7 x 9.1 inches, 1 written page, folds, creases, with letter head of "Conservatoire de Musique de Gand", missing piece of paper over the left margin, in overall good condition.
    Belgian composer (1784-1851) and horn player, Director of music at the Paris Opera between 1867 and 1870. Autograph letter in... read more >
    Belgian composer (1784-1851) and horn player, Director of music at the Paris Opera between 1867 and 1870. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated June 17, 1842, addressed to the Belgian composer Joseph Daussoigne-Méhul (1790-1875), concerning a music work: “…pour le coup je ne sais ce que ton silence signifie, si ce que nous t’avons envoyé n’est pas bien, tu devrais nous le dire. J’ai vu ici cahou, il attend lui même ce qu’il doit graver; ses presses, ses ouvriers, tout cela attend, il ne sait a quoi attribuer tout ce grand retard…”. Size is 7 x 9.1 inches, 1 written page, folds, creases, with letter head of "Conservatoire de Musique de Gand", missing piece of paper over the left margin, in overall good condition.

    (Item #: K2531-C6A) - Added on:
    French theater actress (1841-1912), whose career developed both in Europe and North America with great success. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, postmarked 8.10.84, to Monsieur David: “…Quelle est l’épithète malsonnante que vous devez employer à mon égard, je dois vous anoncer que d’avance je vous pardonne car c’est moi seule qui ai tort; mais les répétitions et les fatigues qui j’endure sont les seules causes moyennes de mon impolitesse…”. Open size is 9 x 7 inches, three written pages in one folded sheet, creases, stains, folds, in overall very good condition. The original envelope is INCLUDED. ALSO INCLUDED is a nice carte-de-visite (CDV) with her portrait by photographer Bacard fils/de la Roche Succ. (Paris).
    French theater actress (1841-1912), whose career developed both in Europe and North America with great success. Autograph letter in French... read more >
    French theater actress (1841-1912), whose career developed both in Europe and North America with great success. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, postmarked 8.10.84, to Monsieur David: “…Quelle est l’épithète malsonnante que vous devez employer à mon égard, je dois vous anoncer que d’avance je vous pardonne car c’est moi seule qui ai tort; mais les répétitions et les fatigues qui j’endure sont les seules causes moyennes de mon impolitesse…”. Open size is 9 x 7 inches, three written pages in one folded sheet, creases, stains, folds, in overall very good condition. The original envelope is INCLUDED. ALSO INCLUDED is a nice carte-de-visite (CDV) with her portrait by photographer Bacard fils/de la Roche Succ. (Paris).
    French theater actress (1841-1912), whose career developed both...

    $140.00 USD


    (Item #: K2531-C6A) - Added on:
    French theater actress (1841-1912), whose career developed both in Europe and North America with great success. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, postmarked 8.10.84, to Monsieur David: “…Quelle est l’épithète malsonnante que vous devez employer à mon égard, je dois vous anoncer que d’avance je vous pardonne car c’est moi seule qui ai tort; mais les répétitions et les fatigues qui j’endure sont les seules causes moyennes de mon impolitesse…”. Open size is 9 x 7 inches, three written pages in one folded sheet, creases, stains, folds, in overall very good condition. The original envelope is INCLUDED. ALSO INCLUDED is a nice carte-de-visite (CDV) with her portrait by photographer Bacard fils/de la Roche Succ. (Paris).
    French theater actress (1841-1912), whose career developed both in Europe and North America with great success. Autograph letter in French... read more >
    French theater actress (1841-1912), whose career developed both in Europe and North America with great success. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, postmarked 8.10.84, to Monsieur David: “…Quelle est l’épithète malsonnante que vous devez employer à mon égard, je dois vous anoncer que d’avance je vous pardonne car c’est moi seule qui ai tort; mais les répétitions et les fatigues qui j’endure sont les seules causes moyennes de mon impolitesse…”. Open size is 9 x 7 inches, three written pages in one folded sheet, creases, stains, folds, in overall very good condition. The original envelope is INCLUDED. ALSO INCLUDED is a nice carte-de-visite (CDV) with her portrait by photographer Bacard fils/de la Roche Succ. (Paris).

    (Item #: K2641-C6A) - Added on:
    French contrabassist (1873-1950), composer, and conductor. Short autograph note in French signed by him on his visiting card. Size is 3.8 x 2.3 inches, some dirt stains, in very good condition.
    French contrabassist (1873-1950), composer, and conductor. Short autograph note in French signed by him on his visiting card. Size is... read more >
    French contrabassist (1873-1950), composer, and conductor. Short autograph note in French signed by him on his visiting card. Size is 3.8 x 2.3 inches, some dirt stains, in very good condition.
    French contrabassist (1873-1950), composer, and conductor. Short autograph...

    $40.00 USD


    (Item #: K2641-C6A) - Added on:
    French contrabassist (1873-1950), composer, and conductor. Short autograph note in French signed by him on his visiting card. Size is 3.8 x 2.3 inches, some dirt stains, in very good condition.
    French contrabassist (1873-1950), composer, and conductor. Short autograph note in French signed by him on his visiting card. Size is... read more >
    French contrabassist (1873-1950), composer, and conductor. Short autograph note in French signed by him on his visiting card. Size is 3.8 x 2.3 inches, some dirt stains, in very good condition.
  • (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K2625-C6A) - Added on:
    French singer (1866-1937), voice teacher, and music critic, husband of the pianist Marie Roger-Miclos. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1906 and 1909.  Letters are addressed to the composer and music critic Henri Woollett (1864-1936). We report an extract as a sample: “…Je crois que vous n’avez pas proposé l’oeuvre à Colonne. Pourquoi! Il est toujours à court d’oeuvres françaises…”. 3 pp. In-8 and in-16. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French singer (1866-1937), voice teacher, and music critic, husband of the pianist Marie Roger-Miclos. Set of two autograph letters in... read more >
    French singer (1866-1937), voice teacher, and music critic, husband of the pianist Marie Roger-Miclos. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1906 and 1909.  Letters are addressed to the composer and music critic Henri Woollett (1864-1936). We report an extract as a sample: “…Je crois que vous n’avez pas proposé l’oeuvre à Colonne. Pourquoi! Il est toujours à court d’oeuvres françaises…”. 3 pp. In-8 and in-16. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French singer (1866-1937), voice teacher, and music critic,...

    $120.00 USD

    (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K2625-C6A) - Added on:
    French singer (1866-1937), voice teacher, and music critic, husband of the pianist Marie Roger-Miclos. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1906 and 1909.  Letters are addressed to the composer and music critic Henri Woollett (1864-1936). We report an extract as a sample: “…Je crois que vous n’avez pas proposé l’oeuvre à Colonne. Pourquoi! Il est toujours à court d’oeuvres françaises…”. 3 pp. In-8 and in-16. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French singer (1866-1937), voice teacher, and music critic, husband of the pianist Marie Roger-Miclos. Set of two autograph letters in... read more >
    French singer (1866-1937), voice teacher, and music critic, husband of the pianist Marie Roger-Miclos. Set of two autograph letters in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1906 and 1909.  Letters are addressed to the composer and music critic Henri Woollett (1864-1936). We report an extract as a sample: “…Je crois que vous n’avez pas proposé l’oeuvre à Colonne. Pourquoi! Il est toujours à court d’oeuvres françaises…”. 3 pp. In-8 and in-16. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.

    (Item #: K2655-C6A) - Added on:
    French journalist (1821-1881), music publisher, and founder, with his brother Marie-Pierre Escudier, of the weekly magazine and music publishing company “La France Musicale” helping to establish Verdi's reputation across Europe. Autograph letter in French signed by him, dated in Paris, June 12, 1858, addressed to a gentleman, concerning a refusal to publish in a newspaper: “…Je ne m’explique pas, lorsque du côté de la propriété je n’éprouve point de résistance, que le Constitutionnel ferme les colonnes à la reproduction des sommaires du Reveil”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.5 inches, 1 page, some creases and folds, in overall very good condition.
    French journalist (1821-1881), music publisher, and founder, with his brother Marie-Pierre Escudier, of the weekly magazine and music publishing company... read more >
    French journalist (1821-1881), music publisher, and founder, with his brother Marie-Pierre Escudier, of the weekly magazine and music publishing company “La France Musicale” helping to establish Verdi's reputation across Europe. Autograph letter in French signed by him, dated in Paris, June 12, 1858, addressed to a gentleman, concerning a refusal to publish in a newspaper: “…Je ne m’explique pas, lorsque du côté de la propriété je n’éprouve point de résistance, que le Constitutionnel ferme les colonnes à la reproduction des sommaires du Reveil”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.5 inches, 1 page, some creases and folds, in overall very good condition.
    French journalist (1821-1881), music publisher, and founder, with...

    $185.00 USD


    (Item #: K2655-C6A) - Added on:
    French journalist (1821-1881), music publisher, and founder, with his brother Marie-Pierre Escudier, of the weekly magazine and music publishing company “La France Musicale” helping to establish Verdi's reputation across Europe. Autograph letter in French signed by him, dated in Paris, June 12, 1858, addressed to a gentleman, concerning a refusal to publish in a newspaper: “…Je ne m’explique pas, lorsque du côté de la propriété je n’éprouve point de résistance, que le Constitutionnel ferme les colonnes à la reproduction des sommaires du Reveil”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.5 inches, 1 page, some creases and folds, in overall very good condition.
    French journalist (1821-1881), music publisher, and founder, with his brother Marie-Pierre Escudier, of the weekly magazine and music publishing company... read more >
    French journalist (1821-1881), music publisher, and founder, with his brother Marie-Pierre Escudier, of the weekly magazine and music publishing company “La France Musicale” helping to establish Verdi's reputation across Europe. Autograph letter in French signed by him, dated in Paris, June 12, 1858, addressed to a gentleman, concerning a refusal to publish in a newspaper: “…Je ne m’explique pas, lorsque du côté de la propriété je n’éprouve point de résistance, que le Constitutionnel ferme les colonnes à la reproduction des sommaires du Reveil”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.5 inches, 1 page, some creases and folds, in overall very good condition.

    (Item #: K2661-C6A) - Added on:
    French dancer (1866-1908), a pupil of Zina Mérante, and was compared to the great ballerina Marie Taglioni for her grace and lightness. Beautiful vintage cabinet photo of her by photographer Benque & Co. Size is 5.3 x 8.6 inches, in excellent condition.
    French dancer (1866-1908), a pupil of Zina Mérante, and was compared to the great ballerina Marie Taglioni for her grace... read more >
    French dancer (1866-1908), a pupil of Zina Mérante, and was compared to the great ballerina Marie Taglioni for her grace and lightness. Beautiful vintage cabinet photo of her by photographer Benque & Co. Size is 5.3 x 8.6 inches, in excellent condition.
    French dancer (1866-1908), a pupil of Zina Mérante,...

    $75.00 USD


    (Item #: K2661-C6A) - Added on:
    French dancer (1866-1908), a pupil of Zina Mérante, and was compared to the great ballerina Marie Taglioni for her grace and lightness. Beautiful vintage cabinet photo of her by photographer Benque & Co. Size is 5.3 x 8.6 inches, in excellent condition.
    French dancer (1866-1908), a pupil of Zina Mérante, and was compared to the great ballerina Marie Taglioni for her grace... read more >
    French dancer (1866-1908), a pupil of Zina Mérante, and was compared to the great ballerina Marie Taglioni for her grace and lightness. Beautiful vintage cabinet photo of her by photographer Benque & Co. Size is 5.3 x 8.6 inches, in excellent condition.
  • (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2647-C6A) - Added on:
    French opera singer (1834-1906), composer, pianist, and organist, widowed to Roland de Cossé in 1871, Marquis de Brissac, she remarried in 1872 to Count Christian de Trédern. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Château de Brissac, October 12, addressed to a lady: “…Seriez-vous libre de venir passer une huitaine de jours à Brissac, entre le 22 et le 30 Octobre; j’ai besoin de travailler des choses que je dois chanter au concert de Eugéne d’Harcourt…”. Size is 4.5 x 7 inches, 1 page, folds, creases, in overall excellent condition. ALSO INCLUDED is an autograph letter signed “Van Ghill”, no date. A lady states: “…emplâtre sur la poitrine!!!!!!! très fatigué!!!! beaucoup d’irritation!! pas consignant pas possible de chanter…”. 1 p. In-8. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French opera singer (1834-1906), composer, pianist, and organist, widowed to Roland de Cossé in 1871, Marquis de Brissac, she remarried in... read more >
    French opera singer (1834-1906), composer, pianist, and organist, widowed to Roland de Cossé in 1871, Marquis de Brissac, she remarried in 1872 to Count Christian de Trédern. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Château de Brissac, October 12, addressed to a lady: “…Seriez-vous libre de venir passer une huitaine de jours à Brissac, entre le 22 et le 30 Octobre; j’ai besoin de travailler des choses que je dois chanter au concert de Eugéne d’Harcourt…”. Size is 4.5 x 7 inches, 1 page, folds, creases, in overall excellent condition. ALSO INCLUDED is an autograph letter signed “Van Ghill”, no date. A lady states: “…emplâtre sur la poitrine!!!!!!! très fatigué!!!! beaucoup d’irritation!! pas consignant pas possible de chanter…”. 1 p. In-8. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French opera singer (1834-1906), composer, pianist, and organist,...

    $100.00 USD

    (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2647-C6A) - Added on:
    French opera singer (1834-1906), composer, pianist, and organist, widowed to Roland de Cossé in 1871, Marquis de Brissac, she remarried in 1872 to Count Christian de Trédern. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Château de Brissac, October 12, addressed to a lady: “…Seriez-vous libre de venir passer une huitaine de jours à Brissac, entre le 22 et le 30 Octobre; j’ai besoin de travailler des choses que je dois chanter au concert de Eugéne d’Harcourt…”. Size is 4.5 x 7 inches, 1 page, folds, creases, in overall excellent condition. ALSO INCLUDED is an autograph letter signed “Van Ghill”, no date. A lady states: “…emplâtre sur la poitrine!!!!!!! très fatigué!!!! beaucoup d’irritation!! pas consignant pas possible de chanter…”. 1 p. In-8. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    French opera singer (1834-1906), composer, pianist, and organist, widowed to Roland de Cossé in 1871, Marquis de Brissac, she remarried in... read more >
    French opera singer (1834-1906), composer, pianist, and organist, widowed to Roland de Cossé in 1871, Marquis de Brissac, she remarried in 1872 to Count Christian de Trédern. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated in Château de Brissac, October 12, addressed to a lady: “…Seriez-vous libre de venir passer une huitaine de jours à Brissac, entre le 22 et le 30 Octobre; j’ai besoin de travailler des choses que je dois chanter au concert de Eugéne d’Harcourt…”. Size is 4.5 x 7 inches, 1 page, folds, creases, in overall excellent condition. ALSO INCLUDED is an autograph letter signed “Van Ghill”, no date. A lady states: “…emplâtre sur la poitrine!!!!!!! très fatigué!!!! beaucoup d’irritation!! pas consignant pas possible de chanter…”. 1 p. In-8. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2627A-C6A) - Added on:
    French songwriter (1863-1923) for many cafés-concerts, he was the son of the Imperial Conservatory professor Charles-Amable. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, January 4, 1909, addressed to the journalist and composer Maurice Duhamel (1884-1940): “…Voulez me remettre votre récession à demain même heure. Excusez-moi, mais je ne suis pas en état de causer affaires aujourd’hui…”. Open size is 10.7 x 7.1 inches, two written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead, creases, folds, in overall excellent condition. The original envelope is ALSO INCLUDED.
    French songwriter (1863-1923) for many cafés-concerts, he was the son of the Imperial Conservatory professor Charles-Amable. Autograph letter in French... read more >
    French songwriter (1863-1923) for many cafés-concerts, he was the son of the Imperial Conservatory professor Charles-Amable. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, January 4, 1909, addressed to the journalist and composer Maurice Duhamel (1884-1940): “…Voulez me remettre votre récession à demain même heure. Excusez-moi, mais je ne suis pas en état de causer affaires aujourd’hui…”. Open size is 10.7 x 7.1 inches, two written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead, creases, folds, in overall excellent condition. The original envelope is ALSO INCLUDED.
    French songwriter (1863-1923) for many cafés-concerts, he was...

    $70.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2627A-C6A) - Added on:
    French songwriter (1863-1923) for many cafés-concerts, he was the son of the Imperial Conservatory professor Charles-Amable. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, January 4, 1909, addressed to the journalist and composer Maurice Duhamel (1884-1940): “…Voulez me remettre votre récession à demain même heure. Excusez-moi, mais je ne suis pas en état de causer affaires aujourd’hui…”. Open size is 10.7 x 7.1 inches, two written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead, creases, folds, in overall excellent condition. The original envelope is ALSO INCLUDED.
    French songwriter (1863-1923) for many cafés-concerts, he was the son of the Imperial Conservatory professor Charles-Amable. Autograph letter in French... read more >
    French songwriter (1863-1923) for many cafés-concerts, he was the son of the Imperial Conservatory professor Charles-Amable. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris, January 4, 1909, addressed to the journalist and composer Maurice Duhamel (1884-1940): “…Voulez me remettre votre récession à demain même heure. Excusez-moi, mais je ne suis pas en état de causer affaires aujourd’hui…”. Open size is 10.7 x 7.1 inches, two written pages in one folded sheet, letterhead, creases, folds, in overall excellent condition. The original envelope is ALSO INCLUDED.
  • (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K2645-C6A) - Added on:
    French mezzo-soprano (1877-1970) whose name is often associated to the music avant-garde of Fauré, Debussy, Ravel, Satie, and others. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, no date, addressed to a friend “…M. Bormier, un de mes amis qui a un atelier où je fais des cours de chant, voudrait donner le 22 janvier Simon avec mise en scène, décors, récitation…”.  Size is 6 x 7.6 inches, two written pages, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    French mezzo-soprano (1877-1970) whose name is often associated to the music avant-garde of Fauré, Debussy, Ravel, Satie, and others. Autograph... read more >
    French mezzo-soprano (1877-1970) whose name is often associated to the music avant-garde of Fauré, Debussy, Ravel, Satie, and others. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, no date, addressed to a friend “…M. Bormier, un de mes amis qui a un atelier où je fais des cours de chant, voudrait donner le 22 janvier Simon avec mise en scène, décors, récitation…”.  Size is 6 x 7.6 inches, two written pages, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    French mezzo-soprano (1877-1970) whose name is often associated...

    $150.00 USD

    (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K2645-C6A) - Added on:
    French mezzo-soprano (1877-1970) whose name is often associated to the music avant-garde of Fauré, Debussy, Ravel, Satie, and others. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, no date, addressed to a friend “…M. Bormier, un de mes amis qui a un atelier où je fais des cours de chant, voudrait donner le 22 janvier Simon avec mise en scène, décors, récitation…”.  Size is 6 x 7.6 inches, two written pages, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    French mezzo-soprano (1877-1970) whose name is often associated to the music avant-garde of Fauré, Debussy, Ravel, Satie, and others. Autograph... read more >
    French mezzo-soprano (1877-1970) whose name is often associated to the music avant-garde of Fauré, Debussy, Ravel, Satie, and others. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, no date, addressed to a friend “…M. Bormier, un de mes amis qui a un atelier où je fais des cours de chant, voudrait donner le 22 janvier Simon avec mise en scène, décors, récitation…”.  Size is 6 x 7.6 inches, two written pages, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K2660-C6A) - Added on:
    German contralto (1857-1893), often remembered for her performances of Johannes Brahms' works. Autograph letter in German signed by her, dated in Wiesbaden October 19, 1887, addressed to a gentleman, concerning her fees for singing in Lausanne: “…Ich erlaube mir Ihnen Ihre Anfrage vom 17 d. zu erwieden, dass Ihre Permuhlung ich sänge in mehreren Konzerten in Lausanne wahrscheinlich auf einem Irsthume beruht. Herr R. Spiess hat sich vor Kurzem an mich gewendet, ob ich gerne einmal in Lausanne sänge, worauf ich ihm besahend antwortete, und ihm meine Honorärbedingungen ein sandte…”. Translation: “…I take the liberty of replying to your inquiry of the 17th that your belief that I sing in several concerts in Lausanne is probably based on an error. Mr. R. Spiess recently asked me if I would like to sing in Lausanne, to which I replied and sent him my fee conditions…”. Size is 4.9 x 7.8 inches each page, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, craeses, in overall very good condition.
    German contralto (1857-1893), often remembered for her performances of Johannes Brahms' works. Autograph letter in German signed by her, dated... read more >
    German contralto (1857-1893), often remembered for her performances of Johannes Brahms' works. Autograph letter in German signed by her, dated in Wiesbaden October 19, 1887, addressed to a gentleman, concerning her fees for singing in Lausanne: “…Ich erlaube mir Ihnen Ihre Anfrage vom 17 d. zu erwieden, dass Ihre Permuhlung ich sänge in mehreren Konzerten in Lausanne wahrscheinlich auf einem Irsthume beruht. Herr R. Spiess hat sich vor Kurzem an mich gewendet, ob ich gerne einmal in Lausanne sänge, worauf ich ihm besahend antwortete, und ihm meine Honorärbedingungen ein sandte…”. Translation: “…I take the liberty of replying to your inquiry of the 17th that your belief that I sing in several concerts in Lausanne is probably based on an error. Mr. R. Spiess recently asked me if I would like to sing in Lausanne, to which I replied and sent him my fee conditions…”. Size is 4.9 x 7.8 inches each page, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, craeses, in overall very good condition.
    German contralto (1857-1893), often remembered for her performances...

    $240.00 USD

    (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K2660-C6A) - Added on:
    German contralto (1857-1893), often remembered for her performances of Johannes Brahms' works. Autograph letter in German signed by her, dated in Wiesbaden October 19, 1887, addressed to a gentleman, concerning her fees for singing in Lausanne: “…Ich erlaube mir Ihnen Ihre Anfrage vom 17 d. zu erwieden, dass Ihre Permuhlung ich sänge in mehreren Konzerten in Lausanne wahrscheinlich auf einem Irsthume beruht. Herr R. Spiess hat sich vor Kurzem an mich gewendet, ob ich gerne einmal in Lausanne sänge, worauf ich ihm besahend antwortete, und ihm meine Honorärbedingungen ein sandte…”. Translation: “…I take the liberty of replying to your inquiry of the 17th that your belief that I sing in several concerts in Lausanne is probably based on an error. Mr. R. Spiess recently asked me if I would like to sing in Lausanne, to which I replied and sent him my fee conditions…”. Size is 4.9 x 7.8 inches each page, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, craeses, in overall very good condition.
    German contralto (1857-1893), often remembered for her performances of Johannes Brahms' works. Autograph letter in German signed by her, dated... read more >
    German contralto (1857-1893), often remembered for her performances of Johannes Brahms' works. Autograph letter in German signed by her, dated in Wiesbaden October 19, 1887, addressed to a gentleman, concerning her fees for singing in Lausanne: “…Ich erlaube mir Ihnen Ihre Anfrage vom 17 d. zu erwieden, dass Ihre Permuhlung ich sänge in mehreren Konzerten in Lausanne wahrscheinlich auf einem Irsthume beruht. Herr R. Spiess hat sich vor Kurzem an mich gewendet, ob ich gerne einmal in Lausanne sänge, worauf ich ihm besahend antwortete, und ihm meine Honorärbedingungen ein sandte…”. Translation: “…I take the liberty of replying to your inquiry of the 17th that your belief that I sing in several concerts in Lausanne is probably based on an error. Mr. R. Spiess recently asked me if I would like to sing in Lausanne, to which I replied and sent him my fee conditions…”. Size is 4.9 x 7.8 inches each page, 3 written pages in one folded sheet, folds, craeses, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in STRING AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2664-C6A) - Added on:
    German violinist ((1807-1887), voice teacher, and composer. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated March 31, 1854, addressed to the harpist and composer Léon Gatayes (1805-1877), offering him his “L'Art de Chanter”: “…qui vient de paraître et de vous prier de vouloir consacrer quelques instants à le parcourir…”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.3 inches, 1 page, blind-stamped letterhead, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    German violinist ((1807-1887), voice teacher, and composer. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated March 31, 1854, addressed... read more >
    German violinist ((1807-1887), voice teacher, and composer. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated March 31, 1854, addressed to the harpist and composer Léon Gatayes (1805-1877), offering him his “L'Art de Chanter”: “…qui vient de paraître et de vous prier de vouloir consacrer quelques instants à le parcourir…”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.3 inches, 1 page, blind-stamped letterhead, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    German violinist ((1807-1887), voice teacher, and composer. Autograph...

    $90.00 USD

    (Listed in STRING AUTOGRAPHS & MEMORABILIA ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2664-C6A) - Added on:
    German violinist ((1807-1887), voice teacher, and composer. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated March 31, 1854, addressed to the harpist and composer Léon Gatayes (1805-1877), offering him his “L'Art de Chanter”: “…qui vient de paraître et de vous prier de vouloir consacrer quelques instants à le parcourir…”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.3 inches, 1 page, blind-stamped letterhead, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
    German violinist ((1807-1887), voice teacher, and composer. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated March 31, 1854, addressed... read more >
    German violinist ((1807-1887), voice teacher, and composer. Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated March 31, 1854, addressed to the harpist and composer Léon Gatayes (1805-1877), offering him his “L'Art de Chanter”: “…qui vient de paraître et de vous prier de vouloir consacrer quelques instants à le parcourir…”.  Size is 5.4 x 8.3 inches, 1 page, blind-stamped letterhead, folds, creases, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in OPERA SINGER CDVS & CABINET PHOTOS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2632-C6A) - Added on:
    American soprano (1855-1912), who debuted in 1881 in "Hamlet" as Ophèlie. Beautiful vintage cabinet photograph of her by photographer Benque & Co. Size is 5.4 x 8.7 inches, in excellent condition.
    American soprano (1855-1912), who debuted in 1881 in "Hamlet" as Ophèlie. Beautiful vintage cabinet photograph of her by photographer Benque... read more >
    American soprano (1855-1912), who debuted in 1881 in "Hamlet" as Ophèlie. Beautiful vintage cabinet photograph of her by photographer Benque & Co. Size is 5.4 x 8.7 inches, in excellent condition.
    American soprano (1855-1912), who debuted in 1881 in...

    $75.00 USD

    (Listed in OPERA SINGER CDVS & CABINET PHOTOS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2632-C6A) - Added on:
    American soprano (1855-1912), who debuted in 1881 in "Hamlet" as Ophèlie. Beautiful vintage cabinet photograph of her by photographer Benque & Co. Size is 5.4 x 8.7 inches, in excellent condition.
    American soprano (1855-1912), who debuted in 1881 in "Hamlet" as Ophèlie. Beautiful vintage cabinet photograph of her by photographer Benque... read more >
    American soprano (1855-1912), who debuted in 1881 in "Hamlet" as Ophèlie. Beautiful vintage cabinet photograph of her by photographer Benque & Co. Size is 5.4 x 8.7 inches, in excellent condition.
  • (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2662-C6A) - Added on:
    Celebrated French tenor (1897-1984). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1981, to a gentleman: “…Je vous adresse une photographie prise à La Scala de Milan lors d’une représentation de la Fille du Far West. André Balbon est une de mes plus anciennes connaissances dans la profession lyrique, j’ai du le connaître en 1920…” Fine typed letter signed by him, dated 1935, to a gentleman, thanking him for his compliments and sending a picture. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    Celebrated French tenor (1897-1984). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1981, to a gentleman: “…Je vous adresse... read more >
    Celebrated French tenor (1897-1984). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1981, to a gentleman: “…Je vous adresse une photographie prise à La Scala de Milan lors d’une représentation de la Fille du Far West. André Balbon est une de mes plus anciennes connaissances dans la profession lyrique, j’ai du le connaître en 1920…” Fine typed letter signed by him, dated 1935, to a gentleman, thanking him for his compliments and sending a picture. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    Celebrated French tenor (1897-1984). Autograph letter in French...

    $100.00 USD

    (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2662-C6A) - Added on:
    Celebrated French tenor (1897-1984). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1981, to a gentleman: “…Je vous adresse une photographie prise à La Scala de Milan lors d’une représentation de la Fille du Far West. André Balbon est une de mes plus anciennes connaissances dans la profession lyrique, j’ai du le connaître en 1920…” Fine typed letter signed by him, dated 1935, to a gentleman, thanking him for his compliments and sending a picture. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
    Celebrated French tenor (1897-1984). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1981, to a gentleman: “…Je vous adresse... read more >
    Celebrated French tenor (1897-1984). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated 1981, to a gentleman: “…Je vous adresse une photographie prise à La Scala de Milan lors d’une représentation de la Fille du Far West. André Balbon est une de mes plus anciennes connaissances dans la profession lyrique, j’ai du le connaître en 1920…” Fine typed letter signed by him, dated 1935, to a gentleman, thanking him for his compliments and sending a picture. SOLD TOGETHER, NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.
  • (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K2646-C6A) - Added on:
    French soprano (1802-1861), creator of Zerlina in Auber's "Fra Diavolo" (1930) and Madeleine in Adam's "Le Postillon de Lonjumeau" (1836). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated 1827, addressed to a gentleman, concerning a wage increase: “…je ne pense pas que la demande de 2000fr d’augmentation soit exagérée, et d’avance elle m’était promise (…) Je chante la première chanteuse, je joue l’emploi de St. Aubin et les rôles crées par Madame Pradher…”.  Size is 7.3 x 9.5 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), creases, folds, in overall very good condition.
    French soprano (1802-1861), creator of Zerlina in Auber's "Fra Diavolo" (1930) and Madeleine in Adam's "Le Postillon de Lonjumeau" (1836).... read more >
    French soprano (1802-1861), creator of Zerlina in Auber's "Fra Diavolo" (1930) and Madeleine in Adam's "Le Postillon de Lonjumeau" (1836). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated 1827, addressed to a gentleman, concerning a wage increase: “…je ne pense pas que la demande de 2000fr d’augmentation soit exagérée, et d’avance elle m’était promise (…) Je chante la première chanteuse, je joue l’emploi de St. Aubin et les rôles crées par Madame Pradher…”.  Size is 7.3 x 9.5 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), creases, folds, in overall very good condition.
    French soprano (1802-1861), creator of Zerlina in Auber's...

    $120.00 USD

    (Listed in SINGERS - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($100 - $250))

    (Item #: K2646-C6A) - Added on:
    French soprano (1802-1861), creator of Zerlina in Auber's "Fra Diavolo" (1930) and Madeleine in Adam's "Le Postillon de Lonjumeau" (1836). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated 1827, addressed to a gentleman, concerning a wage increase: “…je ne pense pas que la demande de 2000fr d’augmentation soit exagérée, et d’avance elle m’était promise (…) Je chante la première chanteuse, je joue l’emploi de St. Aubin et les rôles crées par Madame Pradher…”.  Size is 7.3 x 9.5 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), creases, folds, in overall very good condition.
    French soprano (1802-1861), creator of Zerlina in Auber's "Fra Diavolo" (1930) and Madeleine in Adam's "Le Postillon de Lonjumeau" (1836).... read more >
    French soprano (1802-1861), creator of Zerlina in Auber's "Fra Diavolo" (1930) and Madeleine in Adam's "Le Postillon de Lonjumeau" (1836). Autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by her, dated 1827, addressed to a gentleman, concerning a wage increase: “…je ne pense pas que la demande de 2000fr d’augmentation soit exagérée, et d’avance elle m’était promise (…) Je chante la première chanteuse, je joue l’emploi de St. Aubin et les rôles crées par Madame Pradher…”.  Size is 7.3 x 9.5 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), creases, folds, in overall very good condition.
  • (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2650-C6A) - Added on:
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and music critic, director of Brussels Conservatory. Autograph letter in Dutch signed by him in pencil on the back of his personal card, to a gentleman concerning an upcoming meeting, Size is 3.8 x 2.25 inches, in excellent condition.
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and music critic, director of Brussels Conservatory. Autograph letter in Dutch signed by him in pencil on... read more >
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and music critic, director of Brussels Conservatory. Autograph letter in Dutch signed by him in pencil on the back of his personal card, to a gentleman concerning an upcoming meeting, Size is 3.8 x 2.25 inches, in excellent condition.
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and music critic, director of...

    $50.00 USD

    (Listed in COMPOSER AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2650-C6A) - Added on:
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and music critic, director of Brussels Conservatory. Autograph letter in Dutch signed by him in pencil on the back of his personal card, to a gentleman concerning an upcoming meeting, Size is 3.8 x 2.25 inches, in excellent condition.
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and music critic, director of Brussels Conservatory. Autograph letter in Dutch signed by him in pencil on... read more >
    Belgian composer (1828-1908) and music critic, director of Brussels Conservatory. Autograph letter in Dutch signed by him in pencil on the back of his personal card, to a gentleman concerning an upcoming meeting, Size is 3.8 x 2.25 inches, in excellent condition.
  • (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS (0 - $50))

    (Item #: K2631-C6A) - Added on:
    Madagascar-born French writer and director (1902-1985). Typed letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris on Feb 10th, 1967. Size is 8.25 x 10.6 inches, 1 written page, in excellent condition.
    Madagascar-born French writer and director (1902-1985). Typed letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris on Feb 10th,... read more >
    Madagascar-born French writer and director (1902-1985). Typed letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris on Feb 10th, 1967. Size is 8.25 x 10.6 inches, 1 written page, in excellent condition.
    Madagascar-born French writer and director (1902-1985). Typed letter...

    $45.00 USD

    (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS (0 - $50))

    (Item #: K2631-C6A) - Added on:
    Madagascar-born French writer and director (1902-1985). Typed letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris on Feb 10th, 1967. Size is 8.25 x 10.6 inches, 1 written page, in excellent condition.
    Madagascar-born French writer and director (1902-1985). Typed letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris on Feb 10th,... read more >
    Madagascar-born French writer and director (1902-1985). Typed letter in French (untranslated) signed by him, dated in Paris on Feb 10th, 1967. Size is 8.25 x 10.6 inches, 1 written page, in excellent condition.
  • (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2658-C6A) - Added on:
    French poet (1864-1936). Fine autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him. Size is 4.1 x 6.75 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), some stains, in very good condition.
    French poet (1864-1936). Fine autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him. Size is 4.1 x 6.75 inches, 2 written... read more >
    French poet (1864-1936). Fine autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him. Size is 4.1 x 6.75 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), some stains, in very good condition.
    French poet (1864-1936). Fine autograph letter in French...

    $60.00 USD

    (Listed in LITERATURE AUTOGRAPHS ($50 - $100))

    (Item #: K2658-C6A) - Added on:
    French poet (1864-1936). Fine autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him. Size is 4.1 x 6.75 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), some stains, in very good condition.
    French poet (1864-1936). Fine autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him. Size is 4.1 x 6.75 inches, 2 written... read more >
    French poet (1864-1936). Fine autograph letter in French (untranslated) signed by him. Size is 4.1 x 6.75 inches, 2 written pages in one sheet (front and back), some stains, in very good condition.
Showing items 1-48 of 18613.


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